Roots: E
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- e-
- without, (emarginatus = without a margin)
ALSO out of, out from (erumpens = breaking out of)
- eben-
- referring to ivory (ebenaceus)
- echin-
- referring to a bristle, prickle, spine (hedgehog) (Echino-
cereus, a cactus genus)
- edul-
- edible (edulis)
- elae-
- referring to the olive (elaeiformis = shpaed like an
- elat-
- tall (elata)
- eleg-
- referring to elegance (elegantissima)
- elepha-
- referring to an elephant (Phytelephas = Elephant Plant,
a palm genus noted for the hard, white endosperm of
the seeds, which can be worked like ivory)
- ens-
- referring to a sword (ensiformis = formed like a sword /
ensifolia = sword + leaf / ensata)
- -ense
- native to (canariense = native to the Canary Islands)
- -ensis
- native to (canadensis)
- entom-
- referring to insects (entomophilus = insect-loving)
- epi-
- upon (Epigaea = on the ground)
- equ-
- referring to horses (equinus)
- aequator-
- referring to equatorial regions (aequatorialis)
- equin- / equis-
- referring to horses (Equisetum, the horsetail genus)
- erem-
- solitary, deserted (therefore usually refers to a desert)
(Eremurus = desert + tail)
- eri- / erio-
- referring to wool (eriospatha = hairy spathe /
eriocarpa = wooly fruit)
- erica-
- referring to the genus Erica, the Heath (ericoides)
- erina-
- referring to spines, a hedgehog (Erinacea)
- eros-
- jagged (erosus)
- erubescens
- retiring, blushing - usually referring to color - literally,
emitting rose-color
- erythr-
- red (Erythrina, the tropical coral-tree)
- escul-
- edible (esculentum)
- eu-
- well, good, normal, complete (Eucalyptus, well and
calypt (kalypt, calypt = covered, referring to
the seed capsules)
(eumorpha = well-formed)
- ex-
- out of, from (Exorrhiza = from the root)
- exalt-
- very high, tall, lofty (exaltata)
- excel-
- exalted, lofty, high, tall (excelsus / excelsior)
- exci-
- cut (excisus)
- exigu-
- small, lowly (exiguus)
- exim-
- distinguished (eximia)
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Last updated on 10/14/94