VCE Biology:
Overview of CAT 3

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About the Biology CAT 3 examination.
VCE Biology CAT 3 is a 90 minute examination of the work covered in Unit 4 VCE Biology.
The questions in the exam will not be only factual recall questions.
There will be many questions where the principles covered in Unit 4 are presented in a new context. Students are expected to identify the relevant biology in such questions and use their understanding to answer the questions asked.
Other questions may ask students to make predictions, or to interpret the results of a biological experiment.
Students should be aware that correct spelling of Biological terms is expected in exams. If spelling is incorrect, markers are instructed not to award any marks.
Students also need to know that markers are instructed that if, within the one response, a student provides both correct and contradictory incorrect information, there is no mark awarded for the correct part of the response. Basically this means that unless you are certain it's correct, don't offer extra information in an answer.
The best method of preparation for CAT 3 is to make sure that you have a good grasp of the facts, then do as many practice exams as you can find. Correct these practice exams yourself, and ask your teacher to explain any answers which you do not understand.
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About these Notes.
The notes here at the VCE Biology Students' Site are a summary of the main ideas of the 'dot points' in the VCE Study Guide. These dot points outline the ideas which will be examined in CATs 1 and 3.
These notes are not intended as a substitute for attendance in your VCE Biology class!
Class note taking, discussions, problem solving and most importantly, practical work are all vital for the development of good skills as a biologist.
However, if you use these notes as a 'skeleton' upon which to build your revision of each topic you can face the exam CAT assessment well prepared.
The notes for Unit 4; Areas of Study 1 & 2 will not be launched until after CAT 1 is completed!
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When you are studying Biology, keep in mind the levels at which biological systems operate:
- Cells function as part of a larger group of cells, a tissue or organ.
- Tissues and organs function together for the whole individual to survive.
- Individuals are part of a species.
- Species interact to form the living things in an ecosystem.
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This page is maintained by Jenny Herington, who can be contacted at bio_cat@bioserve.latrobe.edu.au by email.
All of the pages at the VCE Biology Students' site are copyright © Biochemistry, LaTrobe University.
Last update : 21 Feb. 97