The single r14_ca_ico.kin file contains two kinemages to be viewed with the kineMAGE program. The first image is a Carbon-Alpha tracing of the four proteins that make up the virus. VP1 is blue, VP2 is green, VP3 is red and VP4, located in the interior is yellow. This "ensemble" of 4 proteins constitutes one "biological" protomer also called asymmetric unit. The virus itself is made up of 60 such protomers (or 12 pentamers).
The second kinemage (selected in the 3rd menu item from the left: KINEMAGE option Next) illustrates the above sentence by placing one protomer onto an icosahedral shell. Each triangle represents one "facet" of the icosahedron, each triangle is schematically divided to illustrate the position of each protein. Buttons on the right hand side of the graphics window help select what is displayed. 2 pentamers are highlighted, and each of their 5 triangles is independently able to be displayed on or off. The rest is called icosahedron and can also be hidden by deselecting the corresponding button.
Click in the graphics area and keep the mouse button down, move the mouse and see the molecule rotate. To turn around the Z axis ( which points towards the viewer) click in the upper left hand corner of the window, hold the button down and move the mouse.
Coordinates from BrookHeaven PDB file pdb4rhv.ent deposited 25-Jan-1988 by E. Arnold and M.G. Rossmann.
Created April 1993.
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� 1994 Jean-Yves Sgro. Institute for Molecular Virology/