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Biology 107 Laboratory Grading Page

Last revised: Tuesday, August 31, 1999
Your laboratory grade counts for 30% of your course grade, and will be determined based on the following criteria:

Item % of Lab Grade Comments
11 Quizzes 40% There will be a short quiz at the beginning of every lab session (except the first week and the last week). The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. If you miss a quiz, that is the one dropped.
Practical Exam 15% Covers the rat dissection and related material from the second half of the course. Practical exams will be given in the last full week of the course, in place of other lab activities.
Completing Lab Manual pages 15% During and after each lab, you should record data, draw graphs or complete tables, and and answer questions in each exercise. At the beginning of the following week, tear out these pages, staple, and hand in. Be sure your name and section number are written on the cover! These will be returned the following week.
Formal lab write-ups 25% Hand in two formal write-ups (including introduction, methods, results, discussion sections) for the following labs in standard scientific form. (Details and deadlines to be announced). See Appendix III on page 537 of your lab manual for detailed information on format.
TA evaluation 5% A measure of your participation, attitude, and quality of effort in the laboratory.

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