Roots: U
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- ulm-
- referring to the genus Ulmus, the elm (ulmifolia =
elm-shpaed leaves)
(ulmoides = elm-like)
- umbel-
- referring to umbels (umbellifera = bearing umbels) -
an umbel is a flower cluster generally in the form
of an umbrella, i.e., the flowers radiate from a
central point
- umbrac-
- referring to an umbrella (shade) (umbraculifera =
- unc-
- referring to a hook or spine (uncinatus / biuncifera =
bearing two-pronged spines)
- und-
- referring to a wave (undulatus)
- ung-
- referring to a claw (unguis-cati = cat-clawed)
- uni-
- referring to the number one (uniflora = single-flowered)
- urceolat-
- referring to an urn (shape) (urceolatus)
- uren-
- burning, stinging (urens)
- -ur(...)
- referring to a tail (Leonurus = lion's tail)
- urs-
- referring to a bear (ursina)
- usn-
- referring to the genus Usnea, a lichen (usneoides, -
the specific name of Tillandsia usneoides, the
Spanish Moss)
- util-
- useful (utilis)
- utric-
- inflated (utriculata)
- uva- / uvi-
- referring to a grape (uvifera = grape-bearing / uva-
vulpis = fox + grape)
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Last updated on 10/14/94