Any resource from the LON-CAPA network that you have permission to use
can be imported into your course documents, provided you are the Course Coordinator. All
resources from the LON-CAPA network can also be imported.
- The Browse tool is intended for use when you know the folder location of the resource, click on
The Browse Published Resources screen will open with a view of the
LON-CAPA network. Navigate to find the desired resource. For more guidance on
Browsing, see the section
- Check the boxes next to the resources you wish to import.
- Click the
button at the top of the screen.
- When selecting more than one document, you can re-arrange the order. Prior to insertion into the course
document sequence, click the
button to collect more resources, or to cancel the process. Click the
button to add the resources to
your course documents.
If you are importing a Web Page,
it is important to understand that image/linked files do not need to be
specifically imported into a course, if used within a published file
which is already imported into a course. The metadata for the imported
web page includes the dependencies, and import of the web page into the
course automatically allows students enrolled in the course access to
view the images as well as the web page which contains them.
NOTE: Your new resources will be visible the next time you log in, or by