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Selected Publication List

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Lindsay, S.M., Frank, T.M., Kent, J., Partridge, J.C., and M.I. Latz. 1999. 
Spectral sensitivity of vision and bioluminescence in the midwater 
shrimp, Sergestes similis. Biological Bulletin 197(3). (Dec 1999)

Latz, M.I. and J. Rohr. 1999. 
Luminescent response of a red tide dinoflagellate to laminar and 
turbulent flow. Limnology and Oceanography 44: 1423-1435.

Rohr, J., M.I. Latz, S. Fallon, J.C. Nauen, and E. Hendricks. 1998. 
Experimental approaches towards interpreting dolphin-stimulated 
bioluminescence. Journal of Experimental Biology 201: 1447-1460.

Rohr, J., J. Allen, J. Losee, and M.I. Latz. 1997. 
The use of bioluminescence as a flow diagnostic. 
Physics Letters A 228: 408-416.

Omori, M., M.I. Latz, H. Fukami, and M. Wada. 1996. New 
observations on the bioluminescence of the pelagic shrimp 
Sergia lucens (Hansen, 1922). pp. 175-184. In: Zooplankton: 
Sensory Ecology and Physiology. P.H. Lenz, D.K. Hartline, J.E. 
Purcell, and D.L. Macmillan, eds. Gordon and Breach Publishers, Amsterdam.

Latz, M.I., and H.J. Jeong. 1996. Effect of red tide 
dinoflagellate diet and cannibalism on the bioluminescence of the 
heterotrophic dinoflagellates Protoperidinium spp. Marine 
Ecology Progress Series 132: 275-285.

Latz, M.I. 1995. Physiological mechanisms in the control of 
bioluminescent countershading in a midwater shrimp. Journal of 
Marine and Freshwater Physiology and Behavior 26: 207-218.

Latz, M.I., J. Rohr, and J. Hoyt. 1995. A novel flow 
visualization technique using bioluminescent marine plankton 
- Part I: Laboratory studies. IEEE Journal of Oceanographic 
Engineering 20:144-147.

Latz, M.I. and A.O. Lee. 1995. Spontaneous and stimulated 
bioluminescence of the dinoflagellate, Ceratocorys horrida 
(Peridiniales). Journal of Phycology 31: 120-132.

Rohr, J., M.I. Latz, E. Hendricks, and J.C. Nauen. 1995. A 
novel flow visualization technique using bioluminescent 
marine plankton - Part II: Field studies. IEEE Journal of 
Oceanographic Engineering 20:147-149.

Neilson, D.J., M.I. Latz, and J.F. Case. 1995. Temporal 
variability in the vertical structure of bioluminescence in 
the North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 
100(C4): 6591-6603.

Latz, M.I., J.F. Case, and R.L. Gran. 1994. Excitation of 
bioluminescence by laminar fluid shear associated with simple 
Couette flow. Limnology and Oceanography 39:1424-1439.

Jeong, H.J. and M.I. Latz. 1994. Growth and grazing rates of 
the heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Protoperidinium, on red 
tide dinoflagellates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 106: 

Case, J.F., E.A. Widder, S. Bernstein, K. Ferrer, D. Young, M.I. Latz, M. Geiger, and D. Lapota. 1993. Assessment of marine bioluminescence. Naval Research Reviews 45(2): 31- 41.

Herring, P.J., M.I. Latz, N.J. Bannister, and E.A. Widder. Bioluminescence of the poecilostomatoid copepod Oncaea conifera. Marine Ecology Progress Series 94: 297-309. Latz, M.I. and J.F. Case. 1992. Slow photic and chemical induction of bioluminescence in the midwater shrimp, Sergestes similis. Biological Bulletin 182: 391-400. Latz, M.I., M.R. Bowlby, and J.F. Case. 1991. Bioluminescence of the solitary Spumellarian radiolarian, Thalassicolla nucleata. Journal of Plankton Research 13:1187-1201. Latz, M.I., M.R. Bowlby, and J.F. Case. 1990. Recovery and stimulation of copepod bioluminescence. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 136: 1-22. Latz, M.I., T.M. Frank, and J.F. Case. 1988. Spectral composition of bioluminescence of epipelagic organisms from the Sargasso Sea. Marine Biology 98: 441-446. Latz, M.I., T.M. Frank, M.R. Bowlby, E.A. Widder, and J.F. Case. 1987. Variability of flash characteristics of a bioluminescent copepod. Biological Bulletin 173: 489-503. Latz, M.I., T.M. Frank, J.F. Case, E. Swift and R.R. Bidigare. 1987. Bioluminescence of colonial radiolaria in the western Sargasso Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 109: 25-38. Widder, E.A., M.I. Latz and P.J. Herring. 1986. Temporal shifts in bioluminescence emission spectra from the deep-sea fish, Searsia koefoedi. Photochemistry and Photobiology 44: 97-101. Denton, E.J., F.R.S., P.J. Herring, E.A. Widder, M.I. Latz and J.F. Case. 1985. The roles of filters in the photophores of oceanic animals and their relation to vision in the oceanic environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 225: 63-97. Widder, E.A., M.I. Latz, P.J. Herring and J.F. Case. 1984. Far red bioluminescence from two deep-sea fishes. Science 225: 512-514. Frank, T., E.A. Widder, M.I. Latz and J.F. Case. 1984. Dietary maintenance of bioluminescence in a deep-sea mysid. Journal of Experimental Biology 109: 385-389. Widder, E.A., M.I. Latz and J.F. Case. 1983. Marine bioluminescence measured with an optical multichannel detection system. Biological Bulletin 165: 791-810. Latz, M.I. and J.F. Case. 1982. Light organ and eyestalk compensation in the luminescent midwater shrimp, Sergestes similis. Journal of Experimental Biology 98: 83-104.

Warner, J., M.I. Latz and J.F. Case. 1979. Cryptic bioluminescence in a midwater shrimp. Science 203: 1109- 1110. Latz, M.I. and R.B. Forward, Jr. 1977. Effect of salinity upon phototaxis and geotaxis in a larval crustacean. Biological Bulletin 153: 163-179.

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