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Data structures

Data attributes are provided as a region subclass.


    1  AREA                   8    18     F      5
    9  PERIMETER              8    18     F      5
   17  <coverage>#            4     5     B
   21  <coverage>-ID          4     5     B
   25  SITE_CODE              8     8     I
   33  GISNAME               50    50     C
   83  GISISO3                3     3     C
   86  EDITEDBY              10    10     C
   96  EDITDATE               8     8     D
Related Attribute Information
       AREANAME              50    50     C
       ISO3                   3     3     C
       YEAR                   4     4     C
       SIZE                   8     8     I
       IUCNCAT                4     4     C
       CHNG_DATE              8    10     D
       EDITED_BY             12    12     C
       DESIGNATE             50    50     C

AREA, PERIMETER, <coverage>#, <coverage>-id : Internal ARC/INFO attributes used to store topological structure.

SITE_CODE: Numeric item used to link to attribute data. A value of -2 indicates polygon data which cannot be reconciled with the attribute data at this time. A value of -1 means a doughnut within a polygon. A value of 0 should never occur.

GISNAME: Character field used to store the name of a protected area taken from the source material. This field is used to locate the correct record in the main attribute file for site_code values of -2.

GISISO3: Character field attached to the polygon data indicating the ISO 3 letter country code for the polygon.

EDITEDBY: Character field containing the username of the editor of the polygon.

EDITDATE: Date field containing the date when the polygon was edited.

The following items are attached via the SITE_CODE

AREANAME: the name of the protected area from the related attribute data.

ISO3: ISO three letter country code taken from the related attribute table. Used to compare with GISISO as part of QA procedures.

YEAR: Year of protected area establishment, taken from the related attribute table

SIZE: The size of all parts of the protected area (may be shown as one or more than one polygon) in hectares, taken from the related attribute file.

IUCNCAT: IUCN protected area category, see notes for more details.

CHNG_DATE: The date of the last change to the attribute data.

EDITED_BY: The username of the editor of the attribute data.

DESIGNATE: The national legal designation of the protected area.