LON-CAPA randomly displays the foils to students. If you choose to set the max number of displayed foils to 4, but only have 6 foils, then LON-CAPA will choose one of the True foils and fill in the rest of the foils with false foils, up to a maximum of four foils. To edit the 1 out of N multiple choice problem, enter your question text into the appropriate box. Then enter one foil statement into each foil box you want to use. You do not have to use all 10 of the foil boxes. For each foil you do use, you need to assign it a value of True or False.
You can choose to assign a foil a location. For example, the foils appear in random order to your students. If you have a foil statement of "None of the above", then you want this statement to always appear at the bottom.
After entering all of the correct foil text, you can add an optional hint. The hint text appears under the student's view of the problem after getting one incorrect submission. The hint text remains displayed on your students' views of the problem after it is correct, for study purposes.
At any point in the editing process,
you can choose to store your changes. Each time you click
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