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LON-CAPA-Feed "Course Announcements" 对于 PHY232/232C, Spring 2011 - Introductory Physics II
- Welcome to PHY232C
Welcome to the spring 2011 session of PHY 232C,
You are receiving this message because you are enrolled in PHY 232C section 730
or section 731.
The required text book is Knight-Jones-Field: College Physics (A Strategic
Approach), Second Edition, Volume 2. It is sold at the MSU bookstore and at SBS
on Grand River. If you already have the first edition of volume 2 of this text,
you will not need to purchase the second edition.
This class will use LON-CAPA. LON-CAPA is a computerized homework and exam
management system developed right here at MSU. We will NOT use Angel or
Mastering Physics from the textbook. Since this is an online class, you are not
required to purchase an i-clicker.
Please visit www.loncapa.msu.edu and log in using your MSU Net ID and password.
Select the "PHY 232/232C Fall 2010" class. The first item on the top is the
syllabus. You can also review the syllabus without logging in to Lon-Capa here:
https://s10.lite.msu.edu/public/msu/3v211900030224da4msua4/syllabus. Read it
carefully. This is the official syllabus for the course.
The next two items are folders containing the lectures for the course. The
“Classroom Lectures” folder will contain the slides used in the traditional
lecture, PHY 232, and are provided here for you as an additional resource. The
“Online Lectures” folder contains the lectures specifically designed for this
online course; they are in the form of narrated PowerPoint presentations with
example problems. A high speed internet connection (i.e. not dial-up) and a
computer with the ability to view flash video are required. All of the online
lectures for the course are currently available.
The next folder will contain the homework for the course. There are weekly
homework sets that are due on Wednesdays at 11:59PM. The first homework set is
due Wednesday, January 19 at 11:59PM. Currently, only homework set 1 is
available. Subsequent homework sets will open the morning (Thursdays) after the
previous one was due.
If you are living or traveling far from the MSU campus at the time of the exam,
beyond a reasonable commuting distance, or if you are traveling with an
MSU-sponsored program, you may be able to arrange a proctored off-campus exam.
Arrangements must be made well in advance of the exam – requests made after the
deadline will not be accommodated and you will have to take the exam at MSU.
For arrangement details and deadlines:
http://www.pa.msu.edu/courses/2011spring/PHY232C/Off-campus exams/off-campus.htm
You are encouraged to come to the help room (BPS 1248) with your questions. Our
Teaching Assistants will be more than happy to answer your questions. Starting
next week, the help room will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:00AM to
9:00PM and Friday 9:00AM to 6:00PM. TAs assigned to help with PHY232
specifically will be available all day Wednesdays and most of the day on
Tuesdays. A detailed schedule for the PHY232 TAs will be available by the end of
the first week of class.
You are also encouraged to use the discussion board inside LON-CAPA. If you
don't understand a problem or you need help, just click on the "Post discussion"
link and post your question. If you are seeking electronic help on a homework
problem, use the post discussion option. More likely than not, others will have
the same question and unlike email, everyone can then benefit from your question
and subsequent response(s). If you know the answer to another student's posted
question, just post your answer. Don't forget: The best way to learn is to
teach. (Doscendo discimus).
Prof. Tollefson
BPS 3247, (517) 884-5568, tollefson@pa.msu.edu
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