Though of obvious interest to STS members, the upper limit of the Trias is the responsibility of the Triassic/Jurassic Boundary Working Group (TJBWG) of the International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy (ISJS). The STS Secretary, who is also Secretary of the TJBWG, briefly reviewed recent TJBWG activity during the STS business meeting in Halle (see Abbreviated Minutes of that meeting elsewhere in this issue of Albertiana). The work of the TJBWG will be reported in more detail as progress is made towards the selection of a GSSP for the base of the Hettangian Stage, marking the base of the Jurassic and, inter alia, the top of the Trias.
Some recent advances are noted here, for the benefit of STS members interested in the upper boundary of the System. Important discoveries, which are very relevant to discussions on the definition of the Triassic/Jurassic (T/J) boundary, have recently been made during the study of the lowest ammonite faunas in the Lias Group in the UK (Bloos & Page 1997; Page & Bloos 1998). These faunas include Neophyllites and Psiloceras erugatum (Phillips), found below the level of the appearance of Psiloceras planorbis, the index fossil for the lowest zone of the Hettangian; P. erugatum has been found in situ for the first time. Occurrences of Neophyllites have been discussed further by Bloos (1999). Further information on the ammonoid succession in the base-Jurassic candidate GSSP area of New York Canyon, in the Gabbs Valley Range, Nevada, USA, has been published by Guex et al. (1998), and further studies of the candidate GSSP on Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada, have been published by Carter et al. (1998). The programme of the 5th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, held in Vancouver, Canada, in August 1998, included the following talks and poster presentations relevant to the T/J boundary:
Bloos, G. 1999. Neophyllites
(Ammonoidea, Psiloceratidae) in the earliest Jurassic of South Germany.
N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 211: 7-29.
Bloos, G. & Page, K.N.
1997. New observations on the ammonite faunas near the base of the Jurassic
in Britain - a preliminary note. Int. Subcomm. Jurassic Stratigraphy
25: 25-30 (also in: JMG Newsletter, 6: 18-24; Jurassic Microfossil group,
Int. Subcomm. Jurassic Stratigraphy).
Carter, E.S., Whalen, P.A.
& Guex, J. 1998. Biochronology and paleontology of Lower Jurassic (Hettangian
and Sinemurian) radiolarians, Queen Charlotte Islands, British
Geol. Surv. Can. Bull., 496.
Guex, J., Taylor, D., Rakus,
M. & Bucher, H. 1998. Deux nouveaux genres et quatres nouvelles espèces
d'ammonites (Cephalopoda) du Lias inférieur. Bull. Soc.
Sci. Nat., 86: 73-85 (also in: Bull. Géol. Lausanne, 339: 73-85).
Page, K.N. & Bloos,
G. 1998. The base of the Jurassic System in west Somerset, south-west England
- new observations on the succession of ammonite faunas of the
Hettangian Stage. Geoscience in south-west England: Proc. Ussher Soc.,
9: 231-235.
Pálfry, J., Smith,
P L. & Mortensen, K. 1998. A U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar time scale for the
Jurassic (Abstract). Abstracts and Program, 5th Int. Symp. on the Jurassic
Vancouver, p. 72.
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