The following answers were from a survey taken by students in MCB 229, "Fundamentals of Microbiology", at the end of the spring semester, 2000. Selected answers have been highlighted that represent the spectrum of student opinion.
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When I have described the WebCT quiz feature to my
colleagues, many of them are very concerned that students would cheat. Do you
think this is a valid concern? Do you know or suspect any incidents of cheating
that might have happened in this course?
- I think cheating could occur easily, but it appears that everyone has a
different version of the quiz. Everyone has varied questions. Students are not
necessarily cheating if they studied for the quiz together, and then tok the
quizzes at the same time. the same thing can occur with any type of take-home
- I feel that those people who cheated on these quizzes are ignorant and very
inconsiderate. I worked really hard this semester and earned my grades and I
find that unfair if people went out of their way to cheat considering that all
they needed to do was read the material and it was simple to just get a great
grade on these quizzes.
- I've definitly heard of cheating happening, but let's be honest, many of
life's quizzes are open book. We only really memorize those things that we use
constantly or enrich us, not just words and details. If cheating takes
place,well, then we should abandon the entire testing system. Anyways, I thought
that they were helpful, and I don't really see hoe you could cheat. Even if you
looked in the book, or took it with someone else, you still had to look up
answers and spend the time it takes to get a good score.
- It is a definite fact that students will cheat. What is commonly done is
that the quizes are taken in groups and then the average of these students will
be higher. The first quiz is printed, and then the correct answers are used in a
group. There is no way to stop students from cheating, so trying to eliminate
cheating is not an option. A valid option is to change the system. By
emphasizing on concepts found only in the book (less important) will force some
students to read the book. If the exams however cover the important concepts
also covered in the book, it will be possible to bring down the average of quiz
cheatters exams. If that sounds confusing let me try to explain it in another
way. By asking less important concepts on quizes-those who cheat will retain
less important concepts in memory. Those who do read the entire book will have
both in memory. When they take the exam I think they should do better. The only
way to control quiz cheating is by using exams as a indicator of reading vs. not
- Yes that was a valid concern because most the people taking the quizes in
the computer labs had gotten with a friend to take it.
- I don't know of any cheating going on. Don't think there is any need with
the way things are set up.
- Yes, of course cheating is going to occur. Sometimes a student might not
complete all of the required reading before taking the quizzes and comparing of
answers between other students.
- i have doubts that any one would cheat on the quizzes, since there is
little room to do so, without hacking into the computer and changing grades. i
mean, the quizzes are open book/ open notes. there is no way to cheat. only if
the quizzes were expected to be taken closed book/closed notes could there be
room for cheating.
- I have not heard of any incidences of cheating. I feel that these quizs are
extremely helpful to fit into students schedules where we are still able to
learn but at our own conveinence. Even if someone did cheat they would only be
hurting themselves.
- Up until this week I did not think that any cheating was taking place for
these quizzes; it seemed inconceivable to me, since the quizzes are already open
book, and they are a useful way to learn. However, yesterday in lab I was
talking about this survey with a friend in the class who does not cheat but has
spoken with a few students that have set up a system to cheat on the quizzes. So
I guess there is some cheating going on, though I do not know how the cheating
is carried out or how wide spread it is. Personally, I think the quizzes are a
still a good system and those that cheat on the quiz will have problems on
- I think some cheating did occur, but I think that the fact that these
individuals cheated will be reflected in their grades.
- I don't know of anyone that has cheated, I know that some students worked
together, which seems like a fine idea. The system is a very on-your-honor type
of thing, if students are going to cheat, it is only their loss because they
aren't doing the assigned reading.
- I don't believe that a desire to cheat could exist because you were allowed
to use your book and allowed to take the quiz twice.
- If you cheat you are only chaeting yourself, the only possible way to cheat
in this class is to have assistance from someone who has already taken the
class, but most of the questions are difficult and need the reading to be fresh.
I heard of no such thing but I am the first of my roomates who has taken this
course. I see it as a problem for those who are just therre for the grade and
not the experience. Enough said
- Although it never occurred to me to cheat (why bother when it is very
possible to get a hundred?!), I have heard of cases where someone has taken a
quiz for someone else. Maybe this is because they couldn't do it themselves for
some reason, maybe just as a favor, I don't know. I also live off campus about
1/2 hour from campus so I do most everything on my own.
- I have no idea, I know that I did not cheat, It never really crossed my
mind to cheat since we got to use our notes anyway. People could have definately
cheated, but there is no was of really finding out
- I really don't see how people can cheat on these quizzes. We are allowed to
use our books and notes. If cheating consists of people working together, then I
do think cheating is going on. However, it really is not a bad thing since
people have to learn what the correct answer is in order to get it right. Either
way, the person is being exposed to the material. I think it is a pity if people
cheat since these quizzes really do help us learn.
- I'm not really sure what you mean by cheating. If you mean that people
would take the quizzes together, then I think it is a good concern. I always did
them on my own, but perhaps it is good the people take them together. It can be
looked at more like a group activity. How effective is it for a person to earn a
60 on a quiz as compared to two people working together earning a 100? Chances
are, at least one person will benefit from this cooperation.
- I don't think that a great deal of cheating has occurred, although I have
hear of some cases of cheating. I think most people would not trust others with
their grades and most people don't want to spend the extra time doing someone
else's work.
- What is cheating??? You said we could use our notes and book if I recall
correctly. Most of the time I only answered the study guide and brought that
with me. The book was too heavy to lug around all day so I would not bring it
for the quiz.
- I don't think that students cheated. If the students did not know the
material, the 15 min time limit would not allow them the time to cheat. I know
that there were some weeks that I was behind in the reading and I would take the
quiz and get a 20 or a 30 on the first attempt b/c I didn't know the material
and didn't have enough time to search through the book and find the answer. I
would just read the chapter(s) keeping in mind some of the questions and then
re-take it where I would get a much better grade. So no, I don't think that
there was any cheating. Even in lab, my lab partner would ask me if I took the
quiz yet and if I hadn't and she had or vice versa, I would ask if it was a hard
one or an easier one and that was all.
- I really don't think that this is a valid concern at all. I think that many
people have such different schedules, that they complete the reading and study
guide whenever they find the time, and then take the quiz in their dorm room or
computer lab. I was not aware of any cheating, and if there was any, I think
that it was a rare occurence.
- i know for a fact that people cheat. I know people who have friends in the
class and only one takes the quiz for all of them so they actually take only one
quiz a week.
- Yes because I did see a lot of people getting together to take the quizzes.
- assuming the quizzes were allowed to be open-book, and you were allowed to
work with other students, I do not know of any cheating, or how you actually
could cheat (unless maybe you know a lot about computers)
- Yes, cheating is very posible, we often take the quizes with the book in
front of us, and with other people
- Honestly, I can't think of any incidents or ways in which cheating could
happen because the quizes are slightly different each time you take it. The only
thing I could possibly think of is if one student took a quiz, got all the
answers right, and then told another student the answers, but even then I don't
think that would happen, and if it did the individual who got the answers
probably won't do so well on the exams since they don't really know the
- I don't think cheating would be a problem. If these teachers are that
worried then they should have quizzes in class that are open book.
- I know for a fact alot of students took the quizzes together. I also was
told by alot of other students that they didn't read the chapter or do the study
guide, they just tried to look up the answers to the questions in the 15 minute
time period.
- I am a graduate student who lives off campus and therefore I could not
cheat nor would I to begin with. I do not know of any incidences of cheating and
I can't really see how people could cheat--unless by 1 person taking the quiz
while others help and then sharing the answers--I could see that possibly
happening. If you were worried about that--my suggestion, which unfortunately
puts more work upon your shoulders, would be to format more than just 2 sets of
questions per quiz. That way if people are working together in groups, there is
no way to tell which quiz they would get. If you formatted 4-5 question sets for
each quiz--everyone who was cheating would have to take the quizzes in groups of
5 and each would have to stand around and retake the quiz to help the other.
- I don't think any cheating occured, to my knowledge at least.
- i don't think that is would be easy to cheat since the questions change
every time you access the web page
- To be honest, the fact that people would cheat on these quizzes never
crossed my mind unitl I heard one girl saying that she and someone else were
going to take the quizzes together so that they wouldn't have to read and
together they could pull it off. I would have never even thought that people
were doing that. I thought that they were so useful...I read and outlined every
chapter and answered the study guides for my own use and it was very beneficial.
- Yes, cheating is very easy with this program. Often, i heard of students
working together to take the quizzes. They said that there was no need to read
because it was easier to look up the answers as a group. In general, i don't
think that required reading was productive and it would be better to model the
quiz off of the study guides more closely so the sudents actually do them and
learn something from the course. This may be harsh but i truly believe that
required reading in any course isn't as productive as actually requiring
students to show up for lecture and learn from the teacher.
- In any open book/open note quiz it could be considered cheating if you look
in the book for the answers. I believe that students would often collaborate on
the information provided in the quizzes but not necessarily cheat on the quiz
itself. Cheating occurs in all aspects classes at UCONN so if students did in
fact cheat on the quizzes, it wouldn't be the first time it has ever happened.
- Well, the only way I could see cheating on this sort of quiz would be if
students grouped together and took the quiz at the same time in a lab or
something. If that is cheating, then yes, it should be a concern because I did
witness two students working together on one occasion.
- Unless you consider using the book while taking the quiz to be cheating, I
do not think it is an issue. Who has time to get together in a group twice a
weeke just to take a quiz?
- I have no idea if students cheated on these quizzes or not. I never heard
of any student talking about cheating on the quizzes so i would think that it
did not go on. I know that I did not because I can't and I would not want to .
These quizzes were made to help us and the only way that this would be is if we
read and took the quizzes with no assistance. If ther was cheating on these
quizzes I'm sure it was reflected in their exam grades and so by cheating the
student is only fooling themself. Thes quizzes were not that difficult to begin
- How can you cheat in the quizzes? They are technically open book-open
notes, so it really doesnt appear possible to cheat.
- I don't think people are cheating. I think for the most part the class is
trying to understand the data and do their best. At least that was the goal of
me and most my friends. There's no point to cheating - we can already use the
text and study guides to help us.
- I can honestly say I haven't heard of any incidents of cheating. Personally
I don't think that this would be much of a problem unless two people were really
good friends, and anyhow it just hurts their final grade anyhow because they
learn less and wait until the end. fadenika Reaction-- It is possible to cheat
on the WebCT quiz as it is to cheat in any other circumstance be it a written
exam or quiz.So it is a valid concern but not more so than it is for any other
class. I do not know or suspect any incidences of cheating. manderson probably
some people did, although I didn't hear of any. I don't imagine the sort of
people who would want to cheat would be that helpful to cheat with, so I
wouldn't worry about it too much. the way the questions are slightly different
each time you take the quiz helps make cheating less practical (you'd need a big
pool of cheaters to get together for it to be feasible). having more available
questions will help more (I realize you are starting from scratch this year)
- Well, this is legitimate but what is the basic idea behind this purpose
anyway. You want kids to read, and to get exposure to the material prior to
lecture. If two kids always get together to do the quizzes, they will be
interactively learning the material together anyhow. Also,, the kids will have
to take the exam alone and will not be able to cheat there. IN my opinioun, if
you eliminated the online quizzes exam grades would go down. If you keep them,
regardless of whether you know that kids are cheating or not, their exam scores
without cheating will be higher. My only suggestion might be to keep the
percentage that the quizzes count toward the final grade not too muych.
- I don't know anyone who would take the trouble to cheat on these little
quizzes. I guess cheating on them could save people from having to do the
reading, but since we can have the book open when taking them anyway it really
doesn't do much good to cheat.
- I know for a fact that many of my peers do cheat. This is unfortunate. I
did not cheat, but it is possible. My concern is that I look like I didn't do as
well as some peopel (but I did real good, about a 90 average), but some peole
cheat so they get really high averages. There really is nothing you can d,
- I think that it's probably fairly common for some students to cheat -
mainly because it's harder to take an open book test as seriously as a non-open
book test. Most of the incidents of cheat I've heard of aren't flat out answer
copying, but rather are cases of say, two roommates taking the quiz together.
Most of the time, though, I think that people don't cheat, because it's simply
too much effort. I mean, you've got the book in front of you and they're
multiple choice questions...cheating is more trouble than it's worth.
- Of course there are students that will refer to their text and notes
however, given the short period of time, its very difficult to finish the quiz
on time. I think it would be expected that students would use such resources to
help them take the quizzes. Because sometimes some of the quiz questions are so
specific that students may have missed it while completing the reading
assignments, so it would be easier to look up the answer in notes or text, or
even because there are alot of materials to remember so soon.
- I did not hear of any cheating. Although I did discuss my experiences with
the quizzes with other students. I also would take the quizzes with the book
open in front of me, if you consider that cheating.
- I didn't find it to be even temping. It was open book with a study guide.
If anyone needed to cheat it would have been easy to do, but not necessary
- I can't really think of how one can cheat. Unless one person took the quiz
and told a friend what the answers were, I can't see why they would do that
because the person giving out the answers is doing all of the prep work and
could get worse quiz grade while the recieving member is getting a free ride.
Also the quizzes aren't all the same. The questions could be different.
- Its hard to say. If the quizzes became too difficult cheating would
probably become a concern - thats why making them more challenging doesn't
necessarily serve the right purpose. As it is, there is no reason any person
cant get a 100 if they try, so even if someone else cheats, it is not
detremental to those that do not cheat. Everyone gets 100, some people
benefitted more than others but noones grade is adversely affected. If on the
other hand the quiz were so difficult getting 100 is not always possible than
cheating becomes a problem.
- How can you cheat? You already have the primary source in front of you, the
book and you also have access to the lecture notes on the web. The only possible
way of cheating is by telling others the questions that were on the quiz and
that would be pure stupidity on there part because they're not benefiting
anything from doing that. Why allow someone else to get a higher grade than you,
while your grade is suffering?
- Honestly, I don't know of any instance where a student cheated on a quiz.
- I myself did not cheat, of course i heard of some people who took the quiz
together to better their chances of doing well. But i think for the most part
people did not cheat, and even if they did...both people would need to look up
the answers together and therefore be learning at the same time.
- yes in fact some students cheated on the exam. While in the lab I noticed
that students would take the quiz together. (After looking at my quizzes maybe i
should have joined them hahahahaha!) However, even thought the students would be
taking the quiz together they would all be working. this would give them a
definate advantage but in the long run it would hurt them.
- Cheating is a possibility in this situation and I'm sure everyone has at
least thought about it ( I admit that I have). The problem with this is that the
cheating students will not recieve any of the benifits that serious students
recieve from the quiz. It would be very easy for a group of students to take the
quiz together without reading the chapters and get all of the right answers, but
when it comes time to take the tests, these students will need to learn all of
the information in a short period of time (which is not possible).
- I don't know of any way to cheat, nor have I heard of anyone doing so.
- I think a few people will always cheat, but the majority probably doesn't.
I would never let the quizes count for more than 30% because of this concern.
- cheating...hmm...well, um, punitive action, huh? okay, i dont
really know what you would consider cheating but a friend and i would do the
study sheet together. split it up 50/50 and then we would take the quiz together
too. so anything i didnt know, she would, and vice versa. but then, if you think
about it, we would discuss any discrepancies, and probably learn it better that
way. but, i must admit that if she had gotten one of the quiz questions right,
and then i would get the same quiz question, i wouldnt ignore that. if you
believe this is a problem, maybe you do want to average the 2 quizzes, that way,
and here is a trick i know some people use...on the questions where there are 5
different boxes and you click as many as you think are right, the first time
around, you click all of them and then when you get the feedback, you know
exactly what the right answers are. or, you could also format the quizzes so
that it will only give you feedback after you have completed it twice. that way,
you would not have the right answers after taking it the first time. though,
then, i probably would not have spent the time looking up the right answer when
i found i got it wrong.
- I think cheating is definately possible but its always a possibility in any
situation. Just because its on the web under a password doesn't mean people
won't be able to access through friends passwords or for people to work in
collaboration. The cheaters are only cheating themselves. I personally feel like
I have done as well as I have done because the quizzes have kept me on my toes.
- I don't think that cheating should be a factor because you are still tested
on the info. It helped a great deal and I knew my stuff after most of the
quizes. The practice quizes also helped in preparing for the WEB CT quizes.
- If cheating involves using the book, notes, or friends as resources while
taking the quizzes, then it did occur. HOWEVER, the goal of the quizzes was to
enhance the learning experience, which it in no doubt did accomplish. Having the
quiz forced me to read the chapter and understand the material. My quiz grades
did not always reflect how much effort I had put in (meaning I read everything,
answered all the study guide questions and still didn't get a 100) but the
material was still understood and that's all that matters regardless of the
grades or whether cheating occurred. I personally used the quizzes as a learning
tool and did not simple do them to get the grade, well partly of course to get
the grade!!!
- no its very hard to cheat unless if poeple are huddled around a computer
working together...which of i did not hear of happening...i saw the assinged
readings as a homework project that you could do with others and then take the
quiz by yourself ...this method helped in understadning the consepts
- I think that most of the cheating occured when twp pople took the quiz
together. I think that even in this case working together allowed the students
to talk about the material and help each other understand things more clearly.
- I don't know of anyone that cheated on the quizzes or on the exams but i
don't think it should be considered a big deal. if you somehow cheated on the
quizzes it will catch up to you on an exam. there is a lot of info. you need to
learn if you don't start to learn it for the quizzes it will show on the tests.
- I never really heard of any students that were constantly cheating on the
quizzes. Because of variation in questions from quiz to quiz it really isnt as
easy as it sounds. The only form of "help" that i found useful (but isnt really
cheating) was writing down my answers from the first quiz and useing them to
help me with the second quiz. I'm not sure if you had intended for students to
be able to do this or if you even thought about it, but i know that many
students do this to help to get a higher second quiz grade.
- Like we discussed in our Student Mngmnt. Team, I don't know of any chating
incidences that might have occured and I don't think that students would find
the time in their everyday schedules to cheat. Unless students had the same
schedules to be able to meet twice a week for one to two hours it is unlikely.
Also, like I mentioned in the meeting, I believe that the quiz grades are a
reflection of the type of exam grade you will recieve. So if a student decides
to cheat I think they are ready fo the consequences of failing an exam-and
possibly the class.
- The way I see it the quizzes are a great way to study the material and so
if someone cheats then they are simply hurting themselves on the EXAMs bu to
answer the question NO I have not heard of anyone cheating on the quizzes unless
you consider taking them in groups cheating then I think almost everyone in the
class is guilty. Taking them in groups gives me more practice with the material
so I can know the material.
- I think that students may have worked together, if you would consider that
cheating. I wouldn't be concerned because either way every student took the quiz
and saw the answers which, in turn, helped them learn the material.
- no, I personily did not cheat since it was for my own sake. I do not now of
any cheating going but I am sure it happens since it is a huge lecture and
students want the grade and they do whatever it takes. I know of this since the
girl that lives on my hall cheats like crazy and it drives me crazy.
- I think students used their books as guides when they came upon harder
- I think that if a group of people had similar schedules or made it a point
to study together that it would be easy to cheat, but I think that this should
not be a concern because they will have to learn the material anyway for the
individual part of the exams. I don't see how cheating on the quizzes would
benefit anyone and I also don't know of anyone who has cheated on these exams.
- I honestly never even considered cheating. The friends that I have in the
class all seem to compete their quizzes at a later time than I do. But now that
you mention it, I guess it is a risky situation. It would probably be very easy
to cheat but from what I would guess, it would be difficult to find someone
willing. Most people are competetive and do not want to tell others the answers
that they studied to get. jmuniz
- I don't know of any people that would cheat. However, I'm not likely to
associate with any student that would cheat, especially on such a quiz. The fact
that you are given two chances to take the quiz and that you'll only benefit
from taking the quizzes if you struggle through the concepts on your own would
make it very stupid for a student to cheat. Most students that would take MCB
229 are probably not on the level of cheating. For those few who probably did
cheat it would only be reflected in their final grade for the course,
guaranteed. So they only hurt themself and I really don't think the professors
should worry about it rather they should realize that they are helping out those
students who want to take advantage of this opportunity their professor it
presenting for them to do better in the course. A few bad eggs shouldn't be let
spoil it for everyone.
- Do you mean cheat as in look in the book or at notes while taking the quiz?
if so, yes i suppose i cheated, i thought these were open book quizzes if need
be. I tried to take them without the book, as this is much quicker, but if I
couldn't figure something out or if I couldn't remember an exact detail I would
resort to referencing the book. Do I think this is a problem? I think it was a
good way to get to know how much we know on our own, but not giving up on a
question we didnt know off the top of our heads, because in the end i did find
the answer out for myself, and i probably remembered those questions I had to
look up better than those I already sort of knew.
- I am not aware of any cheating that went on with the WebCT quizzes, mainly
because I do not know many of the students in the course, and those I do know, I
do not know very well. I don't see why students should have to cheat though,
seeing as the quizzes are open book and we have two chances to take the quizzes.
- I don't think cheating is a huge concern because it would hurt the student
in the long run. Also, this course is required for many science majors and
students know they need to know the information in this course and can't cheat
to slide through because when they continue with their major it would end up
hurting them.I am not aware of any cheating. It actually never occured to me
that people would.
- I don't know what you mean by cheating. If you mean that we used our books
then definetaly everyone cheated, but if you mean people cheating off each other
I really don't know of anyone doing this. Well, you also have to know that in
this class people are taking it because thay need to know this information for
the rest of their lives so it would be to their disanvantage to cheat. I would
not recommend this quizzes for classes like Drama or Bio 107 those are classes
that are more ge
- I think it is possible for the students to cheat on WebCt quizzes, but I am
not aware of any incidents of cheating.
- It seemed rather difficult to cheat, and cheating would hinder any type of
knowledge that we might need for our future career. I'm sure some cheated though
if they were in a bind every once in a while.
- no I dont think it was a problem because you could use your book so what
else do you need.
- I never cheated because I took the quizzes in my room upon comleting the
reading. However, I did hear the last day of lab that the last quiz we had 6
people took together, but that was the only time I heard of that, and I think it
was a one time incident.
- I had heard rumors not from people in this class but I have another class
that uses web quizzes. I heard that people were cheating on those. So I guess it
is possible that in a class with so many people you would get some people who
are going to cheat. Which makes it unfair to those of us who did our own work
and studying (I was actually wondering how I was spending so much time and
everyone else seemed to be doing so much better then I).
- Taking the quiz and then having the opportunity to go back, re-read the
material and take the quiz again was deffinitely valuable. I do not consider
this cheating. As far as things considered cheating such as taking quized for
other people, i do not know of any of this happening.
- I don't think that is a valid concerned. I never thought to cheat and I
never heard of anyone that I know, cheating. I think that the set up of the
quizzes reduces the impulse to cheat as it is an open-book format.
- I can certainly understand having concern for cheating. I don't know how
most people take the quizzes. I have heard of two people taking a quiz together
and I think most people refer to their book and notes while taking the quizzes.
It may be helpful to have more specific guidelines on how you would like the
students to take the quizzes (not that it would stop all cheating, but at least
people will be aware). Do you consider taking the quiz open-book, cheating? I
think that when people do cheat and not learn the material it will catch up with
them at test time!
- sure, cheating occurs all the time; it shouldn't happen but, unfortunately,
it does. I never saw it occur myself, but if someone forgot to close their page
it may have been looked at. To avoid this perhaps one should have to re-enter
the password to take or look at the quiz again.
- Yes students can help other students, but that is not really an issue. I
know I never told friends what was on the quizes because I am competative and
like to be the best. Also, there is no need to cheat when you have the book with
the answers right there in front of you. If students cheat, yes it will improve
their grade which is unfair to others, but I really feel that if it wasn't
through the online quizes, those students would have found some other un-honest
way to get a higher grade.
- THe time limit may be a factor when considering cheating.I think it is
possible that people did cheat becuase it was difficult to take thime in the
allotted tim and somewhat timeconsuming to prepare for the quizes. I dont know
of anyone who has cheated but i have had trouble finishing the quiz on time
which was discouraging. I think also becaus e you made took the higher of the
two grades from each quiz that may have helped to decrease cheating.
- There is a chance that students may cheat, but I have not seen or heard of
any cheating in this class.
- I did not hear of any cheating. I was not tempted to cheat. I used the
quizzes to motivate me to read, therefore cheating would be absurd and
- There should be no concern for cheating on the quizes. It's too much
trouble to devise a system of cheating on the quizes.
- Cheating? Is it really cheating to take the quiz in a group? I admit I did
do this a few times. However, it did not affect my learning or understanding of
the material. In fact, working in groups tends to improve retention of the
material. A few times concepts that were explained to me by another classmate
and it helped. I also explained concepts to other students. Some people work
better in groups whil others work better alone. There is the risk of students
taking quizes for other students or taking turns. I don't really think that this
is a large concern. In other classes, such as accounting, the teacher sets up
chat rooms for the students to talk about the quiz before and after taking the
quiz. Group learning. . .
- Ha! I should of read ahead. Feeling rather clever at learning to 'beat the
clock" (not the 15 minutes but the between classes limits on the quizes) with my
use of Prescott's material, I shared this info with a classmate facing similar
time consraints due to other reasons. I learned that some even more clever folks
had set up an email network to swap thier copies of the first attempt. Maybe you
will view this as creative group work - but attending schools where the honor
code was extremely serious business, I was in culture shock. With less of
conscience I certainly could have saved myself loads of time this semester.
What's to keep students from rotating quiz duty?
- For almost every quiz my roommate would take the quiz with someone else,
but I don't think she was entirely lacking a learning experience. However, the
two still worked together. I don't know of any situations where someone was
taking the quiz for someone else. On a couple of occasions, if there was an
especially difficult question, and my roommate had already taken the quiz, I
would ask her what the answer was. However, I still did the reading beforehand.
This is one of those situations where if you cheat, you're really just cheating
yourself out of making the most of 229.
- If any cheating occured it was very minimal and it was not blatant such as
"do you have the answer for this questioned" it was more like some assistance
and happened very seldom. I was in the lab several times with other students and
I never saw any cheating!!!
- I have no idea how anyone would be able to cheat. It takes too much
planning with other students that it would be nearly impossible. The quizzes are
already open book and open notebook that cheating isn't necessary. Also, there
is not enough time to do the quizzes without reading.
- On almost every quiz, I took it with some other student from the class, but
only on the second try. We would take it individually and then argue over the
questions we had gotten wrong and so that served as another factor in helping to
review. I know that this is still cheating, but it actually helped me more
because I absolutely know I remember everything I actually had to discuss with
classmates whereas the questions I had simply gotten right the first time, I
never gave them a second thought and later when I reviewed for the exam, those
facts were vaguely familiar; the concepts I had discussed with other students
while taking the quiz were always absolutely clear and ingrained in my mind.
- I don't believe that cheating is a big issue. People need to have a good
idea of what is going on to understand the quizes. If students work together I
still think that they are learning and I know that I learn much better when I
have someone to talk to about things.
- I think it could be a problem, but I don't know anybody who would
consistently allow somebody else to use their work. The students in this class
seem very competitive, so I don't think cheating would be a major problem, but
then again I don't know many people in the class. I do know that cheating on lab
quizzes is a problem, at least it was in my section. The TA's usually spent quiz
time setting up the lab and a few people consistently took advantage of that.
- I don't know how you can cheat on an open book test.
- No the time limit and different questions help in stopping cheating. If
there was cheating it would seem to be a waste of time considering that the
tests are not the same.
- If using the textbook is considered cheating, then yes, I know that it has
occurred. I would use my book during the quiz if I had not had enough time to
prepare because of work or some other obligation. I have seen other students
also using their books.
- Cheating is a very valid concern. More than once, I have seen people taking
the online quizzes in groups at the library. Another, more serious method of
cheating I noticed (though not nearly as common) is through the distribution of
printed quizzes that have been scored.
- i don't know what do you mean by cheating here because we are allowed to
refer to text and notes during the quizes. i always take the quizes at home and
did refer to text and notes when needed. i honestly don't know what way can you
cheat?--can you show me? i am just kidding--i do not believe in cheating--it is
not a way of learning. i do not think cheating is a problem in university. i
believe that all students attending this level of education are matured and they
are willing to learn and cheating is not their or my way.
- i don't think that it is a valid concern...if people are going to cheat,
then they'll cheat. i think that it would have been even easier for people to
cheat if you gave the quizzes in class...there are so many people there, it
would be impossible to watch everyone. I haven't heard anything about people