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Last updated: Wed Jan 30 05:20:09 pm 2008 (EST) by Krzysztof Starosta

PHY193H, Spring 2008 - Honors Physics I-Mechanics

Michigan State University


Course Coordinator: Krzysztof Starosta, Felicia V Berryman
Teaching Assistant: Chi Zhang

RSS Feeds and Blogs

No available RSS Feeds and Blogs

Instructor Information

Prof. Krzysztof Starosta
Office: W-107 Cyclotron Laboratory,
Phone: 324-8138 (from campus: 5-9672 ext. 138)
use LONCAPA system for e-mail correspondence

Teaching Assistant:
Mr. Chi Zhang
Office: 100 Cyclotron Laboratory,
Phone: 333-6489 (from campus: 5-9672 ext. 489)
use LONCAPA system for e-mail correspondence

Course Description

Classical mechanics and waves


MTH133 or MTH153H or LBS119 or any one of these concurrently

Class Hours

Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:20 - 11:10 am, BPS 1415
Recitations: Tuesday, 10:20 - 11:10 am, BPS 1415

Office Hours

Office hours will be held at the BPS1248 (Charles J. Strosacker Learning Center)

Krzysztof Starosta: Friday, 2:00 - 3:00 PM and by appointment.

Chi Zhang : Monday, 1:00 - 2:00 PM and by appointment.

Helproom Hours

The Teaching Assistant for the course is Mr. Chi Zhang. The TA's job is to assist students in homework assignments by solving example problems at the recitations. TA is available for regular office hours (one hour per week) and also is accessible via e-mail at zhangc15@msu.edu or for individual appointments (for up to three hours per week).

The help room is BPS1248 (Charles J. Strosacker Center).

In addition, there is a discussion forum within LONCAPA where students can post and answer questions.

Exam Information

There will be three, one-hour long, in-class exams and one, two-hour long, final exam. For dates, see course schedule at http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~starosta/PHY193H.html . Maximum in-class exam contribution the final grade is 13% each, 39% total. Maximum final-exam contribution the final grade is 36%. Make up for missed exams may be considered only for special, well justified cases, indicated to the instructor prior to the scheduled time for the exam.


Course schedule, dates, and deadlines for reading and homework assignments can be found at http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~starosta/PHY193H.html.

Students with learning disabilities or/and any other special needs should identify themselves to the instructor in the first week of classes. Individual arrangements will be made to accommodate these needs on a case-by-case basis.

Grading Information

The final grades will be calculated based on the final grade contributions given below.

........................Contribution to the final grade

Homework assignments....20 %,

Quizzes..............................7 %,

Midterms (13 % each)......39 %,

Final exam........................36 %.

This adds up to 102%, and includes 2% bonus points for potentially missed quizzes.

The final grades are going to be calculated based on the following thresholds.

x = % of total points......Final grade

90 =< x <100....................4.0

83 =< x < 90.....................3.5

76 =< x < 83.....................3.0

70 =< x < 76.....................2.5

64 =< x < 70.....................2.0

58 =< x < 64.....................1.5

52 =< x < 58.....................1.0

00 =< x < 52.....................0.0


Students are expected to read the chapters listed in the course schedule prior to each lecture. There will be LONCAPA-based quizzes on the reading assignments posted following each lecture, with a due date at 9:00 AM on the day of the forthcoming lecture, for details see course schedule at http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~starosta/PHY193H.html. The reading quizzes will, in particular, provide an opportunity to communicate to the lecturer difficulties with physics understanding of the material covered in the reading assignments; special attention will be dedicated to the problematic topics during the lecture. By default there is only one try for any single quiz question. Maximum reading quizzes contribution the final grade is 7%. There will be no make up for missed quizzes.


MSU's LONCAPA (http://msu.loncapa.org) system will be used for the course e-mail communication, homework and quizzes. One of the advantages of the LONCAPA system is that students may enter solutions to questions and problems and know immediately if they are right. Incorrect answers may be entered many times without penalty and credit is earned if the correct answer is entered within a prescribed number of trials prior to the due date. The LONCAPA system is accessible via most of web browsers, in particular using computers in the Charles J. Strosacker learning center, BPS 1248.


Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd Edition,
by P. Fishbane, S. Gasiorowicz and S. Thornton,
Prentice Hall.


Full Text (Ch. 1-40)
ISBN: 0-13-142094-1

Volume 1 (Ch. 1-20)
ISBN: 0-13-141883-1

Extended Version (Ch. 1-45)
ISBN: 0-13-035299-3