- Image Url contains the URL of the image to be inserted in the problem.
You may enter a URL or click "Select" to choose an image that has already
been uploaded to your authoring space, or click "Search"
- Description contains a textual description of the image. If the image
cannot be rendered by the target browser, this description is displayed
- width (pixel) allows you to set the width of the image, in pixels, as it
will be displayed in a web browser.
- height (pixel) allows you to set the height of the image, in pixels, as
it will be displayed in a web browser.
- TeXwidth (mm) Allows you to set the width of the image, in mm, as it will
be rendered into the LATEXdocument used to print the problem.
- TeXheight (mm) Allows you to set the height of the image, in mm, as it will
be rendered intot he LATEXdocument used to print the problem.
- TeXwrap Allows you to select how the LATEXdocument will attempt to wrap
text around a horizontally aligned image (See Alignment below).
- parbox \newline and \parbox will be used to place the image.
This method ensures that text will not be wrapped on
top of the image, however very little text will appear
next to the image itself.
- parpic The picins package \parpic command will be used to
place the image. This will wrap the remainder of the
paragraph containing the picture around the image. If,
however, there is insufficient text to fill the space
to the left or right of the image, the next paragraph
may be wrapped on top of the image. In addition,
\parpic does not always honor the end of the page,
causing the image to extend below the page footer.
- Alignment Specifies the alignment of the image relative to the enclosing
text paragraph:
- bottom The image will be aligned so that its bottom will be
at the baseline of the surrounding text.
- middle The image will be aligned so that its center-line
will be at the baseline of the surrounding text.
- top The image will be aligned so that its top will be
at the baseline of the surrounding text.
- left The image will be placed so that it is at the left of
the surrounding text. The surrounding text will
fill in the region to the right of the image.
- right The image will be placed so that it is at the right
of the surrounding text. The surrounding text will
fill in the region to the left of the image.