New info
Latest version
WORLDMAP is under continuing development for research projects and is
updated at least every month.
Before using it to carry out any analyses, please ensure that you have
the most recent version:
v4.19.25 (24.XI.99)
Maximum-coverage sets of areas for a budget
Version 4.19 introduces automated procedures for
choosing n areas to represent the maximum number of species (the
'maximal covering location problem'), for doing this to supplement existing
selected areas ('Gap analysis'), and for testing the results against selecting
areas at random.
If you find any bugs, or have any queries or
suggestions, please contact us.
Recent changes
These are listed by build number and date. To find the version and build
number (e.g. v4.00.00) for a copy of Worldmap, click on the 'Help' menu
from the top bar, and then on the option 'About Worldmap'.
v4.19.25 24.XI.99 *Maximum coverage sets for a budget
v4.19.24 29.X.99 *Re-order areas by threat variable *Redundancy
test bug fix
v4.19.23 20.IX.99 *Random option for area-selection tie-breaking
*Random-number generator bug fix
v4.19.22 26.VIII.99 *Complementarity assessment
v4.19.21 20.IV.99 *Fully flexible area maps
v4.19.20 15.IV.99 *Selected areas to mask areas conversion
*Import screen scores by coordinates
v4.19.19 5.III.99 *Contagion integrated
v4.19.18 22.II.99 *Overlay randomisation test bug fix
v4.19.17 1.I.99 *Integrated 3D overlay colour plot
v4.19.16 1.X.98 *Extended redundancy test
v4.19.15 21.IX.98 *Median from randomisation test in table
v4.19.14 26.VIII.98 *Improved area cost import
v4.19.13 7.VIII.98 *Neighbourhood nestedness bug fix for
large data sets
v4.19.12 10.VII.98 *Divide data by range size *Large sets
of selected areas
v4.19.11 7.VII.98 *Tabulate pres/pres overlays
v4.19.10 24.IV.98 *Convert selected areas to pres data *Randomisation
test for pres/quant overlays
v4.19.09 17.IV.98 *Overlay presence/absence on quantitative
scores *Overlay presence/absence on presence/absence scores *Map richness
for taxa below a selected threshold range size
v4.19.08 12.III.98 *Reverse overlay colours for inverse correlation
v4.19.07 11.III.98 *Enhanced support for selecting subgroups
under Data Preselection *'Find' taxon for preselection of subgroups
v4.19.06 3.II.98 *'Find' taxon in editor *Smoothing by median
or mean
v4.19.05 20.I.98 *Modified cell-name editor
v4.19.04 15.I.98 *Simplified score-scale number system
v4.19.03 1.I.98 *Modified editor *New datafile enabled for
empty subdirectory *Revised richness gradients
v4.19.02 10.XII.97 *Modified Help and dialog boxes
v4.19.01 5.XII.97 *Re-organised menus *Automated max coverage
shortcut, inc multiple reps *Randomisation test on gap analysis (single
rep) *Fast edit exit when no change in data or filters *Small edit symbols
v4.18.07 26.XI.97 *Data median range size reported *Representation
results tabulated to disk on request
v4.18.06 2.XI.97 *Random area choices upper 5% tail cutoff
v4.18.05 10.X.97 *Print zoom background bug fix *Variable
line widths for printer
v4.18.04 28.IX.97 *Results-file monitor window
v4.18.03 20.IX.97 *Revised overlay swapping
v4.18.02 18.IX.97 *Variable near-minset rules *Screen labels
bug fixes
v4.18.01 30.VIII.97 *Suppress redraw while re-sizing for
NT *Modified documentation for www demo
v4.17.09 23.VIII.97 *Modified dissimilarity
v4.17.08 1.VIII.97 *Modified data import
v4.17.07 14.VII.97 *Near minset with added next-next-next-rarest
rule *3 2D colour scales *3 map colour fills
v4.17.06 4.VII.97 *Near minset with added next-next-rarest
rule *Revised near minset rule reporting
v4.17.05 21.VI.97 *Modified 2D colour scale *2D richness
export unmodified *2D gridcell spot fix *Lat/long coordinates for Vietnam
and Africa3 *Lat/long import for Vietnam (Africa3 untested)
v4.17.04 4.VI.97 *Print coloured window backgrounds *Richness
counts with max spot colour fix
v4.17.03 19.V.97 *Bug fix to preselection reload for non-reversed
v4.17.02 27.IV.97 *Microsoft Visual C++ version 5 *Modified
scale titles *Bug fix to selected data export for hyphenated names
v4.17.01 9.IV.97 *Modified map drawing options *Score scale
numbers option *Plot richness for all species from a gridcell *Coastline
for Africa3
v4.16.03 22.III.97 *DMAP data import for Britain *Absolute/relative
range edges, gradients, dissimilarity *Imported scores swap bug fix *Error
trapping revised
v4.16.02 16.III.97 *Modified Wombling/range edge measure
*Modified beta measures *Richness gradients measure *DMAP data export for
v4.16.01 8.III.97 *Modified pale 256 colour scale *Fixed
limit colour scale *Bug fixes to RESULTS.TXT output *Clear RESULTS file
v4.15.06 21.II.97 *Median range size *Modified pale 256 colour
scale *Area decision rules table includes redundant areas *Auto coastline
thickness for printer resolution
v4.15.05 20.II.97 *Modified pale 256 colour scale *Export
modified TWINSPAN 'v1.0' (1997) format *Export taxon number, gridcell number
*Import Genus,Species,Groupcode(return) *Area selection decision rules
v4.15.04 16.II.97 *List flexible areas to RESULTS.TXT *Save
& continue button in editor *Import taxa limit set to 2000 *Monochrome
scale with log/lin intensities *Temporary pale 256 colour scale *Red (256)
more/less distinct with max in separate class
v4.15.03 9.II.97 *Reverse colour scale *Monochrome forces
white background *Permit use of incomplete clade codes
v4.15.02 9.I.97 *Preselection to exclude taxa and areas *Preselection
settings save and load from disk *Selected areas save and load from disk
*'Max rarity' for rarest taxon per per cell *All beta measures on turnover
menu *Divide database by clade code
v4.15.01 4.I.97 *Shades of irreplaceability *Re-order areas
by complementary richness *Export background as well as foreground scores
*Dotted zoom box *Biota list restricted to selected species *Biota list
window broadened
Development history
Previous major revisions listed by version and date.
v4.14 3.X.96 *Datafile .dat extensions
v4.13 8.VII.96 *minset inter-active flexibility maps
v4.12 20.VI.96 *Large grid (master/active grid system)
v4.11 20.IV.96 *Data editor
v4.10 6.I.96 *32-bit Windows 95/NT (full data)
v4.00 24.XII.94 *16-bit Windows 3 test (small data)
v3.n9 IX.94 *hotspots, smoothing & turnover
v3.n8 V.94 *automated area selection
v3.n7 XII.93 *discrete p-median
v3.n5 V.93 *unlimited spp
v3.4 X.92 *overlay display
v3.3 X.92 *2200spp x 864areas
v3.2 IX.92 *variable weighting & animation
v3.1 III.92 *SVGA 103, 600spp x 1800areas
v3.0 XII.91 *(Zortech C) SVGA 88, 600spp x 864areas
v2.3 VI.91 *250spp x 864areas
v2.2 IV.91 *VGA 18, mouse, 160spp x 864areas
v2.1 I.91 *160spp x 864areas
v2.0 VIII.90 *(Microsoft C) EGA 16, function key
v1.0 X.88 *(Lm-BASIC2) EGA 16, numeric key, 43spp x 250areas
(c) 1998 The Natural History Museum. Please read the disclaimer.