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Energetics and Enzymes

Lecture Index
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Last revised: Saturday, September 25, 1999
Reading: Ch. 6 in text
Note: These notes are provided as a guide to topics the instructor hopes to cover during lecture. Actual coverage will always differ somewhat from what is printed here. These notes are not a substitute for the actual lecture!
Copyright 1999. Thomas M. Terry

A. The Logic of Cell Chemistry--an overview

How can you build a complex chemical factory?

Requirements of the problem

Solution 1: pipes, valves, computers

Solution 2: broadcast, collision, specific reactors

The "specific reactors" are Enzymes (protein)

B. Energetics

Definition and Measures of Energy

Laws of Thermodynamics

C. The Nature of Chemical Change

All systems spontaneously move towards some equilibrium state

  1. In principle, any chemical reaction is reversible.
  2. Example: H2 + O2 --> H2O. (explosive). But also to some extent H2O -> H2 + O2
  3. equilibrium constant Keq = [products]/[reactants]
  4. If Keq is high (eg 100), reaction goes greatly to products; if low, goes towards reactants

Exact balance of product & reactant depends on free energies

G is related to equilibrium

  1. consider rxn. A + B <=====> C + D
  2. Any reaction has some equilibrium state; given enough time to reach equilibrium, concentrations will remain constant
  3. Keq = [products]/[reactants] = [C][D]/[A][B]
                     Keq    Go'	      comments
C, D = A, B	       1        0         no useful work
C, D = 10 x A, B      10     - 1.36      useful work
C, D = 100 x A, B     100    - 2.73      more useful work
C, D = 1000 x A, B    1000    -4.10     even more useful work

Rate of a chemical reaction is not predictable from G

Rates are limited by Activation Energy

  1. reacting molecules must have enough energy
    • rate can be increased by increased temperature, increases kinetic energy
  2. reacting molecules must be in precisely correct relative orientation to form the transition state
    • chemical reactions involve rearrangements of electrons. Like going from one depression to another--even though second is more stable, first has its own stability, won't immediately change
    • this is extremely improbable, because requirements to form a new bond are very strict
    • even a fraction of an Angstrom out of alignment will reduce occurrence to negligible levels
    • when other molecular participants involved (e.g. acids, bases), extremely low probability that reaction will proceed at all
    • this low probability is defined by entropy.
  3. Rates can be accelerated by catalysts
    • catalyst is anything that speeds up a reaction, but does not become part of the process
    • industry typically uses things like finely ground platinum, magnesium to speed up a number of rxns. These are non-specific catyalysts.

D. Enzymes

Enzymes are named by adding the suffix -ase

Enymes are three-dimensional stereospecific catalysts

  1. Enzymes are typically large proteins, contain an active site
  2. Substrate binds to active site in highly 3-D specific orientation.
  3. Enzyme + Substrate form temporary chemical bonds, both weak and strong.
  4. Enzyme facilitates bringing substrates into exact alignment needed for transition state to be achieved. This often involves temporary changes in shape of enzyme, called Induced Fit.
  5. Enzyme dissociates from product after reaction is complete (thousandths of a second typically)
  6. View animation of enzyme-substrate interaction
  7. Enzyme is unchanged, able to recycle again
  8. Typical equation: E + S ----> E-S complex ----> E + P
View Enzyme Figures

Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions by factors of 1010 to 1015

  1. Difference between presence or absence of enyzme is enormous.
  2. Example: breakdown of urea (nitrogenous waste in urine) would take about a year without enzyme, only millionth of a second with enzyme.
  3. Enzymes characterized by a turnover number: typically 1000s to millions of reactions per second
  4. Cell chemistry is absolutely dependent on enzyme; if one type of enzyme if lost, that reaction will no longer occur at useful rates, for practial purposes will not occur at all.

Specificity of enzymes is variable

  1. some enzymes work on one unique substrate only
  2. others will accept a variety of substrates that have certain types of chemical similarity; will work better on some, poorer on others

Many enzymes require cofactors

  1. some enzymes have tightly bound helpers called coenzymes or cofactors
  2. Cofactors can be single metal ions (Mg, Zn, Co, Mn, etc)
  3. Cofactors can be small organic molecule called coenzyme

Enzyme activity can be regulated in different ways

  1. Consider Regulatory problem of cell: thousands of enzymes, each with a "mind of its own". Yet cell needs overall stability.
  2. Example: synthesis of a certain amino acid. Reaction scheme looks like this:

  3. Suppose supply of E in cell increases (e.g. eat a meal rich in E). How to shut down synthesis of E?
  4. Cell's answer: Enzyme 1 is reversibly inhibited by E. Note that E is not the substrate, and chemically so different that it cannot bind to active site. How does E shut down Enzyme 1?
  5. Enz 1 is a special type of enzyme called an allosteric enzyme. It causes feedback inhibition. Allosteric enzymes contains two distinct subunits, one with active site (binds substrate A and catalyzes reaction), one with allosteric site (binds E).
  6. When E binds, causes shape change in the enzyme, this is transmitted to block activity of active site.
  7. View animation of allosteric enzyme (by Dr. Steven Berg, Winona State University)
  8. Net result: whole pathway is turned on or off as a unit by end-product. Called Feedback inhibition. Crucial to cell regulation.
View Enzyme Figures

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