Roots: H
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- haema-
- referring to blood (Haemanthus = blood flower)
- hal-
- referring to salt (halodendron = salt + tree)
- ham-
- referring to a hook (hamosus)
- haplo-
- referring to the number one (haplophylla = one-leaved)
- harp-
- referring to a sickle (shape) (harpophyllus = sickle-shaped
- hast-
- referring to a spear (hastatum)
- hebe-
- pubescent (hebecarpus = hairy-fruited)
- hedy-
- sweet, fragrant (Hedycarya = sweet nut)
- heli-
- referring to the sun (Helianthus = sun flower)
- helic-
- referring to a spiral, a coil (helicoides)
- helvetic-
- referring to Switzerland (helvetica)
- hemero-
- referring to a day (Hemerocallis = beautiful for a day)
- hemi-
- half (hemisphaericus = half a sphere)
- hepat-
- referring to the liver (shape) (hepaticus)
- hepta-
- referring to the number seven (heptaphyllum = seven-
- herb-
- not woody (herbaceous) (herbacea)
- hesper-
- referring to the evening or the west (Hesperaloe =
Western Aloe)
- heter-
- variable, different, not-alike (Heteranthera = having
unlike anthers in the flowers)
- hexa-
- referring to the number six (hexagonus = six-angled)
- hibern-
- referring to winter (hibernalis) OR Ireland (hibernicus)
- hipp-
- referring to a horse (Hippocrepis = horse-shoe)
- hirss- / hirt-
- referring to hair (hirtellus = somewhat hairy) /
- hispid-
- referring to bristles (hispidula)
- hort-
- referring to a garden (cultivated) (hortensis /
- humil-
- low, dwarf (humilis / humile)
- hyal-
- transparent, translucent (hyalina)
- hyem- / hiem-
- referring to winter (hyemalis)
- hydr-
- referring to water (Hydrocotyle = water cup)
- hyl-
- referring to wood (Hylocereus, a climbing, night-
blooming cactus with eventual woody stems)
- hymen-
- referring to a membrane (Hymenocallis = beautiful
membrane, referring to the membrane which connects
the base of the anthers in this genus of the spider
- hyo-
- referring to a hog/swine (Hyophorbe = swine food)
- hyper-
- above, far, extreme (hyperborealis = of the far north)
- hypo-
- under, beneath (hypophyllus = under the leaf /
hypoleuca = white beneath)
- hystr-
- bristly (hystrix)
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Last updated on 10/14/94