PPIGB is covering topics which can be described by the following keywords:
Plant Pathology, Phytopathology, Agriculture, Horticulture, Botany, Bacteriology,
Entomology, Insects, Mycology, Fungi, Nematology, Nematodes, Virology, Virus,
Weeds, Parasitic Plants, IPM, Integrated Pest Management, Pesticides, Herbicides,
Fungicides, Insecticides, Plant Protection, Plant Quarantine, Plant Health,
Plant Diseases, Plant Injuries, Plant Damage, stress, abiotic, biotic, yield,
chemical companies, mycorrhiza, induced systemic resistance, pesticide resistance,
late blight, fusarium, TMV, CMV, PVY, PVX, karnal bunt, root rot, drought stress,
whitefly, turfgrass, forestry, forest pathology.
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