Roots: O
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- ob-
- reverse, inverse, upside down, etc. (obovatus)
- obes-
- fat (obesus)
- obfusc-
- cloudy, confused (obfuscatus)
- obliq-
- oblique, slanting (obliqua)
- oblong-
- oblong (surprise!) (oblongifolia = oblong leaves)
- occi-
- western (occidentalis)
- ochr-
- yellowish (Ochrocarpos = yellow fruit)
- oct-
- referring to the number eight (Octomeria = eight parts -
an orchid)
- ocul-
- referring to an eye (oculiforma = in the shape of an eye /
- odont-
- referring to a tooth (Odontoglossum = toothed tongue)
- -odon(...)
- referring to a tooth (Leontodon = lion's tooth)
- oen-
- referring to a vine, esp. the grape vine; therefore, by ex-
tension, WINE (Oenothera, the evening primrose, =
- offic-
- official, recognized (usually from medicine or commerce)
- -oide(...)
- like unto (botryoides = cluster-like / malacoides =
mallow-like / dendroideum = tree-like))
- ole-
- referring to oil (olive) (oleifera = oil-bearing)
- oler-
- referring to a vegetable, edible (oleracea)
- olig-
- few (oligocarpa = few-fruited)
- oliv-
- referring to an olive (olivifolia = leaves like an olive)
- omni-
- all (kinds)
- onc-
- referring to a barb, a protruberance, a tubercle (Oncidium)
- ono-
- referring to a donkey (Onosma = donkey + smell - which
donkeys supposedly favor) !
- opac-
- shaded (opacus)
- operc-
- referring to a lid (operculatus)
- ophio-
- referring to a snake (Ophiopogon = snake's beard) !
- -opsis
- like unto (Chilopsis, lip-like) (phalaenopsis = like
a moth)
- orbic-
- round (orbicularis)
- orch-
- referring to an orchid (or the sexual parts of a flower) -
actually, the Gr. word, orchis refers to the male
gonads (orchioides = like an orchid)
- oreo- / oro-
- referring to mountains (Oreocereus = mountain cactus /
oreophilus = mountain-loving)
- orient-
- referring to the Orient, eastern (orientalis)
- ornat-
- showy, adorned, ornate (ornatus)
- ornith-
- referring to a bird (Ornithocephalus = bird's head)
(ornithorhyncum = bird + snout/beak)
- orth-
- straight, correct (Orthocarpus = straight fruit)
- osm-
- referring to an odor (Osmanthus = fragrant flower)
- -osm(...)
- referring to an odor (Coprosma = feces + odor)
- ost-
- referring to a bone, therefore hardness (Osteospermum =
bone seed)
- -ot(...)
- referring to an ear (Leonotis = lion's ear)
- oval-
- oval (ovalis)
- ovat-
- ovately shaped (ovata)
- ovi-
- referring to an egg (shape) (ovifera = egg-bearing)
- ox- / oxy-
- sharp, pointed, sour (Oxalis, referring to the oxalic acid
in the leaves and roots) (oxycarpa = sharp, pointed
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Last updated on 10/14/94