Roots: B
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- bacc-
- referring to berries (baccata / baccifera =
- balear-
- referring to the Balearic Islands (balearica)
- bambus-
- referring to bamboo (bambusoides = like bamboo)
- barbar-
- foreign (barbarus)
- barbadensis
- native to Barbados
- barbat-
- bearded (barbatus)
- barbi-
- referring to beards or barbs (barbigera = bearing barbs)
- basil-
- royal (basilicum)
ALSO basal (basilaris)
- bell-
- handsome, pretty (bellus / bellatus)
- benghalensis
- native to the State of Bengal in India
- betul-
- referring to the beech tree genus, Betula, the ancient
Latin name of the tree (betuloides = like a
- bi-
- referring to the number two, twice (bipinnatus =
twice-pinnate / bicarinatus = two-keeled /
bicornis = two-horned / bicolor = two-
colored / bifidus = two + cut / bifurcatus =
two + forked)
- -bi(...)
- referring to life (Dendrobium = tree + life, because this
orchid genus is epiphytic on trees)
- bienn-
- biennial (biennis)
- bifurcat-
- twice-forked (bifurcata)
- bland-
- mild, pleasant (blanda)
- -blast(...)
- referring to an embryo (Rhopaloblaste = club-shaped
- blephar-
- referring to an eyelash, therefore, fringed
(blepharophylla = fringed leaves)
- bombyc-
- referring to silk (bombycina)
- bon-
- good (bonus / bona-nox = good/beautiful night)
- boreal-
- northern (borealis)
- botry-
- referring to a cluster (botryoides = cluster-like)
- brach-
- referring to a branch or an arm (brachiatus)
- brachy-
- short, squat (brachypodum = short foot)
- bract-
- referring to bracts (bracteata) - a bract is a leaf-like
OR petal-like structure beneath the true petals of
some flowers (bracteosum)
- brevi-
- short (brevis / brevicaulis = short-stemmed /
brevispina = short-spined / brevipes =
short-footed, stalked / brevirostris = short-
beaked / brevisetus = short-bristled)
- brun-
- brown (brunneus)
- bry-
- referring to moss (bryoides)
- bucephalus
- ox-headed
- bulb-
- referring to a bulb (bulbosa / bulbifera = bulb-bearing)
- bullat-
- swollen (bullatus)
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Last updated on 10/14/94