The Overall Problem Statistics page lets you view performance statistics on all problems. This page displays the following data about the Folders/Sequences selected for evaluation:
The number of assessment items (problem parts) in the sequence.
For the score, the product of the problem weight, the percent awarded, the count, and the number of problem parts correct, the following data are computed:
The highest achieved score or count in the data set.
The lowest achieved score or count in the data set.
The number of students evaluated.
This statistic measures the internal reliability of the data set. This statistic is relevant for exams only. Let K be the number of items in your test, M the mean score on the test, s the standard deviation of the scores on your test, then the KR-21 statistic, rk, is given by the formula
You have the option to have this statistical data output to an Excel file.
Clicking on the problem name will open a view of the problem in a separate window.