Achillea | Achillea filipendulina Lam. | fernleaf yarrow | ME | VT | ||||
Achillea millefolium L. | common yarrow | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Achillea ptarmica L. | sneezeweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Ageratina | Ageratina altissima (L.) King & H.E. Robins. | white snakeroot | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Ageratina aromatica (L.) Spach | lesser snakeroot | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Ageratum | Ageratum houstonianum P. Mill. | bluemink | MA | CT | ||||
Ambrosia | Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. | annual ragweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Ambrosia bidentata Michx. | lanceleaf ragweed | ME | VT | CT | ||||
Ambrosia psilostachya DC. | Cuman ragweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Ambrosia trifida L. | great ragweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Anaphalis | Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. f. | western pearlyeverlasting | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Antennaria | Antennaria howellii Greene ssp. canadensis (Greene) Bayer | Canadian pussytoes | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Antennaria howellii Greene ssp. neodioica (Greene) Bayer | field pussytoes | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Antennaria neglecta Greene | field pussytoes | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Antennaria parlinii Fern. ssp. fallax (Greene) Bayer & Stebbins | Parlin's pussytoes | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Antennaria parlinii Fern. ssp. parlinii | Parlin's pussytoes | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richards. | woman's tobacco | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Anthemis | Anthemis arvensis L. | corn chamomile | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Anthemis cotula L. | stinking chamomile | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Anthemis tinctoria L. | golden chamomile | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Arctium | Arctium lappa L. | greater burrdock | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Arctium minus Bernh. | lesser burrdock | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Arctium tomentosum P. Mill. | woolly burrdock | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Arnica | Arnica lanceolata Nutt. | lanceleaf arnica | ME | NH | VT | |||
Artemisia | Artemisia abrotanum L. | southernwood | ME | VT | MA | CT | ||
Artemisia absinthium L. | absinth sagewort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Artemisia annua L. | sweet sagewort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Artemisia biennis Willd. | biennial wormwood | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Artemisia campestris L. | field sagewort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Artemisia carruthii Wood ex Carruth. | Carruth's sagewort | ME | VT | RI | ||||
Artemisia dracunculus L. | wormwood | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Artemisia filifolia Torr. | sand sagebrush | ME | VT | CT | ||||
Artemisia frigida Willd. | fringed sagewort | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. | Louisiana sagewort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Artemisia pontica L. | Roman wormwood | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Artemisia stelleriana Bess. | dustymiller sagewort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Artemisia tridentata Nutt. | big sagebrush | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Artemisia vulgaris L. | common wormwood | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster | Aster borealis (Torr. & Gray) Prov. | rush aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | ||
Aster ciliolatus Lindl. | Lindley's aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | |||
Aster concolor L. | eastern silver aster | ME | VT | MA | RI | |||
Aster cordifolius L. var. laevigatus Porter | common blue wood aster | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Aster divaricatus L. | white wood aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster dumosus L. var. dumosus | rice button aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster ericoides L. | heath aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster laevis L. | smooth aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster lanceolatus Willd. ssp. lanceolatus var. lanceolatus | white panicle aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britt. var. hirsuticaulis (Lindl. ex DC.) Porter | calico aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | |||
Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britt. var. lateriflorus | farewell summer | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster macrophyllus L. | bigleaf aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster novae-angliae L. | New England aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster novi-belgii L. var. tardiflorus (L.) A.G. Jones | leafybract aster | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Aster patens Ait. | late purple aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster pilosus Willd. | white oldfield aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster praealtus Poir. | willowleaf aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Aster prenanthoides Muhl. ex Willd. | crookedstem aster | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Aster puniceus L. | purplestem aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster radula Ait. | low rough aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster schreberi Nees | Schreber's aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster spectabilis Ait. | western showy aster | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Aster subulatus Michx. | annual saltmarsh aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster tataricus L. f. | Tatarian aster | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Aster tenuifolius L. | saline aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster umbellatus var. umbellatus P. Mill. | parasol aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster undulatus L. | waxyleaf aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Aster X blakei (Porter) House (pro sp.) | Blake's aster | ME | NH | VT | MA | RI | ||
Aster X herveyi Gray (pro sp.) | Hervey's aster | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Baccharis | Baccharis halimifolia L. | eastern baccharis | MA | CT | RI | |||
Balsamita | Balsamita major Desf. | costmary | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Bellis | Bellis perennis L. | lawndaisy | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | |
Bidens | Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britt. | bearded beggarticks | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | |
Bidens bipinnata L. | spanish-needles | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Bidens cernua L. | nodding beggartick | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Bidens coronata (L.) Britt. | crowned beggarticks | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Bidens discoidea (Torr. & Gray) Britt. | small beggarticks | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Bidens eatonii Fern. | Eaton's beggarticks | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Bidens frondosa L. | devil's beggartick | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Bidens hyperborea Greene | estuary beggarticks | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Bidens laevis (L.) B.S.P. | smooth beggartick | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Bidens pilosa L. | Spanish needles | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Bidens tripartita L. | threelobe beggarticks | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Boltonia | Boltonia asteroides (L.) L'Her. | white doll's daisy | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Brachyactis | Brachyactis ciliata (Ledeb.) Ledeb. ssp. laurentiana (Fern.) A.G. Jones | alkali rayless aster | ME | |||||
Calendula | Calendula officinalis L. | pot marigold | ME | NH | CT | |||
Callistephus | Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees | China aster | ME | |||||
Carduus | Carduus acanthoides L. | spiny plumeless thistle | ME | VT | CT | RI | ||
Carduus crispus L. | curly plumeless thistle | ME | VT | CT | RI | |||
Carduus nutans L. | nodding plumeless thistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Carthamus | Carthamus lanatus L. | woolly distaff thistle | MA | |||||
Carthamus tinctorius L. | safflower | MA | ||||||
Centaurea | Centaurea biebersteinii DC. | spotted knapweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Centaurea cyanus L. | garden cornflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Centaurea diffusa Lam. | white knapweed | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Centaurea jacea L. | brownray knapweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Centaurea melitensis L. | Maltese star thistle | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Centaurea montana L. | mountain cornflower | ME | VT | |||||
Centaurea nigra L. | lesser knapweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Centaurea nigrescens Willd. | Tyrol knapweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Centaurea scabiosa L. | greater knapweed | ME | NH | VT | CT | |||
Centaurea solstitialis L. | yellow star thistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | |||
Chrysanthemum | Chrysanthemum coronarium L. | crowndaisy | ME | VT | MA | |||
Chrysanthemum segetum L. | corndaisy | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Cichorium | Cichorium endivia L. | cultivated endive | ME | VT | CT | |||
Cichorium intybus L. | chicory | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Cirsium | Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. | Canadian thistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Cirsium discolor (Muhl. ex Willd.) Spreng. | field thistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Cirsium flodmanii (Rydb.) Arthur | Flodman's thistle | ME | VT | |||||
Cirsium horridulum Michx. | yellow thistle | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Cirsium muticum Michx. | swamp thistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop. | marsh thistle | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Cirsium pumilum (Nutt.) Spreng. | pasture thistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. | bull thistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Cnicus | Cnicus benedictus L. | blessed thistle | MA | CT | ||||
Conyza | Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. | Canadian horseweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Coreopsis | Coreopsis basalis (A. Dietr.) Blake | goldenmane tickseed | ME | VT | CT | |||
Coreopsis lanceolata L. | lanceleaf tickseed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Coreopsis major Walt. | greater tickseed | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Coreopsis pubescens Ell. | star tickseed | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Coreopsis rosea Nutt. | pink tickseed | ME | VT | MA | RI | |||
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. | golden tickseed | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Coreopsis tripteris L. | tall tickseed | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Cosmos | Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. | garden cosmos | NH | MA | CT | RI | ||
Cosmos sulphureus Cav. | sulphur cosmos | CT | ||||||
Cotula | Cotula coronopifolia L. | common brassbuttons | MA | |||||
Crepis | Crepis capillaris Wallr. | smooth hawksbeard | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Crepis foetida L. | stinking hawksbeard | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Crepis tectorum L. | narrowleaf hawksbeard | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Crepis vesicaria L. ssp. taraxacifolia (Thuill.) Thellung ex Schinz & R. Keller | ME | VT | CT | |||||
Crupina | Crupina vulgaris Cass. | common crupina | MA | |||||
Doellingeria | Doellingeria infirma (Michx.) Greene | MA | CT | |||||
Doronicum | Doronicum pardalianches L. | great false leopardbane | MA | |||||
Echinacea | Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. | pale purple coneflower | ME | MA | CT | |||
Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench | eastern purple coneflower | ME | CT | |||||
Echinops | Echinops sphaerocephalus L. | great globethistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | |
Eclipta | Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. | false daisy | MA | |||||
Erechtites | Erechtites hieraciifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. | American burnweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Erigeron | Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. | eastern daisy fleabane | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Erigeron hyssopifolius Michx. | hyssopleaf fleabane | ME | VT | |||||
Erigeron philadelphicus L. | Philadelphia fleabane | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Erigeron pulchellus Michx. | robin's plantain | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Erigeron strigosus Muhl. ex Willd. | prairie fleabane | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Eupatorium | Eupatorium altissimum L. | tall thoroughwort | ME | VT | MA | CT | ||
Eupatorium dubium Willd. ex Poir. | coastalplain joepyeweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Eupatorium fistulosum Barratt | trumpetweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Eupatorium hyssopifolium L. | hyssopleaf thoroughwort | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & Gray | justiceweed | ME | VT | MA | RI | |||
Eupatorium maculatum L. var. maculatum | spotted joepyeweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Eupatorium perfoliatum L. | common boneset | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Eupatorium purpureum L. var. purpureum | sweetscented joepyeweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Eupatorium rotundifolium L. | roundleaf thoroughwort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Eupatorium serotinum Michx. | lateflowering thoroughwort | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Eupatorium sessilifolium L. | upland boneset | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Euthamia | Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. var. graminifolia | flattop goldentop | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Euthamia tenuifolia (Pursh) Nutt. var. tenuifolia | slender goldentop | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Flaveria | Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze | coastalplain yellowtops | MA | |||||
Gaillardia | Gaillardia pulchella Foug. | firewheel | VT | CT | ||||
Galinsoga | Galinsoga parviflora Cav. | gallantsoldier | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pavon | shaggysoldier | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Gamochaeta | Gamochaeta purpurea (L.) Cabrera | spoonleaf purple everlasting | ME | MA | CT | RI | ||
Gnaphalium | Gnaphalium uliginosum L. | marsh cudweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Grindelia | Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal | curlycup gumweed | NH | MA | CT | RI | ||
Guizotia | Guizotia abyssinica (L. f.) Cass. | ramtilla | MA | CT | ||||
Hasteola | Hasteola suaveolens (L.) Pojark. | MA | CT | RI | ||||
Helenium | Helenium amarum (Raf.) H. Rock | yellowdicks | ME | VT | MA | CT | ||
Helenium autumnale L. | common sneezeweed | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Helenium flexuosum Raf. | purplehead sneezeweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Helianthus | Helianthus annuus L. | common sunflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Helianthus debilis Nutt. | cucumberleaf sunflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Helianthus decapetalus L. | thinleaf sunflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Helianthus divaricatus L. | woodland sunflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Helianthus giganteus L. | giant sunflower | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Helianthus grosseserratus Martens | sawtooth sunflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Helianthus maximiliani Schrad. | Maximilian sunflower | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Helianthus mollis Lam. | ashy sunflower | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. | prairie sunflower | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Helianthus strumosus L. | paleleaf woodland sunflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Helianthus tuberosus L. | Jerusalem artichoke | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Helianthus X laetiflorus Pers. (pro sp.) | mountain sunflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Helichrysum | Helichrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Andr. | bracted strawflower | MA | CT | ||||
Heliopsis | Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet | sunflower heliopsis | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | |
Hemizonia | Hemizonia fasciculata (DC.) Torr. & Gray | clustered tarweed | MA | |||||
Hieracium | Hieracium aurantiacum L. | orange hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Hieracium caespitosum Dumort. | meadow hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hieracium canadense Michx. | Canadian hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hieracium gronovii L. | queendevil | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Hieracium lachenalii K.C. Gmel. | common hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Hieracium murorum L. | wall hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Hieracium paniculatum L. | Allegheny hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hieracium pilosella L. | mouseear hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hieracium piloselloides Vill. | tall hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hieracium praealtum Vill. ex Gochnat | kingdevil | ME | NH | VT | MA | |||
Hieracium robinsonii (Zahn) Fern. | Robinson's hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Hieracium sabaudum L. | New England hawkweed | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Hieracium scabrum Michx. | rough hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hieracium umbellatum L. | narrowleaf hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Hieracium venosum L. | rattlesnakeweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hieracium X floribundum Wimmer & Grab. (pro sp.) | hawkweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Hypochaeris | Hypochaeris glabra L. | smooth catsear | ME | VT | MA | |||
Hypochaeris radicata L. | hairy catsear | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Inula | Inula helenium L. | elecampane inula | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Ionactis | Ionactis linariifolius (L.) Greene | ionactis | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Iva | Iva frutescens L. ssp. oraria (Bartlett) R.C. Jackson | Jesuit's bark | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Iva xanthifolia Nutt. | giant sumpweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Krigia | Krigia biflora (Walt.) Blake | twoflower dwarfdandelion | ME | VT | CT | |||
Krigia virginica (L.) Willd. | Virginia dwarfdandelion | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Lactuca | Lactuca biennis (Moench) Fern. | tall blue lettuce | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Lactuca canadensis L. | Canada lettuce | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Lactuca floridana (L.) Gaertn. | woodland lettuce | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Lactuca hirsuta Muhl. ex Nutt. var. sanguinea (Bigelow) Fern. | hairy lettuce | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Lactuca serriola L. | prickly lettuce | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Lactuca tatarica (L.) C.A. Mey. | blue lettuce | ME | VT | |||||
Lapsana | Lapsana communis L. | common nipplewort | ME | VT | MA | CT | ||
Lasthenia | Lasthenia californica DC. ex Lindl. | California goldfields | MA | |||||
Layia | Layia platyglossa (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Gray | coastal tidytips | MA | |||||
Leontodon | Leontodon autumnalis L. | fall dandelion | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Leontodon hispidus L. | bristly hawkbit | ME | VT | CT | RI | |||
Leontodon taraxacoides (Vill.) Merat | lesser hawkbit | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Leucanthemum | Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. | oxeyedaisy | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Liatris | Liatris pycnostachya Michx. | cattail gayfeather | ME | MA | ||||
Liatris scariosa (L.) Willd. var. novae-angliae Lunell | New England gayfeather | ME | NH | MA | CT | RI | ||
Liatris spicata (L.) Willd. | dense gayfeather | ME | MA | CT | ||||
Madia | Madia glomerata Hook. | mountain tarweed | ME | VT | CT | |||
Madia sativa Molina | coast tarweed | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Matricaria | Matricaria discoidea DC. | disc mayweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Matricaria recutita L. | mayweed | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Megalodonta | Megalodonta beckii (Torr. ex Spreng.) Greene var. beckii | Beck's watermarigold | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Microseris | Microseris douglasii (DC.) Schultz-Bip. | Douglas' silverpuffs | MA | |||||
Mikania | Mikania scandens (L.) Willd. | climbing hempvine | ME | NH | MA | CT | RI | |
Mycelis | Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. | walllettuce | ME | NH | ||||
Oclemena | Oclemena acuminata (Michx.) Greene | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Oclemena nemoralis (Ait.) Greene | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Oligoneuron | Oligoneuron album (Nutt.) Nesom | NH | VT | MA | CT | |||
Oligoneuron rigidum (L.) Small var. rigidum | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||||
Omalotheca | Omalotheca supina (L.) DC. | alpine arctic cudweed | ME | NH | VT | |||
Omalotheca sylvatica (L.) Schultz-Bip. & F.W. Schultz | woodland arctic cudweed | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Onopordum | Onopordum acanthium L. | Scotch cottonthistle | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Palafoxia | Palafoxia texana DC. | Texas palafox | MA | |||||
Parthenium | Parthenium hysterophorus L. | Santa Maria feverfew | MA | CT | ||||
Parthenium integrifolium L. | wild quinine | MA | CT | |||||
Petasites | Petasites frigidus (L.) Fries var. palmatus (Ait.) Cronq. | Arctic sweet coltsfoot | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | |
Petasites hybridus (L.) P.G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. | pestilence wort | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Picris | Picris echioides L. | bristly oxtongue | ME | VT | MA | CT | ||
Picris hieracioides L. | hawkweed oxtongue | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Pityopsis | Pityopsis falcata (Pursh) Nutt. | sickleleaf silkgrass | MA | CT | RI | |||
Pluchea | Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. var. succulenta (Fern.) Cronq. | sweetscent | MA | CT | RI | |||
Polymnia | Polymnia canadensis L. | whiteflower leafcup | VT | CT | ||||
Prenanthes | Prenanthes alba L. | white rattlesnakeroot | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | |
Prenanthes altissima L. | tall rattlesnakeroot | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Prenanthes boottii (DC.) Gray | alpine rattlesnakeroot | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Prenanthes racemosa Michx. | purple rattlesnakeroot | ME | VT | |||||
Prenanthes serpentaria Pursh | cankerweed | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Prenanthes trifoliolata (Cass.) Fern. | gall of the earth | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Pseudognaphalium | Pseudognaphalium helleri (Britt.) A. Anderb. ssp. helleri | ME | NH | VT | MA | |||
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (L.) Hilliard & Burtt ssp. obtusifolium | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Pseudognaphalium viscosum (Kunth) W.A. Weber | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | |||
Ratibida | Ratibida pinnata (Vent.) Barnh. | pinnate prairie coneflower | VT | MA | CT | |||
Rudbeckia | Rudbeckia hirta L. | blackeyed Susan | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Rudbeckia laciniata L. | cutleaf coneflower | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Rudbeckia triloba L. | browneyed Susan | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Sclerolepis | Sclerolepis uniflora (Walt.) B.S.P. | pink bogbutton | NH | MA | RI | |||
Senecio | Senecio aureus L. | golden ragwort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Senecio jacobaea L. | stinking willie | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Senecio obovatus Muhl. ex Willd. | roundleaf ragwort | ME | VT | MA | CT | |||
Senecio pauperculus Michx. | balsam groundsel | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Senecio schweinitzianus Nutt. | Schweinitz's ragwort | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Senecio sylvaticus L. | woodland ragwort | ME | VT | |||||
Senecio viscosus L. | sticky ragwort | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Senecio vulgaris L. | common groundsel | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Sericocarpus | Sericocarpus asteroides (L.) B.S.P. | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Sericocarpus linifolius (L.) B.S.P. | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Silphium | Silphium perfoliatum L. | cup plant | ME | VT | MA | CT | ||
Silybum | Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. | blessed milkthistle | NH | CT | ||||
Solidago | Solidago arguta Ait. | Atlantic goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Solidago bicolor L. | white goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago caesia L. | wreath goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago calcicola Fern. | limestone goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Solidago canadensis L. | Canada goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago flexicaulis L. | zigzag goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago gigantea Ait. | giant goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago hispida Muhl. ex Willd. | hairy goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Solidago juncea Ait. | early goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago latissimifolia P. Mill. | Elliott's goldenrod | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Solidago macrophylla Pursh | largeleaf goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | |||
Solidago multiradiata Ait. var. arctica (DC.) Fern. | arctic mountain goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Solidago nemoralis Ait. | Dyersweed goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago odora Ait. | anisescented goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago patula Muhl. ex Willd. | roundleaf goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Solidago petiolaris Ait. | downy ragged goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Solidago puberula Nutt. | downy goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago rugosa P. Mill. | wrinkleleaf goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago sempervirens L. | seaside goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago simplex (Porter) Kartesz & Gandhi ssp. randii var. randii | Rand's goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | ||||
Solidago speciosa Nutt. | showy goldenrod | ME | VT | MA | CT | RI | ||
Solidago uliginosa Nutt. | bog goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Solidago ulmifolia Muhl. ex Willd. | elmleaf goldenrod | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Sonchus | Sonchus arvensis L. | field sowthistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill | spiny sowthistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Sonchus oleraceus L. | common sowthistle | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Tagetes | Tagetes erecta L. | Aztec marigold | CT | |||||
Tagetes minuta L. | muster John Henry | MA | ||||||
Tanacetum | Tanacetum bipinnatum (L.) Schultz-Bip. | Lake Huron tansy | ME | VT | ||||
Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip. | feverfew | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Tanacetum vulgare L. | common tansy | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Taraxacum | Taraxacum laevigatum (Willd.) DC. | rock dandelion | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Taraxacum officinale G.H. Weber ex Wiggers | common dandelion | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Taraxacum officinale ssp. ceratophorum (Ledeb.) Schinz ex Thellung | fleshy dandelion | ME | VT | MA | ||||
Tetragonotheca | Tetragonotheca helianthoides L. | pineland nerveray | MA | |||||
Tragopogon | Tragopogon dubius Scop. | yellow salsify | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Tragopogon porrifolius L. | salsify | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | ||
Tragopogon pratensis L. | meadow salsify | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Trimorpha | Trimorpha acris (L.) Nesom | bitter boreal daisy | ME | |||||
Tripleurospermum | Tripleurospermum maritima (L.) W.D.J. Koch ssp. maritima | ME | NH | MA | CT | |||
Tussilago | Tussilago farfara L. | coltsfoot | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Verbesina | Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Gray ssp. exauriculata (Robins. & Greenm.) J.R. Coleman | golden crownbeard | MA | |||||
Vernonia | Vernonia fasciculata Michx. | prairie ironweed | MA | |||||
Vernonia missurica Raf. | Missouri ironweed | MA | ||||||
Vernonia noveboracensis (L.) Michx. | New York ironweed | NH | MA | CT | RI | |||
Xanthium | Xanthium spinosum L. | spiny cockleburr | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI |
Xanthium strumarium L. | rough cockleburr | ME | NH | VT | MA | CT | RI | |
Zinnia | Zinnia violacea Cav. | elegant zinnia | CT |
Last Update: 1/4/97
Name: Ray Phillips