Abuta grandifolia (Mart.) Sandwith. Menispermaceae. "Abuta", "Motelo sanango",
"Trompetero sacha". The decoction of the stems and roots mixed with wild bee honey is used to
treat sterile women. Root decoction used for post-menstrual hemorrhages.
Ananas comosus L. Bromeliaceae. "Piña", "Piña negra", "Huacamayo piña", "Gebero piña",
"Garrafón piña", "Lagarto piña", "Jambo piña", "Pineapple". . A refreshing drink is made from
the pericarp decoction, which is also added to "chicha" to improve its taste. Preserves made with
the fruit. The juice is astringent and anthelmintic. In the Philippines the fiber yields a very fine
white thread (SOU). "Tikunas" grate the green fuits in water and take in the first or second
month of pregnancy as abortifacient. Amazonian Brazilians take the fruit for dyspeptic flatulence
(SAR). In Piura, practicing food "farmacy", the fruit is ingested for blenorrhagia, kidney stones,
rheumatism, and worms.
Annona cherimolia Mill. Annonaceae. "Chirimolia", "Custard apple". Fruit edible. Chopped
leaves applied to the nape of the neck for headache; leaf decoction drunk for dysentery; crushed
seeds used to kill parasites (FEO).
Annona muricata L. Annonaceae. "Guanábana", "Chirimoya", "Chirimoya brasilera", "Soursop".
Cultivated. Fruit edible fresh or in ice creams. Leaf decoction used for catarrh in Piura; crushed
seed to kill parasites (FEO). Colonists from Risaralda use the plant for rachitic children. Bark,
roots and leaves are used in teas for diabetes; also used as a sedative and antispasmodic (RVM).
"Créoles" use the decoction of the leaves and bark as a sedative, yet heart tonic. They use A.
montana the same way (GMJ). Tapajos natives use the leaf tea for the liver (BDS). Elsewhere
used for chills, colds, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, fever, flu, gallbladder attacks,
hypertension, insomnia, kidneys, nervousness, palpitations, pediculosis, ringworm, sores and
internal ulcers (DAW).
Annona squamosa L. Annonaceae. "Anona", "Sweetsop". Cultivated. Fruit edible (RVM).
Elsewhere used for abortion, bruises, carbuncles, chancre, cold, diarrhea, dyspepsia, fever,
puerperium, rheumatism, spasm, syphilis, tumors, ulcers and venereal disease; considered
astringent, insecticide, pectoral, pediculicide, purgative, soporific, tonic and vermifuge (DAW).
Brazilians use the leaves in cough syrup (BDS). Like so many Annonaceae with seeds used to
control insects and lice, this contains pesticidal acetogenins (JAD).
Arrabidaea chica (HBK) Verlot. Bignoniaceae. "Puca panga". Fresh leaves used in decoction
alone or mixed with the fruits of Renealmia alpinia to dye fibers of Astrocaryum chambira or to
make tattoos. This dye is also used to treat skin infections and herpes (RAR). Leaves also used
as anti-inflammatory. "Chami" from Risaralda extract the red tint to dye baskets (RVM).
"Tikuna" use leaf infusion for conjunctivitis (SAR). Achual "Jivaros" chew the leaves with clay
to blacken the teeth (SAR). Tapajos residents use leaf tea for anemia, blood disorders,
Banisteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) Morton. Malpighiaceae. "Ayahuasca", "Soul vine",
"Spirit vine", "Yagé". In some cases semicultivated by witches, shamans and ayahuasqueros.
Stems used by native farmers and city folk as a purge. The "ayahuasca" is an hallucinogenic
drink, much used in the old days in rituals. Now it is used for medicinal purposes and divination.
It is said not only to cure all kinds of sickness, but to help in diagnosis, divination, and telepathy.
It is also laxative and emetic. To prepare the "purge" it is recommended that the stem collector
(the brujo) abstain from sex for at least a week before cutting the stems, and in the day of the
gathering he should go without eating. This should be done either Tuesdays or Fridays in the
morning. They have to cut and grind the stems and boil them until the liquid becomes dark; then
pass through a sieve; once cool, it is ready to be taken. They generally use one species,
sometimes mixed with other species of Banisteriopsis, as B. longialata, and occasionally with
other plants, such as: Psychotria viridis, P. carthaginensis, Nicotiana tabacum, Brugmansia
suaveolens, Malouetia tamarquina, etc. Tabernaemontana sp., Brunfelsia, sp., Datura
suaveolens, Iochroma fuchsioides, Juanulloa, cactus, ferns, etc. Contains alkaloids such as
harmaline, tetrahydroharmine, harmol, harminic-acid methyl-ester, harminic acid, acetyl-norharmine, N-norharmine, N-oxyharmine, harmalinic acid, ketotetrahydronorharmine (RVM).
Bauhinia guianensis Aubl. Fabaceae. "Escalera de mono", "Monkey ladder". Used as an
ornamental and for handicrafts (RVM). Amazonian "Tukuna" use stem for kidney diseases
(SAR). "Taiwanos" consider the seed diuretic (SAR). The root is boiled with "sarabatuco" to
treat ameba in Amazonian Brazil (BDS). Considered ichthyotoxic (RAR).
Bixa orellana L. Bixaceae. "Achote", "Achiote amarillo". Cultivated. Natives mainly use it for
food coloring and to decorate their bodies. There are experimental plots for the extraction of
bixin. In Piura, the shoot decoction is considered antidysenteric, antiseptic, antivenereal,
aphrodisiac, astringent, and febrifugal (FEO). The foliage is used to treat skin problems and
hepatitis; also used as aphrodisiac, antidysenteric, and antipyretic. Considered good for the
digestive system, and for treatment of liver disease. Very effective as a gargle for tonsilitis
(RVM). "Chinatecas" poultice leaves on cuts to avoid scars (RVM). People from Cojedes use the
flower infusion as purge and to avoid phlegm in newborn babies. "Kayapo" massage stomachs of
women in labor with the leaves. "Waunana" use to dye demijohns and baskets. Bark yields a
gum similar to gum arabic. Fiber used as cordage. "Kayapo" use to tint to the body (RVM). Dye
said to be an antidote for HCN (SAR). Seeds believed to be expectorant, the roots, digestive
(SAR), antitussive (BDS). Around Explorama, fresh leaf stalks, devoid of blades, are inserted
into a glass of water; the mucilage that forms is applied in conjunctivitis. (Fig. 36)
Brugmansia aurea Lagerhein. Solanaceae. "Toé", "Maricahua", "Floripondio", "Angels
trumpet". Cultivated. Ornamental used as an hallucinogen, for telepathy and divinations. Some
people smoke the leaves and the flowers in small quantities, as a substitute for marijuana. Brujos
make a purge for dogs to make them good hunting dogs (EXP). Leaf decoction externally used
for dermatitis and orchitis; chopped leaves antispasmodic, decongestant (FEO). The main
alkaloid in Brugmansia is scopolamine, also found are: norscopolamine, atropine, meteloidine,
noratropine, 3alpha,6beta-ditigloyloxytropane-7beta-ol, tropine, 3alpha-tigloyloxytropane RVM.
Brunfelsia chiricaspi Plowman. Solanaceae. "Chiricaspi", "Chiric sanango". Used as an additive
in the preparation of hallucinogenic beverages (RVM). The hallucination has serious side
effects, among them: chills, cold sweats, heavy tongue, itchiness, nausea, stomachache,
temporary insanity, tingling, and vomiting (SAR). Used by the Indians for fever (SAR).
Calycophyllum spruceanum (Benth.) Hook. Rubiaceae. "Capirona". The wood, used for
contruction, is a favorite for firewood and charcoal. Natives boil l kg of bark in l0 liters of water
to obtain 4 liters of medicine from which they drink l50 ml 3 times a day for 3 consecutive
months for diabetes (RVM). Peruvians use the bark against "sarna negra", an arachnid that lives
under the skin. Powdered bark is applied to mycoses (SAR). Considered contraceptive,
emollient, vulnerary.
Capsicum annuum L. Solanaceae. "Pimiento", "Pucunucho", "Sweet pepper". Cultivated.
Natives believe that to become a good blowgun shooter, one must chew and eat slowly a half
dozen fruit before breakfast for 8 days. Studies report that this species is hallucinogenic, but they
don't use it for this purpose. Curanderos use it in a maceration mixed with aguardiente to give as
a purge for dogs to make them good hunting dogs. This species and C. frutescens are present in
this maceration and also Nicotiana tabacum, Brunfelsia grandiflora ssp. schultesii and
Brugmansia spp. (RVM). "Jivaro" apply the fruit directly to toothache (SAR). In Piura, the fruit
infusion is considered antipyretic, tonic, and vasoregulatory; the decoction used as a gargle for
sore throat or pharyngitis; the tincture is applied to bugbites, mange, hemorrhoids, and
rheumatism (FEO).
Capsicum conicum Mey. Solanaceae. "Carolito",* "Coralito"*. Cultivated. Considered one of the
strongest chillies.
Carapa guianensis Aubl. Meliaceae. "Andiroba", "Requia", "Brazilian mahogany". An
excellent wood for carpentry, comparable with the wood from Cedrela odorata and Swietenia
macrophylla. The bitter bark infusion is believed febrifuge and vermifuge (SAR), also a tonic.
Perhaps useful in herpes (RAR). Infusion used to wash dermatoses and sores (SAR). Seeds yield
an oil, with the consistency of lard, used to coat wood to protect it from insects (SOU).
Brazilians sell seed oil as antiinflammatory and antiarthritic (RVM). Also used in the soap
industry. Fruit oil ingested for cough in Brazil (BDS). The "Wayãpi", the "Palikur", and the
"Créoles" use it to remove ticks from their heads, also for Schongastia guianensis, which gets in
the skin. Native Americans trust the oil as an emollient and antiinflammatory for skin rash
Carica papaya L. Caricaceae. "Papaya", "Pawpaw". Cultivated. Green fruit eaten cooked;
ripe, eaten fresh or in juices. A dozen seed are swallowed as a vermifuge. For constipation, eat
half a papaya. Rutter mentions use of papaya for acarosis, enteritis, and tachycardia (RAR).
"Chocó" mix the latex with honey as vermifuge. Leaf infusion cardiotonic. "Cuna" use cooked
roots for indigestion. Tikuna eat grated immature fruit with 2-6 aspirin, inducing abortion in
about two days (SAR). In Piura, the leaf tea is considered digestive and hypotensive; chopped
fruits are used as antiseptic (FEO). Brazilians make flower tea for heart and liver (BDS).
Knowing that meat tenderizer (based on papaya's papain) had been used for sea nettle stings,
JAD applied papaya juice to the rash Don Segundo induced by flagellating the wrist with
stinging nettle. JAD had a reaction. Chymopapain has been used to dissolve herniated disks, but
1 in 4,000 people exposed to this treatment die of anaphylactic shock. Recent news has
suggested that too much papaya might induce prostate cancer (JAD).
Cassia reticulata Willd. Fabaceae. "Retama". Sometimes planted as an ornamental. Flower
infusion used for liver diseases, acid indigestion, upset stomach and kidney inflammation.
Leaves and flowers contain antibiotics such as rhein (cassic acid), which is antibacterial against
gram-positive and acid-resistant bacteria. The antibiotics reduce swellings of hepatic and renal
sickness. Also used to treat venereal and skin diseases (LAE, RVM). Leaves used in baths for
gastritis and ulcers (VDF). Used around Explorama for ringworm (JAD). "Boras" burn the leaves
to repel sandfly Lutzomyia sp. "Manta blanca", vector of leishmaniasis. Used as a purge by the
"Chocó". The Piria "Cuna" in the town of Piria (Panama) use it for stomachaches. Infusion of
leaves and flowers used by the "Waunana" for stomachaches (RVM). "Witotos" use the roots in a
febrifugal tea (SAR). "Tukanos" use leaves as insect repellents in clothes and hammocks (SAR).
"Achuanos" value for fungal infections (SAR). Sometimes used for cardiac edema (NIC).
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Bombacaceae. "Ceiba", "Kapok", "Lupuna", "Lupuna blanca".
Wood mainly used for plywood exports. Because it grows along the rivers with easy access, it
has been overexploited to the point that it is disappearing. In the old days, trees served as
guideposts for river navigators. "Wayãpi" associate this tree with jungle spirits. Bark decoction
used in baths for fever (GMJ). Branch decoction diuretic and emetic (FEO). The cotton is used
with blowguns (JAD).
Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) A.Rich. Rubiaceae. "Ipecac" Colombians chew the root as an
insect repellent and amebicide. Crude extracts still find their way into millions or prescriptions a
year in the US. Found in many US medicine chests to cause vomiting in children who have
swallowed poison. Poison control centers should be consulted, though, as vomitting is
counterindicated with some poisons. Emetine has elsewhere proved out against ameba, bilharzia,
cancer, and guinea worms (JAD).
Chondrodendron tomentosum R.&P. Menispermaceae. "Ampihuasca", "Curaré". Some natives,
crush and cook the roots and stems, adding other plants and venomous animals, mixing until it
becomes a light syrup; they call this decoction "ampi", or "curaré", which they use on the tip of
their arrows and darts. The active ingredient in "curaré" is D-tubocurarine, actually used in
medicine. Brazilians consider the root diuretic, emmenagogue, and febrifuge (SAR), using it
internally for madness and dropsy, externally for bruises. Used for edema, fever, kidney stones,
and orchitis (RAR).
Cissampelos pareira L. Menispermaceae. "Imchich masha", "Barbasco". "Palikur" use the leaf
poultice as an analgesic (GMJ). Seeds used for snakebite; diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge,
piscicide, POISON, for venereal disease (RAR). Contains tetrandrine, which is analgesic,
antiinflammatory, and febrifuge.
Copaifera reticulata Ducke. Fabaceae. "Copaiba", "Copal". On Rio Solimoes, resin used as a
cicatrizant, for gonorrhea, psoriasis, and sores (SAR); in Piura used for catarrh, syphilis, and
urinary incontinence (FEO). Plotkin (1993) notes that the resin (copal) is used to coat tubules
exposed by the dentist drill. Once employed in the US as disinfectant, diuretic, laxative, and
stimulant, as well as in cosmetics and soaps (MJP).
Costus guanaiensis Rusby var. guanaiensis. Costaceae. "Caña agria" "Cañagre". Used to reduce
internal fever, cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis and tonsilitis; "Cuna" use the
leaf decoction for stomachache (RVM). Maxwell chewed the cane when she had a cough (NIC).
Croton lechleri Muell.-Arg. Euphorbiaceae. "Sangre de drago", "Sangre de grado", "Dragon's
blood". The latex is used to heal wounds, and for vaginal baths before childbirth. It is also
recommended for intestinal and stomach ulcers (RVM). It yields the hemostatic sap that
accelerates wound healing (NIC). For leucorrhea, fractures, and piles (RAR).
Curarea tecunarum Barneby & Krukoff. Menispermaceae. "Sacha ampihuasca", "Wild curaré".
Sometimes used in preparation of "curaré". Used as a male contraceptive. Tests in rats show a
decrease in testosterone levels (RVM). Ecuadorean "Waoranis" use it for dermatoses and fungal
Curcuma longa L. Zingiberaceae. "Guisador", "Azafran", "Palillo", "Turmeric". Cultivated.
Rhizome frequently used as spice. Used for hepatitis. Rhizomes are crushed fresh and mixed
with water. This juice is taken one spoon for children and l to 2 for adults, once a day for l0 to l5
consecutive days for hepatitis. Some people bathe in this extract. "Créoles" use it to treat
injuries. Crushed rhizome, mixed with the leaves of Siparuna guianensis and of Justicia
pectoralis, salt and rum, is poulticed on bruises on their backs. (Decoction of the three plants,
taken 3 times a day, adding to this 3 drops of arnica tincture, and some sugar) (GMJ). The root
contains at least 3 antiinflammatory compounds, cucurmin, feruloyl, 4-hydroxy-cinnamoyl
methane, and bis-14-hydroxy-cinnamoyl methane, dose dependent up to 30 mg/kg (Indian J.
Mod. Res. 75:574. 1982).
Cyclanthera pedata (L.) Schrad. Cucurbitaceae. "Caigua". Cultivated. Fruit edible. It has various
medicinal usages. The tea of the seeds is well known for controlling high blood pressure (RVM).
De Feo suggests that the decoction of the epicarps is also antidiabetic (FEO).
Datura stramonium L. Solanaceae. "Chamico", "Jimsonweed". Chopped leaves are applied to
dermatitis, the decoction used as an antiseptic in vaginitis (FEO).
Desmodium adscendens (Sw.) DC. Fabaceae. "Amor seco", "Beggar-lice", "Margarita". The
plant infusion is given to people who suffer from nervousness. It is also is used in baths to treat
vaginal infections. Because they believe this plant has magic powers, it is given to the lover who
has lost interest in his mate, to make him/her come back. It is also used as a contraceptive
(RVM). Rio Pastaza natives wash the breast of dry mothers with the leaf tea (SAR).
Dioscorea bulbifera L. Dioscoreaceae. "Ñati papa", "huayra papa", "Air potato". Cultivated. The
tubers are edible. The crushed raw pulp is poulticed onto boils (RVM). Tubers considered
alexeteric, antidotal, antiinflammatory, diuretic (RVM), hemostatic, even POISONOUS, and
used for cancer, dysentery, fever, goiter, hernia, piles, sores, syphilis and tumors (DAW).
Dipteryx odorata Aubl. Fabaceae. "Charapilla del murciélago", "Shihuahuaco". The wood is
used for bridges, dormers, posts, etc. (RVM). Seeds soaked in rum are used by the "Créoles" for
snakebite, shampoos, contusions and rheumatism. The "Wayãpi" use the bark decoction as
antipyretic baths, and the "Palikur" use it as fortifying baths for infants and small children
(GMJ). Brazilians make a cough pill by balling up the crushed seed (BDS). Elsewhere used as
anticoagulant, antidyspeptic, antitussive, cardiotonic, diaphoretic, febrifuge, fumigant, narcotic,
stimulant and stomachic DAW. The coumarin explains its anticoagulant activity (JAD).
Dracontium loretense Krause. Araceae. "Hierba del jergon", "Jergón sacha", "Fer-de-lance".
Tuber believed to help snakebites perhaps on account of the snakeskin like mottling of the
petiole. Some people whip their feet and legs with the branches to repel snakes. The corms are
used to control and steady the hands. The roots are reported to be edible (DAT).
Duroia hirsuta (Poepp. & Engl.) Schum. Rubiaceae. "Huitillo del supay". These shrubs,
associated with ants, grow in small homogeneous stands called "Supay chacra" (Devil's fields).
Other plant species with ant symbioses: Cecropia spp., Cordia nodosa, Toccoca spp., and
Triplaris spp. The soil around Duroia is usually free of weeds, possibly because of the ants.
Gentry and Blaney (pers. comm.) think it may be due to secretions or micro-organisms
associated with the ants that prevent the growing of weeds and other plants. The forked stakes
are occasionally used in construction. Rural people, superstitious about the "Supay chacra",
avoid walking nearby. Some rural Colombians chew the fruits to prevent dental caries (RVM).
"Waoranis" rub the ant pheromones inside their cheeks for oral aphthae (SAR). Putumayo
natives bind a bark strip on the arm, both staining and scarring the area (SAR).
Duroia paraensis Ducke. Rubiaceae. "Pampa remo caspi". Wood for beams and decks (RVM).
Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Asteraceae. "Huanguilla", "Naparo cimarron", "Shobi isa sheta",
"Naparo cimarron". Around Pucallpa, leaf maceration used for headache (VDF). In Brazil the
plant is used as an antiasthmatic and as a depurative. "Créoles" rub the leaf decoction on
children for skin blemishes. It is also used for albuminuria (GMJ). Folk remedy elsewhere for
catarrh, copremia, cough, dyspepsia, elephantiasis, enterorrhagia, headache, hemorrhage,
hepatitis, jaundice, lumbago, marasmus, pertussis, splenitis, toothache, and vertigo. Also
considered estrogenic and insecticidal (DAW). Being seriously studied as a remedy for snakebite
(JAD). The active ingredient wedelolactone is antiinflammatory and inhibits hemorrhage and the
liberation of creatinine kinase induced by snake venom (Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 86
Erythrina fusca Lour. Fabaceae. "Amasisa", "Gallito", "Swamp immortelle". Semicultivated.
Soil conservation species, adding nitrogen to the soil, used as ornamental and living fence. Bark
decoction used to wash infected wounds to treat fungal dermatoses. Effective in a skin infection
called "arco". Créoles" use the root decoction as a sudorific to reduce fever caused by colds and
malaria. Flowers in decoction regarded as antitussive. "Palikur" use bark of trunk and roots
mixed with the bark of Parkia pendula to purify waters. Trunk bark put in hot water and
poulticed onto migraine headaches (GMJ). Hartwell mentions its use for cancer (DAW).
Erythroxylum coca var. ipadu Plowman. Erythroxylaceae. "Ipadú". Cultivated, especially by the
Amazonian ethnic groups of Peru, Brazil and Colombia. Cultivated by the "Boras" along the Rio
Yaguasyacu; the "chacchado" or "chaw" is enjoyed during parties, work or spare time. To
prepare leaves for chewing, they roast them slowly in a clay pot; they fill their mouths with these
leaves, occasionally adding ashes from Cecropia leaves and other plants to give a strong and
better flavor. Chewing gives the sensation ofincreased energy and strength, leaving behind
fatigue and hunger; also leads to euphoria and good disposition. Leaf infusion taken for
gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and indigestion. Coca is common in the religious and
social life of Amazonian Peru (RVM). It is used in diarrhea and to help the mother get rid of
unwanted blood after childbirth (RVM).
Ficus insipida Willd. var. insipida Moraceae. "Ojé", "Doctor ojé". Locals take latex as
vermifuge, drinking one cup fresh mixed with orange juice, or with sugar cane juice. Those who
take this purge must avoid greasy and salty foods for a week; they can not receive direct sun, and
must avoid being seen by strangers to the family. Those not following this diet become "overo"
(with white skin pigmentation) (RVM). Pucallpa residents rub the latex onto rheumatic
inflammations (VDF). "Cuna" mix some latex with a liter of water, and drink some of this
mixture every other day to get rid of intestinal parasites. In Piura, the leaf decoction is used for
anemia and tertian fever. Contains phyllosanthine, beta-amyrin or lupeol; lavandulol,
phyllanthol, and eloxanthine (AYA).
Genipa americana L. Rubiaceae. "Huito", "Huitol", "Jagua", "Genipap". Fresh fruit eaten for
bronchitis; also used to make spiritous drinks. Cooking with brown sugar and aguardiente makes
a nice dessert. Green fruit used to dye clothes, also used to paint and decorate their faces. Wood
used in carpentry. Some people affirm that the fruit decoction is abortifacient. Don Antonio
Montero claims that the strained fruit juice is good for cancer of the uterus. "Achuales" from
Pastaza use the green pericarp to extract decayed teeth. "Achuales" and peasants near Iquitos
cook the fruit and seeds; this decoction is use on baths for female genital inflammations. It also
reduces swelling of the respiratory mucous membranes. "Kayapo" eat the fruit and use it to
decorate their bodies. "Créoles" prepare a cathartic and antidiarrheic decoction; the same
decoction is used in poultice to treat ulcers (GMJ). Haitians use for anemia, aphrodisia,
blenorrhagia, diarrhea, gonorrhea, hepatoses, and tumors (DAW). Brazilians express the fruit
juice, let stand overnight, and drink a small cup each day for 2 or 3 days for jaundice (BDC).
Contains: genipin, mannitol, tannin, methyl-ethers, caterine, hydantoin, and tannic acid (RVM).
Gossypium barbadense L. Malvaceae. "Algodón", "Cotton", "Algodonero". Cultivated in
small amounts. Ashes from dried buds used for diaper rash, and infected wounds. Leaf decoction
used as oxytocic. Flower decoction used for hepatitis (RVM). Flower buds are used by the
"Wayãpi" for earache. Leaves used for parasites, to eliminate filaria (GMJ).
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Sterculiaceae. "Bolaina", "Atadijo", "West Indian elm". Wood and
bark for construction and ropes. Ripe fruits have a strong honey scent. Some people even chew
the fruit to extract the sweet juice, spitting out the remainder. The macerated fruit mixed with
aguardiente is used to scent the "siricaipe" or "mapacho". In Jamaica the bark is used to feed
silkworms. Leaf decoction used for baldness, the bark decoction for dysentery (SOU). Elsewhere
regarded as astringent, depurative, diaphoretic, emollient, pectoral, refrigerant, stomachic,
styptic, and sudorific; used for alopecia, asthma, bronchitis, dermatosis, diarrhea, dysentery,
elephantiasis, fever, hepatitis, leprosy, malaria, nephritis, pulmonosis, and syphilis (DAW,
Heliotropium indicum L. Boraginaceae. "Alacransillo", "Ihuin rao", "Ucullucui sacha". Around
Pucallapa, used for scorpion stings and rheumatism (VDF). Elsewhere regarded as abortifacient
(and ironically antiabortive), anodyne, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, emollient, pectoral,
stomachic, and vulnerary; used for aftosa, asthma, boils, bugbites, calculus, cough, dermatoses,
eczema, erysipelas, fever, furuncle, hyperuricemia, inflammation, itch, kidney stones, laziness,
leprosy, myalgia, nephritis, ophthalmia, pharyngitis, rheumatism, scabies, sores, tumors, and
warts (DAW). Folk remedy for cancer that contains an antitumor compound, indicine-N-oxide
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Malvaceae. "Rosella", Roselle". Brazilians poultice the leaves, mashed in
salt and alcohol, onto wounds, especially streptococcus-infected wounds (erysipelas), which they
call "isipla" on the Rio Tapajos (BDS). (They also apply the red-spotted tree frog to such
Hyptis capitata Jacq. Coll. Lamiaceae. "Cadillo cabezon". Used in Ecuador for fungal infections
(in Taiwan for asthma, colds, fever), the aerial parts contain the antioxidant rosmarinic acid,
oleanolic-acid, and ursolic acid, stigmasterol, 10-epi-olguine, and 2,3-di(3',4'-methylenedioxybenzyl)-2-buten-4-olide, a lignan, and apigenin-4',7'-dimethyl-ether. No
alkaloids. Crude extracts showed little fungicidal or insecticidal activity. (PC 30(8):2753-6.
Ilex guayusa Loes. Aquifoliaceae. "Guayusa". Cultivated. In Piura the leaf decoction,
considered antipyretic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, and cholagogue, is used to treat venereal
diseases and female sterility (FEO). Leaf infusion used by the "Achuales" as an emetic. Women
get up early in the morning and prepare the infusion in the biggest pot available; then everyone,
including the children, drinks as much as they can, and minutes later they all start vomiting.
They do this to clean body and spirit; bad things they have consumed the day before are
eliminated, to start a new day with clean body and renewed spirit (RVM). Amazonian
Ecuadorians drink guayusa to settle nerves and to prevent the ayahuasca hangover. Also believed
useful in aphrodisia, dysmenorrhea, fever, hepatosis, malaria, pregnancy, stomach problems,
syphilis, and perhaps other venereal diseases (SAR).
Iryanthera paraensis Huber. Myristicaceae. "Cumala colorada". The fruit has edible arils
(RVM). "Waorani" rub the inner bark and/or resin onto fungal infections and mites (SAR).
Jacaranda copaia Aubl. ssp. spectabilis A. Gentry. Bignoniaceae. "Asphingo", "Chichicara
caspi", "Huamanzamana", "Ishtapi", "Jacaranda", "Mami rao", "Meneco", "Paravisco",
"Soliman". Wood for light construction; to make furniture, pulp for paper, beams and decks
(RVM). Pucallpa natives use the leaf decoction for bronchitis, fever, rheumatism (VDF).
"Andoke" use crushed leaves as a cicatrizant on wounds (SAR). Rio Vaupes natives use
shredded bark in teas for colds and pneumonia, the sap for skin infections (SAR). Elsewhere
considered cathartic and emetic (DAW). Brazilians believe burning the leaves and bark will
keep illness and mosquitoes away. Also used for sores, syphylis, and toothache (dental
abscesses) (RAR). "Créoles" and "Maroons" use it for leishmaniasis (MJP).
Jatropha gossypifolia L. Euphorbiaceae. "Piñón negro", "Black physic nut". Cultivated. Latex
used as a cicatrizant for infected wounds and erysipelas (BDS). Seeds contain oil and have
purgative and emetic properties. The leaf decoction is used for venereal diseases as blood
purifier, and as an emetic for stomachache. The roots are used as antidote to Hippomane
mancinella and Guarea guara. The latex is used for hemorrhoids and burns. The leaves are
poulticed onto swellings (PEA, SOU). Leaf tea used in baths for flu in Brazil (BDS). Mashed
leaves poulticed onto headache (RAR). "Créoles" use seed oil and leaf decoction as a purge;
"Palikur" and "Wayãpi" use against witchcraft (GMJ). Another example of a reputedly
POISONOUS folk cancer remedy containing compounds with antitumor activity, e.g. jatrophone
Laportea aestuans (L.) Chew. Urticaceae. "Ishanga blanca", "White nettle". Commonly used to
relieve rheumatic pains, and to whip children when they misbehave. Used by the "Créoles" as a
diuretic (GMJ). Elsewhere used for burns, constipation, dysentery, rickets, and wounds (DAW).
Lonchocarpus nicou (Aubl.) DC. Fabaceae. "Barbasco", "Cubé", "Rotenone". Semicultivated.
Even though fishing with barbasco or other ichthyotoxics is forbidden, this plant is still being
used in places (RVM). Brazil's "Timbo", at 3 ppm, eliminates piranha and their eggs in 15
minutes (MJB). "Ketchwa" and "Shuar" use in arrow POISONs (SAR). Brazilians use L. urucu to
kill leaf cutters (SAR).
Luffa operculata (L.) Cogn. Cucurbitaceae. "Espongilla", "Sponge gourd". Dry fruit
"skeleton", with a sponge consistency, used for cellulitis, etc. Fruit mixed with Jatropha curcas
for sinusitis (RVM). Brazilians use the purgative fruit pulp for dropsy (SAR), massaging
rheumatism with bits of fruit in andiroba oil. Fruit tea somewhat POISONOUS, ingested for
rheumatism (BDS). Considered abortifacient (RAR). Contains luffanine (SAR).
Maclura tinctoria (L.) Gaud. Moraceae. "Insira", "Insira amarilla". Fruits edible. Wood
occasionally used in carpentry. Cotton soaked in the latex is used to relieve toothaches. An olive
green dye is derived from the plant. Because it contains phloroglucin and gallic acid, it is
probably antiseptic and astringent. Moringin is also antiseptic (AYA). This species also works as
diuretic and anti-venereal. Highly recommended for urinary infections like blennorrhea.
Colombians soak latex in 'cotton' of Ochroma pyramidale or Ceiba samauma, using it as a
filling. Latex removes teeth, whether carious or healthy, without pain and bleeding (NIC). Used
by the "Chami" for lumber.Considered analgesic, diuretic, purgative; used for cough, gout,
pharyngitis, rheumatism, sore throat, syphilis (RAR).
Mammea americana L. Clusiaceae. "Mamey", "Mamee apple". Fruit edible (JAD). In
Amazonian Brazil, latex, bark and/or fruit pulp are used for bugbites and parasitic infections
(SAR). Seeds considered antieczemic, febrifuge, insecticide, parasiticide, vermifuge (RAR).
Manihot esculenta Crantz. Euphorbiaceae. "Cassava", "Mandioca", "Yuca". Cultivated.
Many cultivars are morphologically different, and vary in cyanide content. Some are quite
POISONOUS (JAD)! The edible roots yield farina, tapioca, and starch. Roots are used cooked,
fried, roasted, and in other culinary applications. Also used to make the popular alcoholic
refreshments, "mazatto", and "beshu", as well as a gelatinous beverage. Only "cassaba brava", is
used to make farina. A poultice of cassava mixed with aguardiente, is used for chills and fever
(RVM). "Créoles" apply to a child's body a mixture of starch and rum to relieve cutaneous
eruptions. "Wayãpi" use leaves as a "remedy against the arrow", also in hemostatic poultice.
They use root juice in ritual baths to treat sterility in women. The "Palikur" use the starch in
poultice soaked in oil of Carapa sp. for tender muscles (GMJ). "Makuna" use the yuca water to
treat scabies (SAR). "Witoto" used the leachings from cyanidiferous yuca as a fish POISON
(SAR). A cupful of sweet squeezings is given for diarrhea (SAR).
Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.Gentry. Bignoniaceae. "Ajo sacha", "Boens", "Nia boens",
"Wild garlic". Alcoholic maceration of the stem and roots used for rheumatism; leaf infusion
used in baths to relieve "manchiari" (a nervous state caused by terror or sudden shock),
especially in children. Also used as cleansing baths for bad luck. "Achuales" use the roots as
antirheumatic (RVM). "Créoles" use the stem decoction in baths, to relieve fatigue and small
needle-like cramps. "Palikur" use it to protect themselves against the bad spirits (shades of
Dracula?). "Wayãpi" use the decoction of leaves and stems as antipyretic baths (GMJ), Tapajos
natives for body aches, flu (BDS). Contains alline, allicin, allyl-disulfoxide, diallyl sulfide,
dimethyl sulfide, divinyl sulfide, propylallyl disulfide (AYA), and two cytotoxic
naphthoquinones, 9-methoxy-alpha-lapachone and 4-hydroxy-9 methoxy-alpha-lapachone
(Phytochemistry 31(3):1061. 1992).
Maytenus macrocarpa (R.&P.) Briq. Celastraceae. "Chuchuasi", "Chuchasha",
"Chuchuhuasi". Bark maceration considered antidiarrheic, antiarthritic, used to regulate
menstrual periods, for upset stomach. Its main use is in a cordial! Bark decoction used for
dysentery. The wood is used for lumber (RVM). A shot of chuchuhuasi with aguardiente and
honey was given many ecotourists on departure from the Iquitos airport in 1991 (JAD). Aril of a
brazilian species contained 8,500 ppm caffeine (SAR). "Siona" boil stems in water for arthritis
and rheumatism (SAR, under M. laevis). Under the name M. ebenifolia, Maxwell mentions the
"chuchuhuasi" as an effective insect repellent. "Chuchuhuasi" is "probably the best known of all
jungle remedies, in Colombia as well as Peru. Aphrodisiac...best of all antirheumatic medicines"
Momordica charantia L. Cucurbitaceae. "Papailla", "Balsam pear". Fruit edible cooked.
Plant decoction used for colic, and worms; infusion of fruit and flowers used for hepatitis. Seed
pulp mixed with lard as a suppurative (SOU). Considered vermicide, stomachic, emmenagogue,
and very effective in the expulsion of Trichocephalos. Fruit decoction used as febrifuge and
emetic (PEA). Leaf decoction used by the "Cuna" for measles (RVM), by Brazilians for fever,
itch, and sores (BDS). Seeds and pericarp contain saponin glycosides which produce elaterin and
alkaloids, which causes vomiting and diarrhea (LAE). Leaf infusion a common folk remedy for
diabetes around Iquitos (AYA). TRAMIL cites it as relatively POISONOUS (TRA). On the
patent for Compound Q for AIDS, as a source of momocharin. Also contains rosmarinic acid,
with antiviral activity and calceolarioside and verbascoside.
Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Fabaceae. "Nescafé", "Nescao". Cultivated. Toasted ground
seeds are used as a coffee substitute (RVM). Elsewhere regarded as anodyne, antidotal,
aphrodisiac, diuretic, nervine, resolvent, rubefacient, and vermifuge; used for anasarca, asthma,
cancer, cholera, cough, diarrhea, dogbite, dropsy, dysuria, insanity, mumps, pleuritis, ringworm,
snakebite, sores, syphilis, tumors, and worms (DAW). Interesting that this reputedly aphrodisiac
plant should contain l-dopa, side effects of which include priapism (JAD).
Myroxylon balsamum (L.). Harms. Fabaceae. "Balsamo", "Estoraque", "Balsam of Peru".
For parquets, dormers, posts, jam poles, handicrafts, keel plates for boats. Resin from trunks
believed antipyretic and cicatrizant. Resin used for colds, lung ailments (SAR), abscesses,
asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, headache, rheumatism, sores, sprains, tuberculosis, venereal
diseases, and wounds (DAW, RAR). Powdered bark used as incense (SOU).
Nicotiana tabacum L. Solanaceae. "Tabaco", "Tobacco". Cultivated. The black tobacco
"mapacho or siricaipe", is smoked during the ayahuasca, witchcraft, healing, and cleansing
rituals; the pitch left from the smoke is picked up on a piece of paper and applied on the skin to
kill worms. Powdered tobacco is mixed with aguardiente and given to dogs to make them better
hunters. "Créoles" mixed the dried leaves with Scoparia dulcis leaves, while the "Wayãpi" use
the pitch, to suffocate the larvae of the worm "macaco", Dermatobia hominis (Euterebrides),
parasites which live in the skin of humans and dogs. "Palikur" poultice it onto migraine
headaches; it is also used as a cholagogue to treat liver diseases. One drop of tobacco juice
makes a strong collyrium (GMJ). "Bora" and "Witoto" poultice fresh leaves onto boils and
infected wounds (SAR). "Jivaro" take tobacco juice for chills, indisposition and snakebite
(SAR). "Tukanoan" rub the leaf decoction onto bruise and sprains (SAR). Many Indian groups
used it for lung ailments (SAR). In Piura the leaf decoction is applied externally for parasites
and rheumatism.
Ocimum micranthum Willd. Lamiaceae. "Albaca", "Iroro", "Pichana albaca", "Pichana
blanca", "Wild basil". Used for fever and headache around Pucallpa (VDF). Said to be
hallucinogenic (RVM). "Créoles" prepare a collyrium from the flowers; with the decoction they
make a tea to treat flu. The maceration is used by the "Wayãpi" in antipyretic baths, and in
massage to relieve colic (GMJ). Leaves are used to relieve gastric pains (RVM). "Tikuna" wash
the head with leaf macerations for fever (SAR). Leaf juice dropped into eyes for conjunctivitis
(SAR). Sometimes used as spice and perfume (SAR). Tapajos residents use the plant on bugbites
and stings.
Passiflora quadrangularis L. Passifloraceae. "Tumbo", "Giant granadilla". Cultivated.
Fruits edible; stems are considered POISON; the leaves, roots and flowers abortifacient.
"Chami" make an infusion to treat fractures and bruises (RVM). Elsewhere considered calmant,
CNS-depressant, cardiodepressant, decongestant, depurative, emollient, narcotic, sedative; used
for arthritis, diabetes, hoarseness, hypertension, inflammation, liver ailments, neuralgia,
sorethroat, and uvulitis (DAW). Contains noradrenalin (JBH).
Paullinia cupana HBK. Sapindaceae. "Guaraná", "Cupana". Cultivated. Seed decoction
an astringent, bitter, nervine tonic (FEO). From the seeds is prepared commercial guarana.
Considered a preventive for arteriosclerosis, and an effective cardiovascular drug; also used to
treat chronic diarrhea. Considered analgesic (MJB), aphrodisiac, astringent, febrifuge,
intoxicant, piscicide, stimulant, and tonic; used for diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, migraine,
neuralgia (DAW, RAR). Seeds contains >5% caffeine, cf tea with 2.2%, and toasted coffee with
0.8%, green coffee with 2.2% , and cacao with l.l% (RVM). Traces of theobromine and
theophyllline also occur (Int. J. Pharmacogn. 31(3):174. 1993).
Persea americana Mill. Lauraceae. "Palta", "Huira palta", "Avocado". Cultivated fruit
tree. Fruit juice considered aphrodisiac, used against dandruff and alopecia (FEO). Leaves well
known as stomachic, emmenagogue, and resolvent. Seed decoction is an antidiarrheic, also used
as an abortive. Used to treat amebic dysentery, diabetes, and snakebite (SOU). Also well known
as antidiabetic (RVM). It eliminates uric acid, is a reconstituent tonic, antianemic, diuretic,
antiinflammatory for the liver, for renal calculus, to strengthen weak muscles, for dysentery, and
it is a mild aphrodisiac (RVM). "Tikuna" drink a cup of avocado leaf tea before meals to clean
the liver (SAR). "Ketchwa" crush seed with Brownea wood and Rudgea leaves and make a
decoction, said to stop menstruation for 3-6 months (SAR). As contraceptive, the seed decoction
is taken each month during menses (SAR). "Siona-Secoya" also use as contraceptive (SAR).
Ecuadorian "Shuar" take crushed seed in aguardiente for snakebite (SAR). Monounsaturates like
oleic-acid are the health food rage now; avocado proved highest among 1,200 species (JAD).
Petiveria alliacea L. Phytolaccaceae. "Chanviro", "Micura", "Mocosa", "Mucura", "Sacha
ajo". Reportedly abortive, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, antipyretic, diuretic, emmenagogue,
sudorific; mostly used in magic rituals call "limpias" ("cleansing"). The curanderos bathe the
patients in the liquid left from the infusion to cleanse them from the "salt" (bad luck); other
people bathe with it on the first hour of the new year. Colombians chew the plant in order to coat
their teeth and protect them from cavities (GAB). Also used in ritual amulets. Preclinical tests
show depressive effects on the central nervous system (CNS), with anticonvulsive effects
(RVM). "Créoles" use it to get rid of bad spirits; the roots are antispasmodic and antipyretic; the
leaf decoction, sudorific and cough suppressant. "Palikur" use to protect their children against
bad luck, and in baths for the vitamin deficiency called "coqueluche" (GMJ). "Tikuna" bathe
feverish patients in the leaf infusion and wash headache with the decoction. For bronchitis and
pneumonia, a drop of kerosene and lemon juice is added to a teaspoon of macerated leaves
(SAR). Rutter mentions beriberi, cramps, nerves, paralysis, rheumatism, scabies, scorpion sting,
spider bites, toothache, venereal diseases, and vision, calling the herb abortifacient, analgesic,
contraceptive, diuretic, emmenagogue, vermifuge, and insecticide (RAR). Independently, two
different sources, one Venezuelan, one Colombian, related anecdotes about "curing" pancreatic
cancer with Petiveria (JAD). Tramil all but endorses inhalation of the aroma for migraine and
sinusitis, and using as a mouthwash for toothache (TRA).
Phyllanthus niruri L. Euphorbiaceae. "Chanca piedra", "Sacha foster", "Stone-breaker".
Like other species, quite effective in eliminating kidney- and gallstones (NIC). Considered
anodyne, apertif, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, laxative, stomachic, tonic and
vermifuge, used elsewhere for blennorrhagia, colic, diabetes, dropsy, dysentery, dyspepsia, fever,
flu, gonorrhea, itch, jaundice, kidney ailments, malaria, proctitis, stomachache, tenesmus,
tumors and vaginitis (DAW). Plant has proven antihepatotoxic, antispasmodic, antiviral,
bactericidal, diuretic, febrifugal, and hypoglycemic activity (TRA).
Physalis peruviana L. Solanaceae. "Aguaymanto". "Cape gooseberry". Fruit edible. Fruit
juice for pharyngitis and stomatitis, the infusion as an ocular decongestant, the diuretic leaf
infusion for cough and jaundice (FEO).
Piper angustifolium R.&P. Piperaceae. "Cordoncillo", "Matico". Leaves applied
externally as antiseptic vulnerary; the tea consumed for bronchitis, dysentery, gonorrhea,
inflammation, and malaria (FEO, RAR). Infusion washed onto rheumatic areas around Pucallpa
Piper peltatum L. Piperaceae. "Santa María". Leaves used as table cloths, to wrap food
(RVM), and rubbed on the body as a tick repellent (DAW). Leaf decoction used as a diuretic,
antipyretic, and emetic. The leaves passed over fire are applied directly on the head to relieve
and reduce the swelling caused by trauma and hernias. Leaf poulticed onto sores (DAT).
Believed anodyne, antiblennorrhagic, antiinflammatory, diuretic, lenitive, pediculicidal,
piscicidal, resolvent, sudorific, vermifuge (JAD, RVM). "Créoles" use it as an antineuralgic, the
leaf infusion as a sudorific (GMJ). Elsewhere used for abscesses, burns, colds, erysipelas,
headache, hepatitis, leishmaniasis, swellings, toothache and urethritis (DAW).
Portulaca oleracea L. Portulacaceae. "Verdolaga", "Purslane". Crushed plant used for
fever, stings, and swellings. Containing noradenaline, purslane might logically be rubbed onto
beestings and/or placed under the tongue, especially of allergic people (JAD). "Créoles" prepare
an antidiabetic, digestive, and emollient tea. Used by the Palikur as a hypotensive (GMJ) (but
contains hypertensive compounds JAD). Elsewhere considered alexeritic, alterative, aperient,
astringent, bactericidal, cardiotonic, demulcent, detergent, diuretic, emmolient, fungicidal,
hemostat, refrigerant, sedative, vermifugal and viricidal; used folklorically for anthrax, bladder
ailments, blenorrhagia, boils, bugbites, burns, colds, colic, dermatitis, diarrhea, dysentery,
dyspepsia, earache, eczema, edema, enterorrhagia, erysipeals, fever, gonorrhea, gravel,
hematuria, hepatitis, herpes, hyperglycemia, hypotension, inflammation, insomnia, leucorrhea,
nausea, nephritis, palpitations, piles, pleuritis, pruritis, snakebite, sores, splentitis, strangury,
swellings, toothache, tumors,, warts and wounds DAW. A rather promising chemopreventive
(="cancer-preventive") herb, loaded with antioxidants (JAD). Seeds of P. peruviana I.M.
Johnston are considered emmenagogue and vermifuge. The shoot decoction, considered diuretic
and cholagogue, is used for headache. Shoots are chopped and applied in pork fat to
hemorrhoids (FEO).
Pourouma cecropiaefolia Mart. Moraceae. "Baacohe", "Ubilla", "Grape tree".
Cultivated. Fruit edible, produced ca 3 years after planting (MJB). Wood used for paper pulp,
and the toasted seeds as a substitute for coffee (RVM). Leaf ashes sometimes substituted for
Cecropia as a coca additive. "Bara-Maku" use root scrapings to induce permanent sterility
(SAR). "Cubeo" use as a masticatory, elsewhere considered intoxicant (DAW).
Psidium guayaba L. Myrtaceae. "Guayabo", "Guayabo blanco", "Guava". Cultivated.
Fruit is edible. Wood used to for tool handles, and for the "tramojo" (an implement put on pigs
so they cannot walk easily). The infusion of foliar buds is used for diarrhea (especially that
caused by bacteria, AYA). Also used for sanitary napkins; for dentition, and swellings of gout
(VAM). "Exumas" use the leaves and roots for diarrhea. Natives of Cojeles (Venezuela) use the
bark decoction for diarrhea, the floral infusion to regulate menstrual periods (FOR). "Créoles"
and "Wayãpi" use decoction of bark, leaves, and shoots for diarrhea (GMJ). Tramil recommends
the leaves for diarrhea, emotional shock, vertigo, and vomiting (TRA).
Quassia amara L. Simaroubaceae. "Amargo", "Cuasia", "Bitterwood". Insecticidal,
tonic, for fever and hepatitis (RAR). Brazilians use the leaf tea in bathing for measles (BDS), a
remedy that sounds a bit better than tea of ashes of dry white dog dung. Brazilians also wash the
mouth with leaf tea after tooth extraction. Surinamese "Maroons" use the bark for fever and
parasites (MJP). Potent aphidicide (MJP).
Rauwolfia tetraphylla L. Apocynaceae. "Misho runto", "Pelilla", "Sanango", "Turcassa",
"Amazonian snakeroot". Around Pucallpa, the leaf decoction is used for toothache (VDF).
"Shipibos", "Yaguas", and "Achuales" use the roots as arrow POISON (AYA). Reserpine,
tetraphylline, and tetraphyllicine are obtained from this species and from R. sprucei (LAE).
Renealmia alpina (Rottb.) Maas. Zingiberaceae. "Mishquipanga". Fruits yield a red-purple dye used for cloth and handicraft. Don Segundo suggests this plant as an ephemeral
mosquito repellant; it seems to work, albeit briefly, on some of us.
Ryania speciosa Vahl var. tomentosa (Miq.) Monach. Flacourtiaceae. "Esponja huayo",
"Espuma huayo". Highly toxic species used by the "Paumari" as fish POISON; used for making
insecticides (RVM). On Rio Negro, they used the roots for rat POISON (SAR) "Maku" said to
use the plant for euthanasia, homocide and suicide (DAW).
Scoparia dulcis L. Scrophulariaceae. "Bati matsoti", "Escobilla", "Ñucñu-pichana",
"Piqui pichana". Leaf infusion used for bronchitis, cough, diarrhea, fevers, kidney diseases, and
hemorrhoids (RVM, VDF). Leaf infusion antidiarrheic and emetic (CAA). Antiseptic leaf
decoction used for wounds; and fever. "Créoles" use the leaf decoction mixed with maternal
milk as an antiemetic for infants. Dried leaves used by as a marihuana substitute. "Palikur" use
the leaf decoction in antipyretic baths and in poultices for migraine headaches (GMJ).
Ecuadorians take the tea for pain and swelling (SAR). "Tikuna" drink the tea, with or without
"paico", three days during the menses as an abortifacient or contraceptive (SAR). Four to five
plants tied together make the typical river-dweller's broom (RVM). Brazilians add the root to the
bath when "cleaning their blood" (BDS). They apply strained leaf juice for eye ailments; and to
infected wounds (erysipelas) (BDS).
Sida rhombifolia L. Malvaceae. "Ancusacha", "Pichana", Varilla". Considered analgesic,
aphrodisiac, demulcent, diuretic, emmenagogue, emollient, lactagogue, and sedative; used for
alopecia, antibiotic, bilious conditions, bladder ailments, boils, burns, conjunctivitis, dermatosis,
diarrhea, dyspepsia, dyspnea, gastrosis, gonorrhea, impetigo, leucorrhea, lupus, piles,
rheumatism, snakebite, sores, thrush, tuberculosis, tumors, ulcers, urethritis, and wounds (DAW,
Simarouba amara Aubl. Simaroubaceae. "Marupá". Wood for lumber, interior
decorations, furniture, plywood veneer, paper pulp. Bark decoction for fever. "Créoles" mix
macerated bark with rum as a tonic for malaria and dysentery (GMJ). Emetic, hemostat,
purgative, tonic (RAR).
Siparuna guianensis Aubl. Monimiaceae. "Isula huayo", "Picho huayo", "Asna huayo".
Fruit used in fiestas, the leaf infusion believed aphrodisiac. Leaf decoction used in baths for
mycosis. "Créoles" use the leaf tea as an abortive, oxytocic, and antipyretic; the alcoholic leaf
maceration as vulnerary, and the salty leaf decoction as hypotensive. "Wayãpi" use the decoction
of leaves and bark as a refreshment and antipyretic (GMJ). The tea of the leaves and flowers is
used as a carminative, in dyspepsia, and painful spasms (RVM). Don Segundo informed one
class that the aroma of this plant, applied to the skin to prevent hunted animals from smelling
the hunter (by masking his body odor), was not only effective, but rendered the hunter all but
irresistible to females. One of my taxonomic associates claims to have confirmed this
empirically (JAD). "Tikuna" eat the fruits for dyspepsia (SAR). Elsewhere considered anodyne,
insecticidal and stomachic; used folklorically for colds, colic, cramps, dermatosis, fever,
headache, mange, rheumatism, snakebite and wounds (DAW). Tapajos natives make solar tea
from the leaves for bathing headache (BDS).
Solanum mammosum L. Solanaceae. "Vaca chucho", "Tinctona", "Breast berry". Used
as an ornamental; fruit said to be POISONOUS. "Boras" use it to treat the sores of leishmaniasis,
a worm infection (DAT). "Chocó" (JAD) and the "Chami" use the fruit to kill cockroaches
(CAA). "Cuna" use fruit macerated in hot water for growths on the breast (doctrine of
signatures?). In Tolima and Santander seeds are used as insecticides (FOR). Guatemalans use
fruits as medicine and ornament during pilgrimages. In Costa Rica, the leaf decoction is used for
kidney and bladder infections. The decoction of the fruit with all its juice is used for asthma;
plant also used for sinusitis, arthritis and rheumatism (POV). "Kofán" use as a pacifier for small
children (SAR).
Solanum sessiliflorum Dun. Solanaceae. "Cocona", "Topiro". Cultivated. Fruit edible and
makes good juice, often served at Explorama. Juice used as a scabicide; also recommended after
snakebite (RVM). "Waorani" rub juice on scalp to cleanse and gloss the hair (SAR). Boiled plant
rubbed on spiderbites to heal necrotic tissue (SAR). Following scorpion sting, juice is drunk to
prevent vomiting (SAR).
Spilanthes acmella L. Asteraceae. "Botoncillo". Brazilians boil the flowering tops for the
lungs, specifically tuberculosis (BDS).
Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae. "Ciruela", "Hubo", "Ubos, "Ushun", "Hog Plum".
Fruit edible. Wood for lumber and veneer. Root decoction used for diarrhea, and for mothers
after giving birth, taking small doses for two consecutive months. Itaya residents use it for
tuberculosis, as an adjuvant with antibiotics. Docoction used for vaginal baths to treat infections
and hemorrhoids (AYA). "Campas" use it to lure tapirs (RVM). "Créoles" use the bark for
diarrhea and upset stomach (GMJ). "Tikuna" use bark decoction as anodyne and hemostat in
diarrhea, metrorrhagia and stomachache (SAR). A single cup, given each day during the menses,
is believed contraceptive; drunk one day after delivery, it is believed to lead to permanent
sterility (SAR). Tramil mentions antiviral, myorelaxant and uterotonic activities (TRA). In
Brazil, used in ice creams and liqueurs (MJP).
Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich). Vahl. Verbenaceae. "Ocollucuy sacha", "Sacha
verbena". The stems and leaves are soaked in some water, squeezed and mixed, the greenish
extract drunk, one glass a day, for three consecutive months for diabetes (AYA). UHV natives
use the plant in medicine for their dogs (RAF). "Créoles" use the leaf tea as a cholagogue
purgative for dysentery. "Wayãpi" and "Palikur" use the plant decoction in baths to relieve colds
and headaches (GMJ). Venezuelans have used it for tumors, Dominicans as a panacea, and
Trinidadians as a collyrium and depurative in chest colds, dysentery, fever, heart attacks,
ophthalmia and worms (DAW).
Strychnos guianensis (Aubl.) Mart. Loganiaceae. "Comida del venado", "Anzuelo casha".
Stems used to make "curaré"; recommended as an aphrodisiac. Mixed with Uncaria guianensis,
the decoction is used in genital baths for venereal diseases (RVM). Contains brucine,
eritocurarine, guaiacurarines, guaiacurine, c-guaianine, and strychnine (JAD).
Symphonia globulifera L.f. Clusiaceae. "Azufre caspi", "Navidad caspi", "Chullachaqui",
"Buckwax". Wood used for house construction, canoes, paddles, keel plates, flooring, carpentry,
tool handles, etc. It is good quality for construction, carpentry, and firewood (RVM). Latex used
to caulk boats (RVM). "Créoles" use the latex for dermatosis, and to reinforce the binding of the
arrows (RVM). Indians apply the bark ash to wounds and indolent ulcers (SAR). Brazilians use
the seed oil for dermatoses (SAR).
Tabebuia chrysanta (Jacq.) Nichols. Bignoniaceae. "Tahuarí negro", "Paliperro". Wood
for lumber, posts, poles, handicrafts, parquets. "Yaguas" use the trunk to make jungle drums.
Over-exported to the US as "tahebo" or "pao-d'arco", bark tea marketed for candidiasis, cancer,
and malignant tumors (JAD).
Tabernaemontana sananho R.&P. Apocynaceae. "Sanango", "Lobo sanango",
"Toomecocoriu". Much as T. rimulosa. The leaves, softened by fire, are applied to relieve
rheumatic pains (RVM). In Pastaza, taken one week after delivery. "Pulp is used as a gargle for
sore throat and colds" (SAR). "Tikuna" mix the latex with water for eye wounds (SAR). "Jivaro"
apply the bark juice to toothache (SAR). Considered sudorific, tonic, used for colds, obesity,
rheumatism, syphilis (RAR).
Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. Bignoniaceae. "Campanilla amarilla", "Yellowbells". Cultivated
FAO (1986), note that the alkaloids tecomine and tecostanine lower the blood sugar in
experimental animals. Leaf infusions lower the blood sugar in humans. In Mexico, its roots have
shown antisyphilitic, diuretic and tonic properties (FAO).
Theobroma cacao L. Sterculiaceae. "Cacao", "Chocolate". Cultivated. The pulp of fruit
edible. Food uses of chocolate, made from the seed, are well known (RVM). Not so well known
is the fact that much cocoa butter ends up in suppositories. Leaf infusion widely used as
cardiotonic and diuretic in Colombia (SAR). "Karijona" use toasted seed with manihot
squeezings for a scalp condition like eczema. "Ingano" use the bark decoction as a wash for
sarna (SAR). Theobromine and theophylline, like caffeine, all found in this plant, used in
modern medicine as antiasthmatic (JAD). We are cooperating with one entrepreneur seeking a
"lean green cacao bean" for renewable "organic low-fat rainforest chocolate".
Theobroma subincanum Mart. Sterculiaceae. "Cacahuillo", "Cacao macambillo"",
"Macambillo", "Macambo sacha". Fruit pulp edible.Powdered inner bark (of pod) mixed with
tobacco as an hallucinogen. "Tirio" value the bark as tinder for starting fires (MJP).
Tynnanthus panurensis (Bur.) Sandw. Bignoniaceae. "Clavo huasca", "Inejkeu", "Clove
vine". The pieces of roots and stems are macerated in aguardiente to make a stimulant liqueur,
good for rheumatism (RVM). Resin used for fevers (DAT). Some explorama visitors have used
it, effectivly, for toothache, being as effective as, and probably chemically similar to clove oil
(JAD). Some visitors believe, others disbelieve, that the rays of the cross, steeped in aguardiente,
are aphrodisiac, some for females, some for males, some for both. We have no incontrovertible
empirical evidence, one way or the other.
Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) Gmel. Rubiaceae. "Uña de gato", "Cat's claw", "Paraguayo",
"Garabato", "Uña de gavilán", "Hawk's claw". In Piura, the bark decoction, considered
antiinflammatory, antirheumatic, and contraceptive, is used in treating gastric ulcers and tumors
(FEO). Considered a remedy for cancer of the female's urinary tract; also used for gastritis,
rheumatism and cirrhosis. The "Boras" use it for gonorrhea (RVM). Colombian and Guianan
Indians use it for dysentery (SAR). Nicole Maxwell culimates her latest edition with an
illustrated anecdote about this plant, now exported by the tons to Europe, for various cancers.
Nicole even states that it turns grey hair black, including some of her own (NIC). See following
Uncaria tomentosa (Aubl.) Gmel. Rubiaceae. "Uña de gato", "Cat's claw", "Paraguayo",
"Garabato", "Uña de gavilán", "Hawk's claw". Widely used in Peru for antiinflammatory,
contraceptive, and cytostatic activities, the plant has yielded an antiinflammatory antiedemic
glycoside (JNP54{2}:453. 1991). In Piura, the bark decoction, considered antiinflammatory,
antirheumatic, and contraceptive, is used in treating gastric ulcers and tumors (FEO). In her
latest edition, Nicole Maxwell (1990) has added much information which may reflect the
potential of the cat's claw. She informs us that Sidney McDaniel submitted samples to the NIH
cancer screen.
Unonopsis veneficiorum (Mart.) R.E. Fries. Annonaceae. "Icoja". Bark used like U.
floribunda (RVM), also in curaré (SAR). "Maku" use in antifertility potions (SAR).
Urera baccifera (L.) Gaud. Urticaceae. "Ishanga Moe", "Mara mara","Stinging nettle".
The stinging hairs on the leaves are used to relieve rheumatic pains. "Chami" cook and eat the
leaves and stems after removing the thorns (CAA). Around Pucallpa, applied to the body for
persistent fever (VDF). Elsewhere considered diuretic, rubefacient and vesicant; used for
amenorrhea, arthritis, chills, fever, gonorrhea, leucorrhea, malaria, rheumatism and venereal
diseases (DAW). One M.D. speculated that the acetylcholine, choline and histamine injected
with the stings, would stimulate the production of mast cells which might in turn result in
antiinflammatory (and antiarthritic) activity, away from the sting.
Virola calophylla Warb. Myristicaceae. "Cumala blanca". Wood for lumber. Some
natives (e.g."Bora" and "Huitoto"), use Virola as a powerful hallucinogen, taking it orally and
nasally. They grate, dry, and toast the inner bark slowly until it becomes powder so they can
inhale it. They also grate the cambium, boil it in water, mixing continuously until it forms a
thick syrup; after it dries, they make pills and swallow them. The alkaloids found are mostly
derivatives of tryptamine: DMT, MMT, 5-Me0-DMT, 5-Me0-MMT, and the derivatives of beta-carboline: 6-Me0-DMTHC; the percentage of such compounds vary according to the species, as
well as their environment (RVM). Widely used for fungal diseases and scabies (SAR).
Amazonian Peruvians use for bladder and stomach ailments (SAR). "Maku" use the bark tea for
malaria (SAR).
Virola surinamensis (Rol.) Warb. Myristicaceae. "Cumala blanca hoja parda". Wood for
lumber, plywood. "Bora" and "Huitoto" use the cambium as a hallucinogen. The decoction of the
aerial rootlets that appear on the base of the trunk is used for cough. "Palikur" prepare a bark
emollient used for swellings and erysipelas; used as an oral antiseptic to treat canker sores and
abscesses. For swelling, it is mixed with bark of Humiria balsamifera, the decoction used for
external baths (GMJ). Tea of leaves, sap, and bark, mixed with Physalis angulata, is used for
upset stomach, intestinal colic, erysipelas, and inflammations (RVM). Leaves contain the
antitubercular compound galbacin, the antiaggregant veraguensin, and the antischistosomal
surinamensis (JBH).
Vismia angusta Miq. Hypericaceae. "Pichirina hoja grande". The wood is used for rural
construction; the decoction of the latex from the buds, mixed with the latex of Euphorbia
cotinifolia, is used to treat ringworm or "caracha" (dermatosis caused by fungus) (RVM).
Amazonian Colombians use the latex for infected sores and wounds. "Tikuna" use to treat herpes
and mycoses (SAR). The latex of one Vismia is slated for studies by a California pharmaceutical
company; preliminary tests suggest it to be effective (MJP). Both Segundo and JAD suffered
long-lasting rashes as a result of the latex (JAD).
Zingiber officinale Roscoe. Zingiberaceae. "Jengibre", "Kión". Cultivated. Macerated
rhizomes in aguardiente for arthritis and rheumatism; believed to invigorate males. Rhizome
decoction used for diarrhea, and, with a pinch of cinnamon, stomachaches. Also used as an
antiflatulent and spice. "Palikur" poultice the rhizomes onto migraine headaches (GMJ). Used
also for bronchitis and rheumatic pains (RVM). Tramil reports that oral doses of 50-100 mg/kg
of the alcoholic extract have antiinflammatory activity comparable to aspirin, and not so
promising analgesic activity. The extract is active against gram negative and positive bacteria.
Gingerol and shogoal show molluscicidal activity (TRA). Furanogermenone, at oral doses of 500
mg/kg helps prevent gastric ulcer. Shogoal is intensely antitussive, compared to dihydrocodeine
(TRA). One gram of powdered ginger can prevent seasickness (JAD). Tramil all but
recommends it for colds, coughs, flu, stomachache and vomiting (TRA). Rio Tapajos women
drink the tea while in labor, giving the "baby the strength to come out" (BDS). They also take the
tea for colic, menstrual cramps, sore throat.
Duke, J.A. And Vazquez Martinez, R. 1994. Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary (Peru). CRC
Press, Boca Raton FL. 215 pp. $42.95 (all royalties revert to the Amazonian Center for
Environmental Education and Research, 10 Environs Park, Helena, AL 35080.)
Ayala Flore, F. 1984. Notes on Some Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Amazonian Peru. pp. 1-8 in Advances in Economic Botany 1: 1984. (Cited as AYA)
Balick, M.J. 1985. Useful Plants of Amazonia: A Resource of Global Importance. Chap. 19 in
Prance, G.T. and Lovejoy, T.E., eds. Amazonia. Pergamon Press. 1985. (Cited as MJB)
Balick, M.J. and Gersgoff, S.N. 1990. A Nutritional Study of Aiphanes caryotifolia (Kunth)
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Branch, L.C. and da Silva, I.M.F. 1983. Folk Medicine of Alter do Chao, Para, Brazil. Acta
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Denevan, W.M. and Treacy, J.M. 1988. Young Managed Fallows at Brillo Nuevo. pp. 8-46 in
Denevan, W.M. and Padoch, C. Swidden-Fallow Agroforestry in the Peruvian Amazon.
Advances in Econ. Bot. 5. New York Botanical Garden, NY. 107 pp. (Cited as DAT)
Duke J.A. 1986b. Isthmian Ethnobotanical Dictionary. Third Edition, 325 pp, Scientific
Publishers, Jodhpur, India. (Cited as JAD)
Duke J.A. 1992a. CRC Handbook of Biologically Active Phytochemicals and their Bioactivities.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (Published both as hardcopy book and as WordPerfect Database).
183 pp. (Cited as CRC)
Duke J.A. 1992b. CRC Handbook of Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other
Economic Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (Published both as hardcopy book and as
WordPerfect Database). 654 pp. (Cited as CRC)
Duke, J.A. and duCellier, J.L. 1993. CRC Handbook of Alternative Cash Crops. CRC Press, Inc.,
Boca Raton, FL, 536 pp. (Cited as DAD)
Elisabetsky, E. and Posey, D.A. 1989. Use of Contraceptive and Related Plants by the Kayapo
Indians (Brazil). J. Ethnopharm. 26:299-316. (Cited as EAP)
FAO. 1986. Some medicinal forest plants of Africa and Latin America. Food and Agriculture
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de Feo, V. 1992. Medicinal and magical plants in the northern Peruvian Andes. Fitoterapia
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Ferreyra, R. 1970. Flora Invasora de los Cultivos de Pucallpi y Tingo Maria. (Cited as RAF)
Gentry, A.H. 1993. A Field Guide to the Families and Genera of Woody Plants of Northwest
South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru). Illustrations by R. Vasquez Martinez. Conservation
International. Washington, DC. 895 pp. (Cited as GAV, source of most of the illustrations)
Grenand, P., Moretti, C. and Jacquemin, H. 1987. Pharmacopées taditionnels en Guyane:
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MacBride, J.F. 1936-. Flora of Perú. Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Services,
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Maxwell, N. 1990. Witch Doctor's Apprentice, Hunting for Medicinal Plants in the Amazonian,
3rd Edition, Citadel Press, New York. 391 pp. (Cited as NIC)
Missouri Botanical Garden. 1993. Florula de las Reservas Biologicas de Iquitos. Computer
Printout. (Cited as RBI)
Rutter, R.A. 1990. Catalogo de Plantas Utiles de la Amazonia Peruana. Instituto Linguistico de
Verano. Yarinacocha, Peru. 349. (Cited as RAR)
Schultes, R.E. and Raffauf, R.F. 1990. The Healing Forest. Dioscorides Press, Portland, 484 pp.
(Cited as SAR)
Soukup, J. 1970. Vocabulary of the Common Names of the Peruvian Flora and Catalog of the
Genera. Editorial Salesiano, Lima. 436 pp. (Cited as SOU)
Robineau, L., Ed. 1991. Towards a Caribbean pharmacopoeia, TRAMIL-4 Workshop, UNAH,
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Valdizan, H. and Maldonado, A. 1982. La Medicina Popular Peruana (Documentos
Ilustrativos). Imp. Torres Aguirre. Lima. 3 vols. (Cited as VAM)
Vasquez M., R. 1990. Useful Plants of Amazonian Peru. Spanish Typescript. Second Draft. Filed
with USDA's National Agricultural Library. (Cited as RVM)
GENERAL REFERENCES: Reader's Digest Magic and Medicine of Plants; Natural Health's
World Medicine; Lewis and Elvin-Lewis Medical Botany