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We Welcome Your Ideas and Contributions...

LON-CAPA is open-source software where everyone is free to contribute to the development. If you think of an enhancement, or find a bug in the system, please report it. LON-CAPA uses Bugzilla ( to report and track bugs and enhancement requests. All reported bugs and enhancement requests posted on Bugzilla are examined by the core LON-CAPA team. Having the request in Bugzilla helps keep track of both bugs and feature requests, and is the preferred method of reporting bugs and requesting enhancements. You'll be able to see how the developers respond to the bug, which developer is currently responsible for it, and what the developer's intentions are.

You must have an account to use Bugzilla. You can create an account at by clicking on the link Open a New Bugzilla Account. You will be directed to send an e-mail to the LON-CAPA Helpdesk to request creation of a Bugzilla account. Once you have an open account, please search existing cases for related content before submitting a new case. Select "LON-CAPA" in the "Product" category when searching. Hold the Ctrl key while clicking multiple items. The "Component", "Version", and "Target" can be left undesignated. If you find a related bug, you can add comments instead of reporting a new bug. If you find a bug that you are interested in following, you can add your e-mail to the "Add cc:" box and click "Commit".

You can report a bug or request an enhancement as follows:

  1. Open the web page

  2. Click on the Enter a new bug report link.

  3. Select the (LON-CAPA) product link.

  4. At the login screen, enter your e-mail address and password.

  5. Click the [Login] button.

  6. Select the LON-CAPA Version, Component, Platform and Operating System (as much as known).

  7. Enter a summary in the "Summary" text box.

  8. Enter a description in the "Description" text box.

  9. Click the [Commit] button.

A developer will follow up with you.