Rhinovirus 14 (3D image reconstruction from electron microscopy data)
Spencer SM., Sgro JY., Dryden KA., Baker TS., Nibert ML. (1997)
IRIS explorer software for radial-depth cueing reovirus particles and
other macromolecular structures determined by cryoelectron microscopy
Journal of Structural Biology. 120(1):11-21
See also:
Structural Virology at Purdue University
MPEG version (103K)
Quicktime version (373K)
The movie (created on a Macintosh computer) shows a rotating EM reconstructed rhinovirus 14.
The images used to create this movie were supplied by Tom Smith, Purdue
University. The EM reconstruction was done in Timothy Baker's
laboratory, Lilly Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette Indiana
47907 USA.
(Tim Baker:tsb@bragg.bio.purdue.edu).
Please consider this as a privileged personnal communication.
Created April 1993
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