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Home / Selected Geology

Selected Geology

Geologic Time Scale
Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks
Sequence Stratigraphy
The Gaia Hypothesis
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Teaching Documents about Geochronological Methods@
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies of the European Keuper@
Glossaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: Geology@
Glossaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: Palaeontology@
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Home / Selected Geology / Geologic Time Scale

Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks
Sequence Stratigraphy
The Gaia Hypothesis
! Teaching Documents about Stratigraphy and Historical Geology@
! Teaching Documents about Geochronological Methods@
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies of the European Keuper@
Glossaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: Geology@
Glossaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: Palaeontology@
Glossaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: Chemistry and Geochemistry@
Databases focused on Palaeobotany and Palaeontology@
Natural Stones@
Homepages of Triassic Workers@

Geologic Time Scale

Kenneth Barbalace, University of Alaska, Fairbanks: Geological Time Scale. Data taken from: MODERN PHYSICAL GEOLOGY, Graham R. Thompson Ph.D., Jonathan Turk Ph.D., Saunders College Publishing.

BBC Online, BBC Education, London: The Essential Guide to Rocks (This animation was a collaborative effort between the BBC, Birkbeck College London, and H & K Netcoms): Britain's Rocky Past. An animation and interactive timeline featuring 4600 million years of dramatic continental drift, fossil life and rocks, including simplified UK geological maps (Click "Rock map"). You'll need the Shockwave Flash plugin. Click " Go to animation".

Museum of Paleontology (UCMP), University of California at Berkeley: Web Lift for Geological Time. See also: The Geologic Time Scale in Historical Perspective.

Simon Biggs: Fossil Collections of the World. Check the rubric Geology Time Scale. Not updated for a long time.

Goran Bogicevic, Department of Regional Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Mininig and Geology at Belgrade, Yugoslavia: Boggy´s links to Stratigraphy and Geochronology. u!

N. Brandt, Cambridge, UK: Niel´s Timelines and Scales of Measurement. Some timelines and scales of measurements, e.g. evolution timeline, geological timeline, cosmological timeline. Choice of TEX, DVI, or ASCII files to view.

R. M. Bustin, University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Origin of some of the names in the geologic time scale. Part of "Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks". Further chapters are accessible via http://www.science.ubc.ca/~geol256/notes/.

Terra Nova, Bristol: An interactive Geologic Time Scale.

Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary: Geological Time Scale. With brief introduction.

ES Designs: Geologic Time Scale. This geologic time scale provides a directory of links to web pages for each time interval.

! Geological Society of America: Geoscience Initiatives, Geologic Time Scale, or better here (PDF file). Excellent!

Douglas Henderson, Whitehall, MT: Earth History Illustrations. A gallery of scientific illustrations representing earth´s ancient life. Click through the geologic timeline of Earth history to visualize life in prehistoric times.

! International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS): Timescale. This edition of the International Stratigraphic Chart is intended to give a clear picture of the present state of the art in chronostratigraphic subdivisions of geological time, mentioning only units recommended for international use. Updated to summer 2001, including the current status of formal and proposed chronostratigraphic units. Download a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version of the International Stratigraphic Chart.

Christof Kuhn, Vienna: Etymology of geological units.

Andrew MacRae: Radiometric Dating and the Geological Time Scale. Circular Reasoning or Reliable Tools? This TalkOrigins site (a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins) discusses the way radiometric dating and stratigraphic principles are used to establish the conventional geological time scale.

William L. Newman and Kathie Fraser, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS): Geologic Time. Two scales are used to date these episodes and to measure the age of the Earth: a relative time scale, based on the sequence of layering of the rocks and the evolution of life, and the radiometric time scale, based on the natural radioactivity of chemical elements in some of the rocks (a list of group of rocks and materials that have dated by various atomic clock methods).

Jeff Poling, Dinosauria On-Line: Geologic Ages of Earth History.

Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara: Clickable Geologic Time Scale.

Senckenberg, Centre for Biodiversity Research, Natural History Museum Frankfurt am Main: Time Scale (partly in German).

Steven M. Stanley (W. H. Freeman & Company): Earth System History. An online companion for the student and the instructor (interactive exercises, key terms, review questions, web links).

US Geological Survey and the National Park Service: USGS Geology in the Parks, What is Geologic Time? See also: Age of the Earth, Radiometric dating (PDF file). Overview of evidence for a 4.55 billion year age of the Earthand of radiometric dating techniques. Written at upper high school to college level. See also: Geologic time scale (DNAG). PDF file. Black and white version of Decade of North America time scale.

USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington: The Geologic Time Scale.

WebDoGS, maintained by the students and faculty of the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Kentucky: WebDoGS Time Machine.

YAHOO: Earth Sciences > Geology and Geophysics > Geologic Time.

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This index is compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber, Mineralogisches Institut, Universität Würzburg,
Last updated January 02, 2002

Argus Clearinghouse approved.