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Last updated: Wed Nov 13 05:41:33 am 2019 (EST) by Tibor F Nagy

PHY 231 Fall 2019

Michigan State University


Course Coordinator: Tibor F Nagy, Corey E Musolff
Teaching Assistant: Cavan Aaron Maher

RSS Feeds and Blogs

No available RSS Feeds and Blogs

Instructor Information

Section 001: Dr. Tibor F. Nagy.
Homepage: http://www.pa.msu.edu/~nagy_t/
Office: BPS 1253. Phone: (517) 884-5508.
Email: PA: nagy_t@pa.msu.edu or MSU: nagytibo@msu.edu.

Section 002: Dr. Corey Musolff
Office: BPS 1253.
Email: musolffc@msu.edu.
Office hour:

Teaching Assistants: Praneet Dara (darapran@msu.edu), Jason-Michael Gabler (gablerja@msu.edu), Cavan Maher (mahercav@msu.edu), Simon Sundberg (sundbe19@msu.edu), Nicole Verboncoeur (verbonc2@msu.edu).

Course Description

PHY 231 is an algebra-based general physics class, recommended for a variety of majors. Topics include: kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, momentum and collisions, oscillations, rotational motion, gravitation, solids and fluids, waves and sound, temperature, heat, thermodynamics.


MTH 103 or MTH 116 or MTH 124 or MTH 132 or LBS 117.

Class Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Room: BPS 1410.
Section 001: 09:10-10:00 AM,
Section 002: 10:20-11:10 AM.

Helproom Hours

Physics help room: BPS 1248.

Teaching Assistants: Praneet Dara (darapran@msu.edu), Jason-Michael Gabler (gablerja@msu.edu), Cavan Maher (mahercav@msu.edu), Simon Sundberg (sundbe19@msu.edu), Nicole Verboncoeur (verbonc2@msu.edu).

Help room hours:
Friday: 10:00 AM-noon: Praneet, 2:00-3:00 PM: Nicole, 3:00-4:00 PM: Simon.
Monday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM: Jason-Michael, 1:00-4:00 PM: Cavan, 4:00-6:00 PM: Simon, 4:00-8:00 PM: Praneet, 5:00-8:00 PM: Nicole, 6:00-9:00 PM: Cavan.
Tuesday: 1:00-4:00 PM: Cavan, 4:00-5:00 PM: Jason-Michael, 4:00-7:00 PM: Simon, 5:00-7:00 PM: Nicole, 6:00-9:00 PM: Cavan.

You are also encouraged to use the discussion board inside LON-CAPA. If you don't understand a problem, or you need help, just click on the "Post Discussion" link and post your question. If you know the answer to somebody else's question, just don't be afraid to post your answer. Don't forget: The best way to learn is to teach. (Doscendo discimus.)

Project Information

Honors option: Honors option is not be available for PHY 231.

Exam Information

For each exam, each student should bring a picture ID, two #2 pencils, an eraser, a calculator with fresh batteries. (Graphing calculators are allowed, but not necessary.) On the exams the students must work individually and rules and procedures regarding academic dishonesty are strictly applied without exceptions.

Students with disabilities or other circumstances that require special arrangements should inform their instructors as soon as possible (ideally in the first two weeks) and well ahead of the exams so that proper arrangements can be made. Please present the instructor with your RCPD form.

Make-ups: Attendance of a make-up exam requires advance approval from the instructor and evidence of a serious conflict (e.g. Doctor, Dean, Coach etc.) must be provided at least one week before the exam date. In case of sickness or unexpected emergency where you cannot contact us one week in advance, you should inform us as soon as possible.

Exam #1: September 25, Wednesday, lecture hour and lecture room: BPS 1410.
Exam #2: October 23, Wednesday, lecture hour and lecture room: BPS 1410.
Exam #3: November 20, Wednesday, lecture hour and lecture room: BPS 1410.
Final exam: December 12, Thursday, 8:00-10:00 PM, VMC E100.

On the midterm exams a two-sided handwritten help sheet is allowed together with the sheets from the previous midterm exams. On the final exam the three two-sided help sheets from the midterms together with a fourth two-sided sheet are allowed.

Grading Information

Percent weights: Homework: 27%. Three midterm exams: 3x13% = 39%. Final exam: 26%, Attitude Surveys: 1+1=2%, Concept Tests: 1+1=2%. Clicker questions: 5%. Total: 101%.

Clicker questions: Correct answer: 3 points. Incorrect answer: 1 point. Not present: zero point. There are no make-ups for the clicker questions.

Homework: Every homework question is worth 1 point.

Midterm exams: Maximum score on each midterm: 50 points. The midterm exams will have correction exams as a homework. 30% of the positive difference between the correction exam and the in-class exam will be added to your in-class exam score as bonus. For example, if you got 35 points on the midterm and got 46 points on the correction exam, you new total will be 35 + (0.3)*(46-35) = 38.3. In this case, if you got less than 35 points on the correction exam your total would still be 35.

Final Exam: Maximum score on the final: 100 points. The final exam will not have correction.

Grading scale:
4.0 >= 92%,
3.5 >= 84%,
3.0 >= 76%,
2.5 >= 68%,
2.0 >= 60%,
1.5 >= 52%,
1.0 >= 44%,
0.0 < 44%.

This grading scale might be lowered, but it will not be raised.

The Spartan Code of Honor: As a Spartan, I will strive to uphold values of the highest ethical standard. I will practice honesty in my work, foster honesty in my peers, and take pride in knowing that honor is worth more than grades. I will carry these values beyond my time as a student at Michigan State University, continuing the endeavor to build personal integrity in all that I do.


Monday - Friday | Week, Chapter, Topic
08/28 --- 08/30 | 1 Ch 1 Measurements and Mathematics Background
09/03 --- 09/06 | 2 Ch 2 Motion in one dimension
09/09 --- 09/13 | 3 Ch 3 Motion in two dimensions
09/16 --- 09/20 | 4 Ch 4 Force and Newton's Laws of Motion
09/23 -- Monday | 5 Review
09/25 Wednesday | Exam #1
09/27 -- Friday | 5 Ch 5 Work and Energy
09/30 --- 10/04 | 6 Ch 5 Work and Energy, Ch 6 Momentum and Coll.
10/07 --- 10/11 | 7 Ch 7 Oscillations
10/14 --- 10/18 | 8 Ch 8 Rotational Motion
10/21 -- Monday | 9 Review
10/23 Wednesday | Exam #2
10/25 -- Friday | 9 Ch 9 Gravitation
10/28 --- 11/01 | 10 Ch 9 Gravitation, Ch 10 Solids and Fluids
11/04 --- 11/08 | 11 Ch 11 Waves and Sound
11/11 --- 11/15 | 12 Ch 12 Temperature
11/18 -- Monday | 13 Review
11/20 Wednesday | Exam #3
11/22 -- Friday | 13 Ch 13 Heat
11/25 -- Monday | 14 Ch 13 Heat
11/27 Wednesday | Day before Thanksgiving
11/29 -- Friday | Day after Thanksgiving
12/02 --- 12/06 | 15 Ch 14 The Laws of Thermodynamics
12/12 - Thursday| Final exam: 8:00-10:00 PM, VMC E100.


Andrew Rex, Richard Wolfson: Essential College Physics, Volume 1, 1st edition, 2010. ISBN-10: 0-321-61116-0, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-61116-1.
We will use i-clicker in this class.