This panel lets you choose how grades are displayed to students.
There are different "gradebooks" available:
- Standard: points are calculated by multiplying the fractional credit on a problem (part) with its weight, and added by folder
- Categories: points are calculated by multiplying the fractional credit on a problem (part) with its weight, and added according to categories set by the Course Coordinator. Categories in turn have different weights toward the overall course points.
- External, shows number number of completed parts and totals: shows only the number of sucessfully completed problems or problem parts and totals by folders - typically used when grades are calculated external to LON-CAPA.
- External, shows only number of completed parts: like above, but does not even calculate totals.
- Spreadsheet: the LON-CAPA-internal spreadsheet.
In addition, use of significant digits when grading numerical problems can be disabled from this panel.
Two additional settings available in this panel can be used to change the algorithms for (a) Receipt creation, and (b) Randomization. It is unlikely you would need to change those, and indeed you should avoid changing the Randomization algorithm once the course is in progress, and students have made submissions to assignments.