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Chemicals in the Cell II

Lecture Index
  Course Index
Last revised: Friday, September 10, 1999
Reading: Ch. 3,4 in text
Note: These notes are provided as a guide to topics the instructor hopes to cover during lecture. Actual coverage will always differ somewhat from what is printed here. These notes are not a substitute for the actual lecture!
Copyright 1999. Thomas M. Terry

Strong and Weak Chemical Bonds

Covalent Bonds = strong bonds (50-100 kcal/mole)

Ionic Bonds (strong in crystals; weak in water: ~ 5-10 kcal/mole)

Ionic Bonds

  1. Ions can react to form compounds such as: Na + and Cl - ----> NaCl(table salt)
  2. Actually never just two atoms involved, usually millions or billions, alternating: Na + Cl - NA + CL - NA + CL - NA + CL - NA + CL - etc., in 3 dimensions. These are called salts
  3. Biomolecules contain a number of + and - charged groups which can form ionic bonds, such as carboxyl (-COO - ) and amino (-NH3 + ) groups.
  4. Ionic bonds are quite strong in the absence of water.
  5. However,once in water, ions become hydrated by shell of surrounding water molecules, ionic forces become weak (3-10 kcal/mole)
  6. In hydrophobic environments (such as inside a folded protein), ionic bonds can become quite strong (50 kcal/mole or more).

Hydrogen Bonds (weak: 3-5 kcal/mole)

Van der Waals bonds (weak: 1-2 kcal/mole)

"Hydrophobic bonds" (weak: 1-5 kcal/mole)

Aqueous Chemistry

Properties of Water

  1. Results from the strong polar nature of water
  2. Excellent solvent -- will dissolve most substances (except for large non-polar molecules)
  3. High heat capacity -- as heat is added, it is "soaked up" by H-bonds,contributes to slight loosening of attraction between water molecules. Can soak up lots of heat before individual molecules let go of each other, vaporize as steam.

Moles and Solutions

  1. All biological laboratory work involves solutions.
  2. Weight of individual atoms is too small to weigh. One proton weighs 1 dalton, a tiny fraction of a gram.
  3. Practical convention: instead of weighing substances in daltons, use grams. To keep track of numbers of molecules, use Mole concept.
  4. Mole = amount whose weight in grams is numerically equal to molecular weight of a substance.
    • Example 1 : Methane (CH4) has formula weight of (12x1 + 1x4) = 16.
    • To get one mole of methane, weigh out 16 grams.
  5. Solution containing 1 mole of a substance in 1 liter of water is 1 molar. If solution contains only 1/10 mole, is 1/10 molar, or 0.1 M.
    • Example 2 : to make a solution of 0.01 M glucose sugar, first calculate molecular weight of glucose: C 6 H 12 O 6
      6x12 + 12x1 + 6x16 = 180
    • To make 1 molar glucose, add 180 g/liter. To make 0.01M, add 1.8 g/liter.

Acids,Bases, and pH

Some common pH values in biological systems:


stomach acid 1.3-3
lemon juice 2.1
coke, orange juice 3
tomatoes 4
saliva 6.5
distilled water 7.0
blood 7.4
baking soda 8.4
bleach 11.9
oven cleaner 13


  1. Buffers are mixtures of acid and corresponding base, substances that only ionize partially, can "soak up" excess H + ions.
  2. Example : H 2 CO 3 --> HCO 3 - ( bicarbonate ion ) + H +
    HCO 3 - --> CO 3 = + H +
  3. If H + is added to solution, gets soaked up by forming more HCO 3 - , more H 2 CO 3
  4. In blood, bicarbonate is the common buffer. Other examples: phosphate salts,Tris, others (find tables for lab use).
  5. Buffers typically most useful over a 2 unit pH range.

Organic Compounds

  1. All molecules containing C (except CO 2 ) are organic compounds. Millions of examples.
  2. Since C has valence of 4, can add many possible other atoms to C, generate enormous number of different molecules.
  3. Ex: CH 4 , CH 3 OH, H 2 C=O (just some 1 C compounds)

Functional Groups

Group Name Role
  • hydrocarbon
  • insoluble in water
  • nonpolar
  • does not form H bonds
  • electrons equally shared between H and C
  • hydroxyl ( -OH) (Click to view figure)
  • water soluble; forms H bonds
  • found in alcohols and sugars
  • carbonyl ( -C=O) (Click to view figure)
  • Try interactive quiz on hydryoxyl and carbonyl groups at The Biology Place.
  • forms H bonds
  • found once in all sugars
  • If bonded to Hydrogen atom = aldehyde group (H-C=O)
  • If not bonded to H atom = keto group (-C=O)
  • carboxyl ( -COOH) (Click to view figure)
  • View animation of carboxyl group ionization at The Biology Place
  • Try interactive quiz on carboxyl and other O-containing groups at The Biology Place.
  • good acceptor of H bonds
  • acid; often ionized to COO -
  • amino ( -NH2) at the Biology Place
  • forms H bonds
  • base; often ionized to NH3 +
  • phosphate ( -PO4=) (Click to view figure)
  • forms H bonds; very soluble
  • always ionized
  • sulfhydryl ( -SH) (Click to view figure)
  • forms weak H bonds
  • two -HS groups can react to form S-S (disulfide) bonds
  • used to crosslink polypeptides

  • Isomers