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Prior to LON-CAPA 2.7, default language and authentication type/argument were defined in the domain's entry in the file. Those settings will continue to be used by servers in your domain until you have displayed and saved the Default authentication, language, timezone data table. Once that has been done, whenever values need to be determined for these settings in the domain they will be retrieved from the configuration.db file on the primary library server in your domain, which is where information saved from the "Domain Configuration" data tables is stored. Any information in the file will no longer be consulted, except by servers running pre-2.7 versions of LON-CAPA.

Default domain configurations can be assigned for:

Institutional user types can also be defined for the domain via the same screen.

Prior to LON-CAPA 2.11, institutional user types were defined in the &inst_usertypes subroutine in, which would be customized for consistency with types defined in institutional data feeds. Setting of user types via the Domain Configuration web GUI supersedes use of localenroll::inst_usertypes(). Items that can be set are:

Mapping for missing usernames via standard log-in can be enabled for the domain via the same screen.

For a user who logs-in to LON-CAPA via the standard log-in screen, customization is available to support credentials checking with an alternate username (but same password) if the username, as originally entered by the user, should be altered in a predictable way, to make it consistent with the format expected for usernames in the domain.

An example is where an email address is supplied as the username by the user, but the part of the email address which precedes the @ in the email address is what is actually used in LON-CAPA for the user's username.

A complication is the fact that a domain may support both types of username, e.g., userID, and userID@example.tld, as legitimate usernames for different types of user. For example the usernames for official users may look like: userID, but privileged users may also create user accounts for guest users (including "fictitous" usernames for themselves, to use to test course behavior as a student) which look like: userID@example.tld.

To accommodate that possibility, LON-CAPA will first attempt to authenticate the username and password, but if a user does not exist for the supplied username in the domain, can then see if a "real" username can be extracted from the one supplied, and make a second attempt to authenticate using the derived username with the password. Accordingly, authentication would fail for: userID@example.tld if that user did not exist, but might succeed for userID if that user did exist, and the password supplied matched what was expected.

Two routines: &unamemap_rules() and &unamemap_check() in (which is found in: /home/httpd/lib/perl/ ) need to be customized to enable this functionality. There are stubs for both of them (with documentation) in the uncustomized template file: in the same directory. Restart of loncontrol is required after making changes to

Once &unamemap_rules() contains at least one rule, then the "Default authentication / language / timezone / portal / types" domain configuration will include a checkbox for at least one rule in "Available conversions" listed in the "Mapping for missing usernames via standard log-in" section. Checking the checkbox and pushing "Save Changes" will make the corresponding conversion for that rule, as coded in &unamemap_check(), available to create a derived username for a second authentication attempt, if the original username did not exist, but matched the required format for the conversion.