Course Coordinators, Instructors, and Teaching Assistants are able to edit grades. If course personnel are instead assigned a custom role which only includes permission to view grades, but not edit them, then the grading interface for display of submissions and current grades is similar to the interface for editing grades, except for the following:
- Upload Scores, Process Clicker, and Grade/Manage/Review Bubblesheets
These items are absent from the Automated Grading panel in the top level grading menu page for a user with rights to view, but not edit grades.
- Grading table display and Grade page/folder for one student display
button is grayed out for a user with rights to view, but not edit grades.
- Send Messages and Grading Increments display options
For a user with rights to view, but not edit grades, after following the link (see section
) Select individual students to grade,
these two items will be absent from the table used to choose the amount of grading detail to display. Detailed grading information for each student will be missing the Send Message and Assign Grades boxes in this case.