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Phytochemical Databases

Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

This is Dr. Jim Duke's home page. The links listed below that have the yellow ball, are subsets of this page.

Phytochemical Database

This site affords you an oppurtunity to choose whether to search under a common or scientific plant name. If you're not sure of the spelling, leave the plant name blank, and go to a grouping of plants by their first letter. You can then scroll the list until you find the correct plant spelling.

High Concentration Chemical Query

This query allows the user to find examples of chemicals found in high concentration, based on a series of standard deviations.

Specific Activity in a Particular Plant

This returns information on which types of biological are found in the plant. In the Specific Activity search, note that you can specify text output, and non-ubiquitous compounds.

High Low Chemical Query

At this search site, you can specify whether you want the top 40 plants with quantifiable data, or a list of plants without quantifiable data.

Activities of a Specific Chemical Query

Synergy Query

In this search you have a choice of two fields: whether to search for plants with high concentrations of one or more compounds that have the specified activity, or to search plants that have a large number of chemicals with the specified activity. In each field you can choose in which categories to search.

Chemicals with a Specific Activity Query

Toxicity Query

Michael Tims' Medicinal Plant Database Page

Contains links to sites on Natural Products, Ethnobotany, Economy Botany, Alternative and Allopathic Medicine, Specific Plant usage, Pharmacology and Technology.


Resource Guide to Net Novices
MCT's Webpage Links
Dictionaries on FindIt
Use these to help you with science terms.
How to Search a WAIS Database
FindIt: Web Design
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