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CE Short Course in Herbalism for Health Practitioners

Module 1: Introductory Botany For Health Care Professionals

General Introduction to Botany for Health Practitioners (History of Botany and Herbalism; Definitions; General Orientation; Q & A)

A. Taxonomy (Classification, Nomenclature and Ordination)

  1. Variety
  2. Subspecies
  3. Species & Authority
  4. Genus
  5. Family (With characterization, e.g., of several important medicinal plant families: asters, celery, crucifers, dogbane, heather, legume, lily and yam, madder, mint, nightshade, and rue families.

B. Morphology and Anatomy (of Medicinal Plant Parts)

Vegetative Characteristics (Texas AMU) Vegetative Characters

  1. Latices, resins and other exudates
  2. Stem
  3. Bark
  4. Wood
  5. Pith
  6. Thorn, tendrils, etc.
  7. Leaves, leaf-stalks, and stipules
  8. Indument, margins, and venation

    Vegetative Characteristics (Texas AMU) Reproductive Characters

  9. Inflorescence
  10. Flowers (sepals, petals, stamens, pistils)
  11. Fruits
  12. Seeds
  13. Roots

C. Chemosystematics (See also Module 2)

D. Physiology

E. Phenology

F. Palynology

Evolution of Man and Medicine

A. Paleolithic Man (Coevolution of Animals, Diseases, Plants, and Man)

B. Neolithic Man (Coevolution of Animals, Diseases, Crops, Plants and Man)

C. Modern Man (Lifestyle Diseases Replace Germs as Major Killers)

Evolution of Systems of Herbal Medicine

Ethnic Functional

A. African Allopathic

B. Amerindian (Next Module) Homeopathic

C. Arabic Naturopathy

D. Ayurvedic Napropathy

E. Biblical (Graeco/Roman) Aromatherapy

F. Chinese Balneology

G. Latino Massage

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