Roots: F
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- faba-
- referring to a bean (fabaceus)
- falc-
- referring to a sickle (shaped) (falcatus)
- farin-
- referring to starch or wheat (farinacea / farinosa)
- fasciat-
- flat (fasciatus)
- fascicul-
- clustered (fasciculatus)
- febri-
- referring to fever (febrifugus = fever + flight,
driving away fever)
- fenestr-
- referring to a window (fenestralis)
- -fer(...)
- bearing, producing (coccifera = bearing berries;
resiniferous; nucifera = nut-bearing;
indigofera = indigo-bearing)
- fero-
- ferocious (Ferocactus = ferociously-spined cactus)
(ferox is the Lat. adjective)
- ferr-
- referring to iron, rusty (color) (ferruginea)
- fert-
- referring to fruit, fruitful (fertilis)
- festuc-
- referring to the genus Festuca, a grass, therefore grass-
like (festucoides)
- fic-
- referring to the genus Ficus (ficifolia = figleaf)
(ficus-indica = fig of India)
(ficaria / ficoides = like a fig)
- -fid(...)
- parted, divided (multifida = many-parted; bipinnatifida
= twice/doubly-pinnately cut/divided)
- fili-
- referring to a thread (filifera = thread-bearing /
filipes = hair + stalk/foot/ filipendulum =
thread + drooping)
- filic-
- referring to ferns (filicifolia = fern-like leaves); the
noun is filix = fern (filix-femina = fern +
woman, the lady-fern)
- fimbr-
- referring to a fringe (fimbriatus)
- fissi-
- split (fissifolia)
- fistul-
- hollow tubelike (fistularis / fistulosa)
- flabell-
- fan-like (flabelliformis = formed like a fan)
- flaccid-
- soft (flaccida)
- flagell-
- referring to a whip (flagelliforma)
- flamm-
- referring to a flame (color) (flammeus)
- flav-
- referring to yellow (flavescens / flavum / flavida)
- flex-
- pliable, crooked, bent (flexuosus = bent)
- floc-
- referring to wool (floccosus)
- flor-
- a flower (floribunda = abundantly-flowering)
- flui-
- floating (fluidans)
- fluv-
- referring to a river (fluvialis)
- foetid- fetid-
- stinking (foetida)
- foli-
- referring to leaves (foliosa)
- -foli(...)
- referring to leaves (latifolia = flat-leaved)
- foll-
- referring to follicles (follicularis)
- -form(...)
- in the form of .... (fusiforma = spindle-shaped)
- formos-
- beautiful (formosa / formosissima = most beautiful)
NB: formosana usually refers to Formosa
- formosan-
- referring to Formosa (Taiwan) (formosanum)
- -frag(...)
- referring to a break or rupture (rupifragum = rock-
- frax-
- referring to the ash tree (fraxifolia = ash-foliaged /
- frond-
- referring to a leaf (frondosa)
- -frons
- referring to a leaf (frond) (simplicifrons)
- frigid-
- referring to cold regions (frigida)
- fruct-
- referring to fruit (esp. the grape) (fructifera = fruit-
- frut-
- referring to a shrub (shrubby) (fruticosa / fruticans =
- fuc-
- painted (fucatus) - ALSO referring to a red alga
plant in shape (fucoidea)
- fulg-
- shining, excessive (fulgens)
- fulgin-
- black, dark in color (fulginosa)
- fulv-
- referring to the color yellow (orange) (fulvescens,
fulvida / fulvus)
- furc-
- forked. cleft (furcatus)
- fusc-
- brown, reddish-brown (fuscus)
- fusi-
- referring to a spindle (fusiformis)
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Last updated on 10/14/94