Environmental Biology JumpStation
Below are a number of links to useful sites on the internet.
There are a lot more to come!
(Note: some of these links may have moved since this list was
last updated.)
Environmental Sources:
- Environmental News
- Text of 80 important environmental news stories.
- Micscape
- On-line microscopy magazine, includes SEM of
recently (1995) described new phylum.
- Exploring the
Environment - A NASA supported curriculum development
- Biological
Effects of Ozone Depletion - just what it says.
- Tree
of Life "Root" Page - A project at the
University of Arizona which leads you through
"all" living things.
- Ohio
Biological Survey - Information on the flora and
fauna of Ohio.
- List
of Ohio Insect Species - Maintained by the Ohio
Biological Survey. Incomplete. Some of the links come
back to Marietta.
- Entomology
on the World-Wide Web - Links to many entomological
- Wetlands
- A report from the National Academy of Sciences -
potentially very useful.
- Carbon Dioxide
Information - A government-sponsored page with links
to information on CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
- Ohio Department of
Transportation - ODOT has environmental
responsibilities, including a wildflower program.
- Purdue
NSCORT - A research project at Purdue University with
emphasis on ecosystems for spacecraft.
is responsible for water quality in the Ohio River.
- North
American Benthological Society - An association of
freshwater biologists.
- Monterey Bay Aquarium and
Research Institute *
- Baltimore Aquarium *
- Squids!
- Discovery Channel
School *
- SeaWifs
- National Academy of
Sciences - Includes texts of a number of reports on
scientific topics.
- NOAA Marine
Geology Site - Includes maps and data, including the
new seafloor maps.
- Douglas
Craig's Home Page - Dr. Craig is a colleague from the
University of Alberta who does some fascinating research
on aquatic insects.
- Science - An
online version of the main science journal in the US
- MIT online
biology hypertext - an online textbook, covers basic
chemistry and cell biology.
- Centers
for Disease Control - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report - a review of deaths from various causes, articles
on public (and environmental) health.
- Daisyworld
- A site with models based on Jame's Lovelock's Gaia
- Water Quality
Information Center - From the USDA National
Agricultural Libraries, has water resources data.
- The
Origin of Species by Charles Darwin - An on-line
version of the classic.
Maps - On-line resources including maps, digital
data, satellite pictures.
- National Water
Conditions - USGS records on stream flow.
- Weather
World - On-line weather resource, including forecasts
and radar.
- Maps
- A good source of maps in electronic format.
- Periodic
Table of the Elements - Go ahead, click on your
favorite element!
- Ohio
River Stream Gauge at Marietta - Real Time!
* Site Suggested by Chad Goode
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