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Last updated: Tue Nov 22 01:55:29 pm 2011 (EST) by Tibor F Nagy

PHY 232C Fall 2011

Michigan State University


Course Coordinator: Tibor F Nagy
Teaching Assistant (Section 009): Tibor F Nagy 9, Luke Titus

RSS Feeds and Blogs

No available RSS Feeds and Blogs

Instructor Information

Dr. Tibor F. Nagy
Office: 1253 BPS
Phone: (517) 884-5508
Email: nagy_t@pa.msu.edu
Office hours: Monday, 10:00 AM - noon, BPS 1253.

Teaching Assistant: Luke Titus (titusluk@msu.edu).

Course Description

Electricity and magnetism; geometric and wave optics; special relativity; quantum mechanics; atomic and nuclear physics.


PHY 231 or PHY 231B or PHY 231C or PHY 183 or PHY 183B or PHY 193H or LBS 271.

Class Hours

This is an online class, we don't have lectures.

Helproom Hours

Room: BPS 1248.
Monday: 10 AM to noon, Tibor Nagy.
Monday: 2-9 PM, Luke Titus.

Exam Information

Exam #1: Sep 27, Tuesday, 5:10-6:10 PM, BPS 1415.
Exam #2: Oct 18, Tuesday, 5:10-6:10 PM, BPS 1415.
Exam #3: Nov 08, Tuesday, 5:10-6:10 PM, BPS 1415.
Final Exam: December 13, Tuesday, 8:00-10:00 PM, BPS 1410.

Grading Information

Percent weights for PHY 232C:
Homework: 17%.
Three midterm exams: 3 x 17% = 51%.
Final exam: 32%.

Homework: Every homework question is worth 1 point.

Midterm exams: Maximum score on each midterm: 50 points. A one-sided, hand-written, 8.5 by 11 inch US letter sized help sheet is allowed on each midterm plus the help sheet(s) from the previous midterm(s). The midterm exams will have correction exams as a homework. 30% of the positive difference between the correction exam and the in-class exam will be added to your in-class exam score as bonus.

Final Exam: Maximum score on the final: 100 points. The final exam will not have correction. Four single sides of US letter sized help seets are allowed on the final exam: three from the midterms and one from the last block of the class.

Grading scale:
4.0 >= 92%,
3.5 >= 84%,
3.0 >= 76%,
2.5 >= 68%,
2.0 >= 60%,
1.5 >= 52%,
1.0 >= 44%,
0.0 < 44%.

This grading scale might be lowered, but it will not be raised.


Mo --------- Fr | Week, Chapter, Topic
08/31 --- 09/02 | 1 Ch 20 Electric Fields and Forces
09/05 --- 09/09 | 2 Ch 21 Electric Potential
09/12 --- 09/16 | 3 Ch 22 Current and Resistance
09/19 --- 09/23 | 4 Ch 23 Circuits
09/27 - Tuesday | Exam #1, 5:10-6:10 PM, BPS 1415.
09/26 --- 09/30 | 5 Ch 24 Magnetic Fields and Forces
10/03 --- 10/07 | 6 Ch 25 Electromagnetic Induction and EM waves
10/10 --- 10/14 | 7 Ch 26 AC Electricity
10/18 - Tuesday | Exam #2, 5:10-6:10 PM, BPS 1415.
10/17 --- 10/21 | 8 Ch 17 Wave Optics
10/24 --- 10/28 | 9 Ch 18 Ray Optics
10/31 --- 11/04 | 10 Ch 19 Optical Instruments
11/08 - Tuesday | Exam #3, 5:10-6:10 PM, BPS 1415.
11/07 --- 11/11 | 11 Ch 27 Relativity
11/14 --- 11/18 | 12 Ch 27 Relativity
11/21 --- 11/23 | 13 Ch 28 Quantum Phys., Ch 29 Atoms and Mol.
11/24-25 Th-Fr. | 13 Thanksgiving
11/28 --- 12/02 | 14 Ch 28 Quantum Phys., Ch 29 Atoms and Mol.
12/05 --- 12/09 | 15 Ch 30 Nuclear Physics
12/13 - Tuesday | Final Exam: 8:00-10:00 PM, BPS 1410.


Knight, Jones, Field: College Physics (A Strategic Approach), Volume 2, (either the 2nd or the 1st edition). This is an online class, we don't use clickers, don't buy the i>Clicker for this class.