(adopted from Ohio State University nomenclature course)
The following 12 names are to be considered as representing a single taxon. Using these names, provide answers to the questions below.
Radicula palustris Moench, Method. 262. 1794.
Cardaminum nasturtium Moench, Method. 262. 1794.
Nasturtium terrestre (L.) R. Brown in Aiton, Hort. Kew (ed. 2) 4: 110. 1812.
Sisymbrium islandicum Oeder ex Murray, Nov. Comm. Soc. Reg. Sci. Gott. 3: 81. 1778.
Rorippa notata Lynch, Burpee Seed Cat. 20: 15. 1953.
Tetracellion ellipsoideum Turczaninow ex Fischer et Meyer, Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1: 39. 1835, pro. syn.
Sisymbrium palustre Pollich, Hist. Pl. Palat. 2: 230. 1777.
Nasturtium aquaticum Sloane, Cat. 79. 1698.
Sisymbrium amphibium µ terrestre L. Sp. Pl. 657. 1753.
Tetrapoma sphaeroideum Turczaninow in N. Busch, Fl. Sib. et Orient. Extr.15: 207. 1915, nom. nud..
Sisymbrium terrestre (L.) Withering, Bot. Arr. Brit. Pl. (ed. 3) 3: 582.1796.
Rorippa islandica (Oeder ex Murray) Borbas, Balton Tavanak es Partmellekenek 392. 1900.
1. What is the correct name of this taxon it is considered to be a species of Sisymbrium?
2. What is the correct name of this taxon if it is considered to be a species of Rorippa?
3. What is the correct name of this taxon if it is considered to be a species of Nasturtium?
4. What is the correct name of this taxon if it is considered to be a species of Radicula [consider Radicula to be a valid genus name]?
5. Give an example of a later homonym.
6. Give two nomenclatural synonyms.
7. Give two validly published taxonomic synonyms.
8. Give an example of a name published in synonymy.
9. Give an example of a name that was published without a Latin diagnosis.
10. Give an example of of a validly published illegitimate name.
11. Furnish the only three names assumedly based on the same type specimen.
12. Give the only name that was not effectively published.
13. Give two names which were effectively, but not validly published.
14. Who is the author of Sisymbrium islandicum?
15. Who is the author of Nasturtium terrestre?
16. Suppose that a taxonomist regarded the taxon represented by the name Sisymbrium amphibium µ terrestre to be a separate variety of S.islandicum. What is the correct name of that variety?
17. List all names which would be placed in synonymy under this varietal name.
18. What would be the correct name of the nomenclaturally typical variety?
19. Suppose that Cardaminum nasturtium Moench is transferred to Nasturtium. What is the correct name for this taxon, assuming that the following names are available:
Nasturtium fontanum Aschers, Fl. Prov. Brandenb. 32: 1864.
Sisymbrium nasturtium L. Sp. Plant. 2: 657. 1753.
Nasturtium officinale R. Brown in Aiton, Hort. Kew (ed. 2) 4: 110. 1812.
Cardamine pyrenaica O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 1: 26. 1891.
Explain why you chose the name you did, and why you rejected the others.
20. Who is the publishing author of Sisymbrium islandicum?
21. Who is the publishing author of Nasturtium terrestre?