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The Natural History Museum Search Site map
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Latest version

WORLDMAP is under continuing development for research projects and is updated at least every month.

Before using it to carry out any analyses, please ensure that you have the most recent version:

v4.19.25 (24.XI.99)

Version 4.19 introduces automated procedures for choosing n areas to represent the maximum number of species (the 'maximal covering location problem'), for doing this to supplement existing selected areas ('Gap analysis'), and for testing the results against selecting areas at random.

If you find any bugs, or have any queries or suggestions, please contact us.

Recent changes

These are listed by build number and date. To find the version and build number (e.g. v4.00.00) for a copy of Worldmap, click on the 'Help' menu from the top bar, and then on the option 'About Worldmap'.

Development history

Previous major revisions listed by version and date.

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