For example, some content may logically really only belong in a single course. It may also be the case that some users may be granted privileges to edit course content, but not have an author or co-author role, which would allow them to publish content.
There are four ways to upload a web page (and any embedded dependencies, e.g., images etc.) directly to a course:
For the first three of these, the web page may contain multiple dependencies, e.g., images, applets, movies etc. By contrast, only one optional image file dependency is supported for the template-based "Simple Web Page",
When working with web pages uploaded directly to a course, you will find that the procedure for adding images and other embedded objects to a web page is different to that encountered when managing web pages in Authoring Space. LON-CAPA Web Page documents are stored differently than they might appear on a typical server.
Within LON-CAPA the Web Page and supporting image/multimedia are composed/uploaded via a single link on the course contents, instead of creating folders for the dependencies. Within LON-CAPA any subfolders are 'virtual', in the sense that any subfolders will be created automatically, based on the specified path (e.g., for images, based on the subfolders in the src attribute of the img tag).
The following procedure can be used to compose a web page online:
Re-initialize |
If you create an image link for a file used only for this web page, the path is virtual in the sense that you create a virtual folder structure and it will not be a folder structure that students browse. You should use a relative path, e.g. < img alt="my photo" src="images/photo.jpg" / > as if "photo.jpg" is in a subfolder "images". For this type of image, you create the path in the < img > tag before uploading the image using the Manage Dependencies button described next.
The editing window also includes a Manage Dependencies button. After adding an < img > tag with the src attribute pointing to a relative URL, click Save and Edit. In WYSIWYG mode a broken image icon will be displayed. Click "Manage dependencies" and you will be prompted to upload an appropriate file from your computer.
Note that an Edit link provided in the Functions menu when viewing the page in course context (if your current role has course editing rights) is a shortcut to the editor for this page.