Ronald H. Petersen
1751. Linnaeus, "Philosophia Botanica."
1867. Alphonse de Candolle, "Lois," promulgated to Paris Congress.
1868. Publication of "Lois" in English (Amer. J. Sci. II 46: 63-74).
1891. Part I of Otto Kuntze's "Revision Genera Plantarum," with introduction of alternative starting dates of 1735 (1737) versus 1753.
1892. August 18-23. Rochester meeting of Botanical Club, AAAS. Adoption of "Rochester Code." (Bot. Gaz. for October: report of Rochester meeting).
1892. September 4-11. Genoa Congress. ("Ist" International Botanical Congress). Adopted Berlin proposals and restated De Candolle's "Lois")
1893. AAAS meeting at Madison, WI. (Amer. Nat. 27: 822-828. 1893)
1892-1900. Editorials and publications against American system.
1900. Paris Congress ("2nd" International Congress). [Took no action; referred nomenclature to Vienna Congress]
1901. New edition of Berlin proposals (Bull. Assoc. Fr. Bot.)
1903. AAAS meeting, Washington. [Appointed a nomenclature committee]
1904. AAAS meeting, Philadelphia. [Adopted Committee report into the "Philadelphia Code"] (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club)
1905. Vienna Congress.
1906. Publication of Vienna Code (J. Bot. 44, Supple.: 1-23)
1907. "American Code" recommended by AAAS commission (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 34: 167-178)
1910. Brussels Congress ("3rd" International Congress). [Adopted and reinforced the Vienna Code with few exceptions.]
1915. [Proposed London Congress cancelled (WW I)]
1924. January. Nomenclature subcommittee recommendations published to Imperial Botanical Conference (J. Bot. XX: 79-81)
Imperial Botanical Conference
Report of resolutions of the Imperial Botanical Conference (J. Bot. XX: 243-244)
1926. 4th International Botanical, Congress, Ithaca, NY. [No nomenclatural session, but several papers.]
1930. 5th International Botanical Congress, Cambridge, UK. [Incorporated American Code and Vienna Code for the first time.]
1934. Publication of Cambridge Code (Briquet, Ed., Jena)
1935. Republication of the Cambridge Code (J. Bot. 72 supple.)
6th International Botanical Congress, Amsterdam. [Reinforced Cambridge proceedings.]
1947. Publication of Amsterdam Code.
1950. Spring. Utrecht symposium on nomenclature. "Botanical nomenclature and taxonomy: a symposium organized by the International Union of Biological Sciences at Utrecht," J. Lanjouw, Ed. (Chron. Bot. 12: 1-88. "1948/49" 1950)
1950. July. 7th International Botanical Congress, Stockholm
1952. Publication of Stockholm code (Regn. Veget. 3: 228 p. 1952)
1954. January. The Geneva conference on botanical nomenclature and genera plantarum. (Regn. Veget. 5: 60 p. 1954)
Recueil synoptique des propositions concernant de Code International de la Nomenclature Botanique. J. Lanjouw, Ed. (Regn. Veget. 4: 124 p.1954)
July, 8th International Botanical Congress, Paris
1956. Publication of Paris Code (Regn. Veget. 8: 338 p. 1956)
1959. Synopsis of proposals concerning the International Code ... submitted to the Ninth International Congress, Montreal. (Regn. Veget. 14: 84 p.1959)
1960. Publication of report of nomenclature sessions at Montreal Congress (Regn. Veget. 20: 116 p. 1960)
1961. Publication of Montreal Code (Regn. Veget. XX: 361 p. 1961)
1964. Synopsis of proposals concerning the Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh. (Regn. Veget. 30: 68 p. 1964)
1966. Report of nomenclature session, Edinburgh Congress (Regn. Veget. 44: 75 p. 1966)
Publication of Edinburgh Code (Regn. Veget. 46: 402 p. 1966)
1969. Synopsis of proposals on botanical nomenclature [Seattle] (Regn. Veget. 60: 124 p. 1969)
1972. Publication of Seattle Code (Regn. Veget. 82: 426 p. 1972)
1975. Synopsis of proposals on botanical nomenclature [Leningrad] (Taxon 24: 201-254)
1978. Publication of Leningrad Code (Regn. Veget. 97: 457 p. 1978)
1980. Synopsis of proposals on botanical nomenclature (Sydney). Unpublished: circulated privately.
1982. Report on nomenclature session, Sydney Congress (Englera 2: 124 p. "1981")
1983. Publication of Sydney Code (Regn. Veget. 111: 472 p. 1983)
1987. Synopsis of proposals on botanical nomenclature (Berlin). (Taxon 36: 174-281. 1987)
1988. Publication of Berlin Code (Regn. Veget. 118: 328 pp. 1988)
1993. Synopsis of proposals on botanical nomenclature (Tokyo). (Taxon 42:191-272. 1993)
Report on nomenclature session, Yokohama, 1993. (Englera 14: 265 p. 993)
Names in Current Usage. 1. [family names]. (Regn. Veget. 127: 196 pp. 1993)
Names in Current Usage. 2. (Regn. Veget. 128: 150 pp. 1993)
Names in Current Usage. 3. (Regn. Veget. 129: 1464 pp. 1993)
1994. Publication of Tokyo Code (Regn. Veget. 131: 389 pp. 1994)