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BIOLOGY 107.Lecture Schedule and Learning Resources

This page will be updated within a day or so after every lecture to add new material.

Links will be added to this page to access relevant study material as the semester progresses. Check this page frequently for updates!
Last revised: Monday, October 18, 1999


Lecture Topic and web Resources
Wed. 1 Sep.

Course Syllabus and Organization . Introduction to the Cell . Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Unicellular and Multicellular Life. Lecture Notes

Optional Web Resource: Cells Alive! A large collection of light micrographs showing a wide variety of cells and featuring time-lapse photography. Includes many video clips and animations.

Ch. 1
Ch. 7 (pp. 102-107)
Fri. 3 Sep.

Note: Monday labs meet today!
Chemicals in the Cell I.
Elemental composition. Atoms & isotopes. Strong and weak chemical bonds. Covalent bonds and organic molecules. Ionic and Hydrogen bonds. Polar and non-polar molecules. Lecture Notes

Optional Web Resource: The Periodic Table: a web periodic table, with information and links to data about the biological significance of each element. Click on an element to explore its properties.

Ch. 2
Mon.6 Sep.
Labor Day Holiday -- no classes today

Wed. 8 Sep.
Chemicals in the Cell II. Types of chemical reactions. The importance of weak interactions in biological systems. Roles of water, acids, bases, and buffers. Important functional groups. Lecture Notes

Required Web Activity: Building Molecules: An interactive study guide from The Biology Place. Password access required -- this came with your new text, or can be purchased by credit card or check from The Biology Place.

Optional Web Resource: Properties of Water: each image is a link allowing you to view enlarged graphics or short movies (you will need some type of mpg file viewer to see the movie. Browsers in university labs should be configured for this. Your browser will suggest possible links if you don't have a configured movie viewer.)

Ch. 3
Fri. 10 Sep.
Chemicals in the Cell II (cont.) . Important functional groups. Macromolecules & monomers. Isomers. Lecture Notes -- see Wed. Sep. 8 Ch. 4
Mon. 13 Sep.

Biomolecules: Lipids. Lecture Notes on Lipids

Required Web Activity: Properties of Biomolecules: An interactive study guide from The Biology Place.

Optional Web Resource: Monosaccharide Browser: a Web source of information about sugars. Suggested starting point: D-Glucose. Play with the button options to see various changes to the sugar. Note what happens when you convert from "aldose" form (-C=O group at the terminal position) to "ketose" form (-C=O group in an internal position), and note that you have now changed the name of the sugar, since it is a different isomer. Try clicking "Reverse All" to produce a mirror image (enantiomer) of the sugar, shown by changing L-forms into D-forms. what happens when you push "Delete C-2"?

Ch. 5
Wed. 15 Sep.

Biomolecules. Carbohydrates. Proteins.
Lecture Notes on Carbohydrates
Lecture Notes on Amino Acids and Proteins
Note: DNA and RNA will be postponed until after cell structure. These topics will not be covered on exam #1.

Required Web Activity: Properties of Biomolecules: An interactive study guide from The Biology Place.

Optional Web Resource: Jack Brown's molecular images: images of proteins and DNA in various representations. Takes a while to load, but worth browsing.

Ch. 5
Fri. 17 Sep.
Mon. 20 Sep.
Energy transformations & enzymes. Metabolism. Thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, and free energy. Reaction rates and activation energy. Enzymes as 3D stereospecific catalysts. Lecture Notes on Enzymes

Optional Web Resource: Energy, Enzymes, and Catalysis Problem Set from the University of Arizona. Answer the questions correctly and you sail right through. Choose a wrong answer and get a quick one-page tutorial on information you need to review. A nice way to see how well you understand these issues.

Ch. 6
Mon. 20 Sep.
Wed. 22 Sep.
Mon. 27 Sep.

Eukaryote Cell Organization . Nucleus and Cytoplasm. Ribosomes. Endomembrane system: rER, sER, Golgi, lysosomes. Organelles: mitochondria, plastids. Cytoskeletal fibers: Dynein and Kinesin. Cell junctions. Cell walls. Lecture Notes on Cells

Required Web Activity: Cell Structure and Function: An interactive study guide from The Biology Place.

Optional Web Resource: The Virtual Cell. Select an action from the list on the right (e.g. cut, view EM), then click on the image of the cell to see the result of your action. This is a good way to explore features of the cell.

Ch. 7
Fri. 24 Sep.
EXAM #1 -- covers all material through Wednesday Sept. 22

Wed. 29 Sep.
Fri. 1 Oct.

Membranes. Structure. Diffusion, transport, and osmosis. Types of membrane transport. Effects of hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic solutions. Endocytosis & exocytosis. Lecture Notes on membranes.

Required Web Activity: Biomembranes I, from The Biology Place.
Ch. 8
Fri. 1 Oct.
Mon. 4 Oct.
Wed. 6 Oct.

Metabolism. Glycolysis & fermentation. ATP. Oxidation and reduction reactions; temporary electron carriers (NADH, FADH) & terminal electron acceptors. Cell respiration. Organization of mitochondria. Electron transport and chemiosmosis. Role of the TCA cycle. Lecture Notes on Metabolism

Required Web Activity: Cell Respiration: An interactive study guide from The Biology Place.

Note: Makeup exam #1 Mon. Oct. 4 at 4:30 p.m., TLS 79

Ch. 9
Fri. 8 Oct.

Cell Communication . Cell signaling. Receptors and transducers. G-proteins. Kinases. Role of cyclic AMP. Lecture Notes on Cell Communication

Required Web Activity: Biomembranes II, from The Biology Place.

Ch. 11
Fri. 8 Oct.
Wed. 13 Oct.
Chromosomes and Cell Division. Structure of chromatin. Cell cycle and its regulation. Mitosis and cytokinesis. Cancer. Lecture Notes on Cell Division

Required Web Activity: Mitosis : interactive study guide from The Biology Place.

Ch. 12
Mon.11 Oct.
Columbus Day Holiday -- no classes today

Wed. 13 Oct.
Meiosis and sexual life cycles. Karyotypes. Meiosis I and II; contrasts with mitosis. Lecture Notes -- see previous lecture.

Required Web Activity: Meiosis: interactive study guide from The Biology Place.
Ch. 13
Fri. 15 Oct.
Mon. Oct. 18
DNA Structure and Replication . Evidence for the role of DNA as genetic material. Watson-Crick structure. Mechanism of DNA replication. Lecture Notes on DNA structure & replication

Required Web Activity: DNA Structure and Replication, from The Biology Place.

Ch. 16
Ch. 17 (pp. 294-296, 300-304)
Mon. 18 Oct
Wed. 20 Oct.
Transcripiton. Protein Synthesis & The Genetic Code. Transcription and role of RNA polymerase.Functions of t-RNA, r-RNA, and m-RNA. Ribosome structure and the process of translation. Types of mutations and possible effects. Origin of new genes. Lecture Notes on Transcription and Translation

Required Web Activity:
From Gene to Protein: Transcription, from The Biology Place.
From Gene to Protein: Translation (Protein Synthesis): from The Biology Place.

Ch. 17
Fri. 22 Oct.
EXAM #2 -- covers all material not covered on Exam #1

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