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Herbarium Specimens

Linnea borrealis (Linnea, Caprifoliaceae): Heraldic Flower of Carl von Linné. The horizontally growing stem is thread-like, usually thinner than 1 mm though it may grow to 1 to 4 metres in length. Numerous upright inflorescence shoots that bear two clearly nodding flowers at their fork-shaped termini spring from the stem. The opposing leaves are evergreen and have short leaf stalks. The leaf blade is circular or egg-shaped.

Potentilla reptans (Cinquefoil, Rosaceae): The stem grows horizontally and is more than 1 m long. It develops roots and forms new rosettes. The ground leaves have 3 - 10 cm long, hairy leaf stalks, the leaf blades are palmate and consist of five leaflets. Each leaflet is 1 - 3 cm long and not more than half as broad. The flowers are single, the flower stem opposes the leaf. The flower has five petioles of a broad and obovate shape with serrate margins. The petioles are clearly longer than the sepals.

Trifolium repens (White Clover, Fabaceae): The leaves are clover-like and consist of three leaflets. The leaflets have a wedge-shaped base, are obovate, up to 4 cm long and 2 - 3 cm broad, flat and rounded at the leaf apex, the whole margin is often very lightly and indistinctly serrulated. The spherical head contains 30 -70 single flowers.

© Peter v. Sengbusch - b-online@botanik.uni-hamburg.de