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last change: 11/25/2005 01:12:48

POACEAE: Spartina townsendii - False Spike

Herbarium Specimen - Inflorescence

Spartina townsendii (cord grass): solitary inflorescence of a false spike. The total inflorescence is a compound pseudopanicle (false panicle) out of up to 10 spikes, 10- 25 cm long. The spike axis ends in 1- 2 cm long awns, the spikelets have no, the glume has a few awns. The culm with numerous nodes is upright, the plant is tufted (see also the picture by H. -H. POPPENDIECK). More about the origin and evolution of this species.

© Peter v. Sengbusch - b-online@botanik.uni-hamburg.de