Roots: N
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- nan-
- dwarf (Nannorhops = dwarf bush) (nanus)
- nat-
- floating, swimming (natans)
- nav-
- referring to a ship (navicularis)
- nem-
- referring to a thread (Nemastylis = thread-like styles
(of the flower)
- nemor-
- referring to the woods (nemoralis / nemorum)
- neo-
- new (Agave neo-mexicana)
- nepalens-
- referring to Nepal (nepalensis / nepalense)
- nephr-
- referring to a kidney (shape) (Nephrolepis = kidney-
shaped scale - the spore cases of this genus of
- neri-
- referring to the genus Nerium, the oleander (neriifolia =
oleander-shaped leaf)
- nervos-
- referring to a nerve (nervosus)
- neva-
- referring to mts., Nevada, Sierra Nevada (nevadensis)
- nicit-
- blinking, moving (nicitans)
- nid-
- referring to a nest (nidus / nidularia)
- nigr-
- referring to the color black (nigrescens nigricans)
- nilo-
- referring to the river Nile
- niph-
- referring to snow (niphophilus = snow-loving)
- nit-
- shining (nitens / nitida)
- niv-
- referring to snow or the color white (nivea / nivalis)
- nobil-
- noble, renowned (nobilissimus = most noble / nobile)
- noct-
- referring to the night (nocturnum)
- nod-
- referring to a node (nodosus)
- noli-
- the negative imperative (noli-tangere = touch-me-not)
- not-
- marked, notable (notabilis)
- notho-
- false (Nothofagus = false Beech tree)
- nov-
- new (novae-zelandica = New Zealand)
- nub-
- referring to a cloud (nubicola)
- nuc-
- referring to a nut (as in Rifflea nucoides var. obesiformis)
- nud-
- naked (nudicaulis = naked stem)
- num-
- referring to coins (shape) (numismatus / nummularium)
- nutans
- nodding
- nyct-
- referring to the night (Nyctanthes = night flower)
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Last updated on 10/14/94