Roots: A
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- a- (an-)
- without, lacking (anacanthus = spineless; amorpha =
without a definite form; Arachis = without a
rachis, the peanut genus / apetalus = without
petals / aphyllus = without leaves /
apterus = without a wing)
- abr-
- delicate (Abrophyllum = delicate leaved)
- acanth-
- referring to a thorn, spines (Acanthus) (acanthoides =
Acanthus-like / chrysanthicum = golden-spined)
- -ace(...)
- partaking of (rosaceus / rosaceum = rosy)
- acaul-
- stemless (caul = stem) (acaulis)
- acephal-
- headless, without a head (ceph = head) (acephalus)
- acerb-
- harsh, bitter, stinging (acerbifolia)
- acer-
- referring to the genus, Acer, the ancient Latin name of the
maple tree (aceroides = Maple-like)
- aceros-
- needle-like (acerosus)
- acet-
- referring to acid (acetophylla = acid + leaf)
- acicul-
- referring to a needle (acicularis = needle-like)
- acin-
- referring to a saber (shape) (acinitus / acinaceus)
- acri-
- acrid, sharp (acris / acrifolia = sharp-leaved)
- acro-
- referring to the top of an entity, height (Acrocomia =
hair at the top, a palm genus with pinnate leaves)
- actin-
- referring to a ray (Actinidia, the Kiwi Fruit; cut one
across and see the rayed arrangement of the carpels
(ovaries)) (actinophylla = Rayed leaves)
- aculeat-
- sting, prickle (aculeatus)
- acuminat-
- pointed, tapering (acuminatus)
- acut-
- acute, sharp (acutissima = very pointed / acutangulatus
= acute + angle / acutifidus = acutely cut /
acutifolius = sharp + leaf / acutus)
- ad-
- to, on, onto (adnatum = joined to / adpressus =
pressed against)
- adeno-
- referring to a gland (Adenophora = gland-bearing)
(adenophylla = glandular leaf)
- adnat-
- joined (adnatus)
- adven-
- adventive (advenuus)
- aequi- / equi-
- equal (aequinoctialis = equinox, )
- aer-
- referring to the air (aeranthos = air flower)
- aethiopi-
- referring to Ethiopia - or Africa in general (aethiopium)
- aestiv-
- referring to summer (aestivus)
- affin-
- related (affinis / affine)
- agerat-
- referring to the genus Ageratum (ageratifolia =
Ageratum-like leaves)
- aggreg-
- clustered, aggregated (aggregatus)
- agr-
- referring to fields or farms (agrarius / agrestis)
- alat-
- winged or wing-like (alatus)
- alb-
- white (albiflorens = white-flowered / albidum /
albomaculatum = white-spotted / albicans /
albicaulis = white-stemmed)
- alli-
- referring to the genus Allium which contains the onion,
garlic, leeks, etc. (alliacea)
- alpestr-
- alpine (alpestris)
- alpin-
- referring to alpine regions (alpinus)
- altai-
- Siberian (altaicus)
- altern-
- alternate (alternifolia)
- alt-
- referring to height (altus / altissimus = very tall)
- amabil-
- lovely (amabilis)
- amar-
- bitter (amara)
- amethysti-
- violet-colored (amethysticus)
- amoen-
- charming, lovely (amoena)
- ampel-
- referring to a vine (Ampelopsis = like a vine)
- amphi-
- both, two (amphibius)
- amphor-
- referring to an urn, a pitcher (amphoricaulis = stem shaped
like a pitcher)
- amplexi-
- clasping (amplexicaulis = clasping the stem)
- ampl-
- ample, large (amplissimus = very large)
- ampul-
- referring to a flask (shape) (ampullacea)
- amurensis
- hailing from Siberia
- amygdal-
- almond-like (amygdalinus)
- anatol-
- referring to Asia Minor (anatoliensis)
- anceps
- two-edged
- andi-
- referring to the Andes (andicola / andinus)
- andr-
- referring to the male part, usually the anthers
(androgynus = male + female parts, indicating
that both male and female flowers are found on the
- anemo-
- referring to wind (Anemone = wind flower)
- angli-
- English (anglicum)
- angui-
- referring to a snake (shape) (anguinus)
- angul-
- referring to an angle (angularis / angulatus /
- angust-
- narrow (angustus / angustifolia = narrow leaved)
- anis-
- unequal (Anisacanthus = unequal thorns)
- annu-
- annual (annuus)
- annul-
- ringed, annular (annularis / annulatus)
- anomal-
- anomalous, unusual, abnormal (anomalus)
- anth-
- referring to a male part (the anther), - a flower
(Anthurium = flower + tail)
- anti-
- against (Antiacantha = against the spine - a bromeliad)
- antill-
- referring to the West Indies, Antilles (antillaris)
- antipod-
- referring to the Antipodes or the polar regions (antipodus)
- antiqu-
- ancient (antiquorus / antiquus)
- apenn-
- referring to the Apennines Mts. (Italy) (apenninus)
- apert-
- open, uncovered, bare (apertus)
- apiculat-
- with a point (apiculatus)
- appendic-
- referring to an appendage (appendiculatus)
- applanatum
- flattened
- applicatus
- joined, attached
- aqu-
- referring to water (habitat) (aquatica / aquatilis /
- aquil-
- eagle-like (aquilegia / aquilinus)
- arab-
- referring to Arabia (arabicus)
- arachn- / aran-
- referring to spiders (araneosa / arachnoides = like a
- arbor-
- referring to trees (arborescens / arboricola / arborea)
- arbus-
- referring to a tree (arbusculus)
- archont-
- majestic, noble (Archontophoenix = majestic (date) palm)
- arct-
- referring to a bear (Arctotis = bear's ear)
- arcuat-
- referring to a bow (shape) (arcuatus)
- arec-
- referring to the genus Areca (palms) which, itself comes
from a Malaysian word meaning, a cluster of nuts
(arecoides = Areca-like)
- arena-
- referring to sand (arenarius)
- areol-
- with an aereole, pitted (areolatus)
- arg-
- referring to silver (argentea / argentatum /
argophyllus = silver-leaved / argyraeus)
- argut-
- sharp, pointed (argutus)
- arist-
- referring to a beard (hairy, bristly) (aristatus /
- arma-
- armed (armatus)
- arom-
- referring to odor (aromatica)
- arrect-
- erect (arrectus)
- articul-
- jointed, articulate (articulatus)
- arund-
- referring to a reed (Arundinaria, the giant native reed)
- arven-
- referring to cultivation (arvensis)
- ascendens
- ascending
- asper-
- rough (aspera / asperata / asper / aspericaulis =
rough-stemmed / asperrimus = very rough)
- assimil-
- like unto (assimilis)
- assurg-
- sprawling, clambering (assurgens)
- astr-
- referring to a star (Astrocaryum, star-nut, referring
to the markings on the seeds of this palm genus)
- -astr(...)
- like unto (liliastrum = like a lily)
- ater
- black
- atr-
- extreme, dark (atropurpurea = deep purple) (atratus =
black / atrorubens = dark red / atrovirens
= dark green)
- attenu-
- attenuated, drawn-out to a point (attenuatus)
- attic-
- Greek (atticum)
- august-
- august, noble, majestic (augusta)
- aurant-
- referring to the color orange (Citrus aurantifolia, the lime
(go figger!); aurantifolia = orange-leaved /
- aure-
- golden (aureus / aurespina = golden-spined)
- auri-
- referring to an ear (shape) (auritum / auriculatum)
- austr-
- southern, Australian (australis)
- avi-
- referring to a bird, birdlike (avium / aviculare)
- axill-
- referring to axils (axillaris)
- azur-
- referring to the color blue (azureum)
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Last updated on 10/14/94