Cells may be specified by simply writing their name enclosed in either single quotes or double quotes. For instance, 'A17' and "A17" will be replaced with the value in row A column 17 before the Perl command is evaluated.
Ranges specify rectangles of various shapes in the spreadsheet, just as ranges do in traditional spreadsheets. Ranges must be enclosed in quotes. Examples of legitimate ranges:
Many functions accept ranges, see Special Functions (). For example, &SUM('d*') will add up all cells in column d.
Special References
There is an additional means of referencing cells most used in the
template row ().
By using a '#' in the place of a row number
the spreadsheet will replace the # with the current row number. For example
'B#' will be replaced with the contents of cell B7 in the row 7 and
the contents of B8 in row 8.