User support
Reporting bugs
If you find any bugs, or have
any queries or suggestions, please contact
Known problems
- Recent copies of Windows 95 and all copies of Windows NT tested (v3.5
and v4) are much slower than earlier Windows 95 with the map-filling functions.
It is not clear where the problem lies, though it may be a change in the
Win95 system to bring it into line with WinNT. The problem can be avoided
by using Mapgraphics | Mapdraw | Mapfill option off.
- Some other applications (e.g. Word or Excel) when running simultaneously
may occasionally cause failure of the map-filling functions. This is a
problem with the Windows system (when the palette is reassigned by another
application), not of WORLDMAP. It is usually overcome automatically by
WORLDMAP re-asserting control over the colour palette whenever it regains
the system focus. However, if the problem persists, it can be avoided either
by closing other Windows applications, or by using Mapgraphics | Mapdraw
| Mapfill option off.
- The coloured squares plotted on the grid cells do not always meet properly,
without either fragmentation of the image or partially overlap of grid
cells (this may be especially obvious if an empty grid is viewed). This
is a problem with the Windows graphics functions, not with arithmetic within
WORLDMAP (zooming the affected part of the image will show the correct
gridcell registration). The gridcell plotting function attempts to offset
this problem by calculating an additional overlap factor when the image
is scaled down on the screen. The problem is being monitored and adjustments
- When the coastline is set to automatic contrast (black/white) with
the background, it prints to the printer as black. This can only only be
captured as a bitmap (.BMP) at present.
- WYSIWYG printing requires polishing.
Future developments
- Data import/export facilities will be augmented as required for collaborative
- Tree-drawing functions from WORLDMAP 3 will be implemented.
- Tree-distance measures will be implemented more fully as collaborative
projects with suitable data arise.
- Area-selection methods and biogeographic tools will be developed as
required for collaborative projects.

(c) 1998 The Natural History Museum. Please read the disclaimer.