Output Formats
The following are the output formats currently available for the chart.
- HTML, with links:
Output HTML with each symbol linked to the problem which generated it.
Problems the students have not attempted are not linked to. By including links,
the output web page can become very large. If your browser crashes on the
full display, try selecting less folders to view or choose to output the HTML
without links.
- HTML, with all links:
Output HTML with each symbol linked to the problem which generated it.
This includes links for unattempted problems. By including links,
the output web page can become very large. If your browser crashes on the
full display, try selecting less folders to view, or choose to output the HTML
without links.
- HTML, without links:
Output HTML without any links to any of the students' homework problems.
- Excel
Output an Excel 95 compatible file. Excel is limited to 256 columns, so you
may be asked to reduce the number of sequences or folders you have selected.
There is currently a 7 Megabyte limit on the size of the Excel files LON-CAPA
can generate.
Output a comma separated values file suitable for import into a spreadsheet
program. This method does not have any limitations on the size or number
of columns that can be exported.