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Poliovirus 3'UTR RNA Dynamics files

Courtesy of Hilbert Bruins(1) and Willem Melchers(2) University of Nijmegen, Holland

(1)CAOS/CAMM computer aided chemistry and bioinformatics
(2)Department of Medical Microbiology

Poliovirus 3' UTR RNA dynamics were calculated according to Hilbert's description in calculations.html.

The original data FLI movie files which were converted to standard QuickTime movies, as well as 30% and 50% reduction QuickTime and animated GIF movie files (by Jean-Yves Sgro).

The table below allows you to see the 30% animated GIF version.

QuickTime versions are available here.

- RNA Dynamics -
--- click on images to see animations ---
bulge-solid bulge-stick
bulge-solid animation bulge-stick animation
renderall rotatex
reanderall animation rotatex animation


  1. Wang J, Bakkers JM, Galama JM, Bruins Slot HJ, Pilipenko EV, Agol VI, Melchers WJ
    Structural requirements of the higher order RNA kissing element in the enteroviral 3'UTR.
    Nucleic Acids Res 1999 Jan 15;27(2):485-90

  2. Melchers WJ, Hoenderop JG, Bruins Slot HJ, Pleij CW, Pilipenko EV, Agol VI, Galama JM
    Kissing of the two predominant hairpin loops in the coxsackie B virus 3' untranslated region is the essential structural feature of the origin of replication required for negative-strand RNA synthesis.
    J Virol 1997 Jan;71(1):686-96

Last Modified September 30, 1999