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± &plusmn; or &#177; <m>$\pm$</m>
× &times; or &#215; <m>$\times$</m>
¸ &divide; or &#247; <m>$\div$</m>
· &middot; or &#183; <m>$\cdot$</m>
* <m>$\star$</m>
° &deg; or &#176;
· &#149; <m>$\bullet$</m>
f <m>$\dag$</m>
f <m>$\ddag$</m>
f &#134; <m>$\dagger$</m>
f &#135; <m>$\ddagger$</m>
© &copy; or &#169; <m>$\copyright$</m>
£ &le; or &#8804; <m>$\leq$</m>
³ &ge; or &#8805; <m>$\geq$</m>
¹ <m>$\neq$</m>
<< <m>$\ll$</m>
>> <m>$\gg$</m>
@ <m>$\simeq$</m>
^ &perp; or &#8869; <m>$\perp$</m>
|| <m>$\parallel$</m>
¬ &larr; or &#8592; <m>$\leftarrow$</m>
Ü &lArr; or &#8656; <m>$\Leftarrow$</m>
® &rarr; or &#8594; <m>$\rightarrow$</m>
Þ &rArr; or &#8658; <m>$\Rightarrow$</m>
­ &uarr; or &#8593; <m>$\uparrow$</m>
Ý &uArr; or &#8657; <m>$\Uparrow$</m>
« &harr; or &#8596; <m>$\leftrightarrow$</m>
Û &hArr; or &#8660; <m>$\Leftrightarrow$</m>
Ö &radic; or &#8730; <m>$\surd$</m>
&part; or &#8706; <m>$\partial$</m>
å &sum; or &#8721; <m>$\sum$</m>
ò &int; or &#8747; <m>$\int$</m>
¥ &infin; or &#8734; <m>$\infty$</m>