Roots: R
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- racem-
- referring to a raceme (racemosa)
- radic-
- referring to a root (Radicula = little root)
(radicans usually means that the plant tends
to root from its stem)
- radio- / radia-
- rayed, radiate (radiatus)
- ramos-
- referring to branches (ramosus / ramosissima = very-
- ran-
- referring to a frog (Ranunculus = little frog, because
most of the species grow where frogs live, i.e.,
marshes, ponds)
- raph- / rhap- / rhaph-
- referring to a needle (Rhapidophyllum, a palm genus, =
- reclin-
- reclined, bent backwards (reclinatum)
- recurv-
- recurved (recurvatus)
- rediviv-
- restored, revived (rediviva)
- refulg-
- bright (refulgens)
- regal-
- regal (regalis)
- regin-
- referring to a queen (regina)
- regl-
- referring to a standard or model (paradigm) (regla)
- reni-
- referring to a kidney (reniform)
- rep-
- creeping (repens reptans repanda)
- resect-
- cut off, curtailed (resectus)
- reticul-
- reticulated, referring to a net, net-veined (reticulata)
- retor-
- twisted back (retortus)
- retro-
- backwards (retroflexus = bent backwards)
- retus-
- notched (retusus)
- rex / reg-
- referring to a king, royal (regalis)
- rhamn-
- referring to the genus Rhamnus, the buckthorn
- rhiz-
- referring to a root (Acanthorrhiza = thorny root)
- rhod-
- referring to the color red/rose (Rhododendron = rose +
(rhodantha = red-flowered)
- rhomb-
- rhomboid, (rhomboideus / rhombifolia = rhomboid-shaped
- rhop-
- referring to a club (shape) (Rhopalostyle = club-shaped
flower style)
- rhync-
- referring to a nose or snout (Rhynchanthus = snout-
shaped flower)
- rhyt-
- referring to a fold, a wrinkle (Rhytiglossa = wrinkled
tongue / rhytidophyllum = wrinkled leaf)
- ricin-
- referring to the genus Ricinus, the castor-oil tree
- ringens
- referring to a hole
- ripa-
- referring to the banks of a river (riparia)
- rivu- / riva-
- referring to rivers, streams (rivularis / rivale /
- robust-
- robust (robusta)
- -rops
- referring to a bush (Chamaerops = dwarf bush)
- rose-
- referring to the color rose (what else?!?) (rosea)
- rostr-
- referring to a beak (shape) (rostratus)
- rotund-
- round (rotundifolia = round-leafed)
- rube-
- referring to the color red (rubella)
- rubig-
- referring to rust (color) (rubiginosa)
- rub- / rubr-
- referring to the color red (rubens / rubra)
- ruf-
- referring to the color red (rufescens / rufida)
- rug-
- wrinkled (rugosa)
- -rump(...)
- referring to a rupture, a break (erumpens = breaking
out of)
- rup-
- referring to rocks (rupicola = cliff-dwelling)
- rut-
- referring to the color red (rutilans)
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Last updated on 10/14/94